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  1. Hi I can not select anything else from drop down menu ( where you would select video) apart from still image. Has anybody has that problem ?
  2. Hi guys, just signed up here. Im a Professional videographer looking for a nice high quality B-Cam that matches the footage from my Blckmagic Pocket 4K Camera well. The last months I was able to borrow a Fuji XT-3 from a friend as gimbal B-Cam and the footage was really useable for professional work and also matched the color science of my Blackmagic Cm really well. Since I also didnt have a reasonable stills camera for vacation trips for years, I wanna spend in a b-camera that also fits the gap for shooting great stills on vacation and Behind the scenes on video production. My picks atm are the XT50, esapically because of a great offering at my local dealer, but also its bigger brother XT-5. Video and stills quality wise, they should pretty much deliver exact same results. The only complaint about the XT-50, which costs about 600-700 € less than the XT-5 here in germany, is that it's not weather sealed. I really don't care about that as far as videoproduction goes, but I don't wanna get into problems in winter vacation in northern Norway the upcoming month.. Should I invest in XT-5 to get weather resistsnace? How important is it? Espiaclly when traveling in snow and cold contortion.. apart from this, the xt-50 looks really nice with high video bitrate options and great stills.. Thanks !
  3. First off the context I'm coming from is as a fashion, and commercial photographer who shoots with Nikon. I've been playing with Fujis for the last couple of years, and been following developments very closely, but haven't invested yet. I'd also like to add that I'm looking for camera systems that have strong options for photo and video. I'm not interested in buying a dedicated video camera as I'd just rent out a RED or similar when budget allows. Anyone who works in the commercial photography scene will know that video is creeping in to the field quite fast. It's becoming a necessity to expand your skill base, and photographers are expected to direct video, and stills on one day. Now after a long history of a single-minded focus on stills (which I fully appreciate), with the X T2 Fuji has proven that it can develop a camera with strong video capabilities. 4k from oversampled footage, and F-LOG. This is important because as photographer have to take on extra responsibilities, so does their gear. Currently Nikon video game is lacking. Sony has the A7r range for photos and the A7s range for video. Micro 4/3 has Olympus for photos, and Panasonic for video. Canon has DSLRs for photos, and a whole other video department (their DSLRs are about equal for video as Nikon) Part of the reason Sony, and Panasonic are doing so well for video is Price, and Weight. If you're using a Gimbal, or a lot of other equipment, weight becomes very important. I'm currently not interested in investing in Sony as it provides no benifits over Nikon in my opinion. I've shot with top end Olympus before and I'm not really a fan. This is what Fuji would need to create a very strong mirrorless that could compliment their photo based lineup, and strongly compete with other video centric cameras. HDMI out, while recording to SD card (for external monitor) In camera features like focus peaking, LUTs, etc Fully articulating screen Good sound input & Headphone port A zoom lens with great continuous video autofocus (maybe this is for firmware or in camera autofocus) 4k, 60fps (2k 60fps would be fine) High bit rate recording A phone app that can be used as external monitor with controls, focus peaking, LUTs, etc would be amazing. (this saving costs of external monitor would be instant buy for me)
  4. Hello everybody, I am aware that the X T-1 does not perform very well shooting video, but I am experiencing a strange effect that I have not seen described before. (I read about moire and the autofocus issues). In sunny conditions, and on grass/in nature, when I film with manual focus with or without focus peaking highlighting enabled, it looks as if there is a 'shadow' where the focus peaking would have been seen in the viewfiender. This 'shadow' moves as I manually change the focus back and forth. Here are some examples shot with the XF 35 mm F1.4, with aperture set to 1.4: All other settings (ISO, Shutter) set to auto, film simulation is standard, movie mode is Full HD 60fps. I have tried changing those settings but it does not make a difference (as far as I can see). The effect is less intruding with a lower aperture. Have anyone else seen this? (Could someone we bothered to go outside and try?) Any comments are welcome. Thanks, B.
  5. I moved this post to the Fuji X-T1 / Fuji X-T10 forum.
  6. I for one hope Fuji keeps improving their video quality. This got me thinking, canon has the popular hack of Magic Lantern which enables full 14bit raw recording (albeit at lower realities and for limited time). However Fuji raw files are massive, but their jpegs rule. I wonder if Fuji has considered implemented a similar approach (ie 1080p jpegs at 24fps, or higher resolution and frame rates). And then maybe a incamera to stitch them together for people who want it right then. This is probably very niche, but Fuji doesn't have any video line to protect like most of the other companies. I really don't want to have two sets of cameras and lenses etc.
  7. Hey Everyone, I want to share with you a video that I have made with my Fujifilm X-T1. I know it's not the best camera for video, I'm mainly a photography guy but I do some video too. I couldn't link the video so here is the link for the full story: http://www.mostafa-elrefai.com/portfolios/project-midnight/ This is my first post and I couldn't find a video forum, so I posted in the photo forum.
  8. EDIT: Solved (root cause banding due to crappy App), see post #5, http://www.fuji-x-forum.com/topic/3290-x-pro-2-video-and-wifi-flickering-video/?do=findComment&comment=29803 Hi everybody I did some experiments with video today, as I did have some weird effects when I tried video the last time... It seems that Video works fine when you start it directly on the camera and the WiFi is turned off. When I started video via the Fuji App from a phone connected by WiFi (using it as a remote release), the video was exceptionally badly flickering (and half the size only, it seems to do full 1920x1080 without wifi, 1280x720 with wifi. Wifi on: https://youtu.be/ky0yDR2Cwxo Wifi off: https://youtu.be/vhB49Xyz5V0 Did you experience something like that? Anything to get the video working? Best regards Nils
  9. Hello guys, After a few day with the X70 in my hands, I made this video to express my feelings (sorry it's in french). I give you a translated text in english, below the video. I choose this camera as I felt in love with the X100. I have used one but never had the chance to get one. I was sparing to buy it. But Fuji released the X70. Same tech but without view finder. I liked that the X70 get a orientable touch-screen and a auto button than the X100 doesn't have. I wanted to have a camera always on me. For personal memories and candid photos. I also like than someone else can use it with the auto-buton. So it become the camera of the whole family. I like the WIFI connectivity of the FUJI system to share directly the pictures. The orientable screen let me to stay in eyes contacts with my subject. I also was attracted by the X70 as it seems great for the style of pictures I'm creating. I work a lot with bands (rock, metal), so I'm often making pictures lying on the floor to find a great angle. With this screen I don't need to take silly positions. I'm also shooting wide angle for bands. The leaf shutter let me get a high speed flash sync. Then I can create a fantasy ambiant who is really relevant to my own style. In the bad points I would love to get an analogic button to set my ISO but I understand why it was not possible in terms of size of the camera. Fuji made a great job on how you can parameter and personalize the butons. There is a total of 8 customs buttons. Sometimes the buttons are a bit hard to press because the camera is small. I don't have big fingers and I sometimes have difficulties to press the rec button and use the cross arrows. It's a details but I also feel that the rec buttons looks a bit cheap. The red dot is not 100% centered in the button. It's only aesthetics, nothing blocking but that's a pity on that kind of camera. I'm really picky in terms of details. Anyway, to be honest I can totally live with those bad sides. The good points are way more huge ;-). I love the size of this camera anyway. I can really bring it with me everywhere. My way to take photographs has evolved since I switched to FUJI. I'm sure this X70 will change the game, again. Try this little camera, it will make you (re)discover photography. It's a great camera for amateurs who want to learn manual photography. The budget made it accessible. It's a little boy capable of many things. For me, photography is anymore about megapixels but about experiment. And using the X70 (such as many other Fuji camera) is a great experience. And voilà :-). Hope you enjoyed this little review.
  10. Hello everybody. This is my first post on this forum after being a quiet reader for some time. I am a fairly new Fuji-X Shooter from Germany. Before Fuji i used a Canon 7D for a couple of years and a Sony a7II after that for about one year. I switched to Fuji with the new X-T2 mainly because of lens selection, colors from the x-trans sensor, manual buttons availability and price policy of Fuji. Recently i spent about 3 weeks on a roadtrip in Australia with my girlfriend. The first vacation where i put the X-T2 to real use. Besides taking a lot of photos, i really wanted to test out the video capabilities. So i shot a lot of 4K footage. You can find some of the photos on my 500px page https://500px.com/johannes-toenne/galleries/australia-november-2016 and i published my video on Vimeo I still have to get to know this camera more, but so far i am very impressed and happy with switching to Fuji. Let me know what you think and feel free to ask any questions if you have some. Johannes
  11. Hello, I am a new member and already have an issue with my newly acquired used X-T1. I tried looking for the search feature of this forum but could not locate it. So here is my problem: Whenever I press on the RED button (video button) next to the ON/OFF knob, the AF MODE message came on giving me 3 options SINGLE POINT, ZONE and WIDE/TRACKING and no video. I chose one option after another and still no video recording. I have also tried to hold down the RED video button for 2, 3 seconds, still nothing. There must be something in the setup that messed things up. I hope to find some help here. Many thanks in advance.
  12. I'm quite happy about annoucement of new update for X-T20, however there are few things that I'm really missing and some updates could add some of those in future. For instance: 1. Add histogram to video mode. 2. Add mic-level preview in video mode. 3. Customization of front dial. 4. Faster response of sensor in EVF + eye sensor mode. 5. Ability to wake up camera by press different button than shutter-release button (sometimes it wakes camera and also take picture immediately). 6. Smaller horizontal line, less disturbing during shooting. 7. More sensitive camera position sensor. Sometimes menu wont turn to portrait mode after turn camera in that angle. 8. Ability to add vignette effect in JPG's, like grain or saturation. What do you think is still missing and could be added or fixed? Thanks.
  13. Hello Everyone, I’m trying to use the FujiFilm phone app: CAM REMOTE with my X100F and while it works well for taking pictures, I am having difficulty with using it for video, which I would really like to do. While I can do a single focus, when taking pictures, by tapping the screen where I would like to focus, then taking the picture, this does not work in the video mode. In video mode, it seems the only option is for a continuous focus mode where it is always searching for focus — seems like it is looking for movement and focusing on that. Is there are a way to change it so that I can tap on my phone screen and set a single focus point and NOT have it continuously searching for focus (it makes quite a bit of noise). Any other apps (for iPhone or Mac) or advice on recording video (being able to control focus and start a video) remotely using the x100f, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
  14. I am primarily a videographer and I've been absolutely LOVING our XT-2's, but... When we shot Canon, we always popped a Zacuto viewfinder onto our LCD screens to check focus and to shade the screen in bright situations. My current Zacuto setup does work on the XT-2 but it blocks the battery release and, occasionally, it will make the screen go black (really randomly). Anyone else filming regularly who has found a better viewfinder solution? Thanks! Joanna Sample of our work:
  15. Please have a look at my video (better to watch in HD or even 4K) - the boat on the right edge. It "jumps" or "jiggle" back and forth every fiew seconds. Same with left edge. It looks like that some lens correction or something might be applied spontaneously. Any idea what might that be and how to avoid it?
  16. Here's a video I shot with the XT2 and 16-55mm lens. I shot 4k and cropped down to HD to get the pans and camera moves. One thing that I noticed was the lack of dynamic range especially in the highlights. I can normally pull detail back into the blacks and highlights with other cameras but I cannot do this with the T2. Hopefully this can be fixed with future firmware updates. https://vimeo.com/188809493
  17. I couldn't help noticing that there is a movie icon in the GFX menu... you can see it here: http://www.photographyblog.com/news/fujifilm_gfx_50s_hands_on_photos/ No mention of video capabilities in the announcement, however. I realise this might not be a priority for a lot of potential users, but shooting motion with those lenses and that size sensor does have interesting possibilities. Anyone in Koln able to look through the menu and glean any more information?
  18. I'm sure it's some stupidly simple setting somewhere but when I shoot video on my new to me X-T2 it looks washed out or grey. I figured it was some setting and tried everything I could think of. Nothing worked. The last thing I tried was film simulation. But that option is unavailable. It is greyed out / I can not access that menu in any way while shooting video. So two questions that may or may not be related: How to access film simulation while shooting video and what would be causing the washed out video? Thanks. Edit, I don't know if it matters byt when shooting video under the Q menu only the white balance, sharpness, face detection and lcd brightness are accessible. A screen shot of the video taken with my X-T2 and a picture of what the scene actually looks like (taken with a cell camera).
  19. Hello everyone. I recently bought this beautiful camera. I recorded short videos, everything was ok. But when I recorded 15 minutes, at 5:38 minutes the sound and video disappears. At what it disappears only on the MacBook, it was sent via a USB C cable. Tried 2 different video outcome one. On the camera itself, the video is complete. How to send video to MacBook correctly. Thank you very much in advance.
  20. Greetings, Fuji friends! I'm having a conundrum. I have a slew of footage from an X-T3 I'm assembling in Premiere Pro. Footage specs: - 30 and 60 fps 4K -10 bit (internal) 8:2:0 -H265 -HEVC -All shot in F-log All of the unedited shots look great (for F-log, that is) in iMovie and QuickTime. When I ingest them into Premiere Pro, however, there's a bizarre pixelated swath of green and pink in the lowlights. No amount of color correction can solve it, and Davinci Resolve is no better. I have tried changing sequence settings, converting to Pro Res, and attempted many different encoding formats in Media Encoder with limited to no success. Has anyone ever faced this issue? Adobe support is stumped. Any assistance you can provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
  21. For stills, I'm using backbutton focus. And I'm able to select the focus point and track it in continuous focus. Works great. But in video mode, I can't find a way to track an object - only a face using face detect. The rear touch screen doesn't seem to work this way. When I select a point, it behaves as single focus, even when the camera is set to continuous focus. Also, I'm often using the camera on a gimbal and need to rely on the rear screen for setting the focus point. To date, I've mainly had to use the X-T4 in manual mode for video which is disappointing. Am I missing something?
  22. So I don't usually shoot video with my beloved X-T1. But, in the past few days, I figured I'll try to shoot a few videos of the kids. I know I couldn't use auto focus, so while using the manual focus, I found it very difficult to insure focus using either the EVF or the LCD screen. The focus peaking feature doesn't seem to work while shooting a video. Any advice/tricks? Thanks, Omar
  23. I'm new to this camera and was looking for an autofocus subject tracking mode in video, as tracking in stills mode is supported. I've come to fuji cameras from using Canon kit, namely the 70d and M50, both of which supported subject tracking by simply clicking on an object using the touch screen. For example, if you wanted to video a pet running, subject tracking is very advantageous. As I understand it, my fuji doesnt support this, except in stills mode. I wonder, do folks here think this is possible with a firmware update? I beleive Sony added similar tracking options to the A6400 this way..
  24. I am starting to use my X-T2 for video production and I have a SmallHD 701 Lite that I used with my Canon's. I cannot get this external monitor to work with the X-T2 anyone here have experience using external monitors?
  25. What are the best zoom lenses and prime lenses for 4K 24 FPS video on the XT-4? I'm looking to duplicate the film days as closely as I can. The greatest like Steven Spielberg (Schindler's List, E.T. The Extraterrestrial, Duel), John Carpenter (Escape from New York/L.A., Big Trouble in Little China). I plan to do Black and White, and color. Thanks.
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