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Found 25 results

  1. TLDR/Questions: How do you acquire initial and keep focus on objects not directly in the center of your frame, without taking the time to move the joystick/focus wheel to your desired spot, if you don't have consistent/reliable AF-C and tracking on the X100VI/fuji systems? I've been using my Nikon ZF with a 40mm f/2 (AF-C, 3D tracking, face/eye-detect, back button focusing & recomposing) and was previously a Nikon D7100 shooter. I've used back button focusing to point the camera directly at my subject (at the center of the frame), hold down back-button focus, and slowly recompose by moving the camera left/right. It's been so great on my ZF, that I can leave the camera in AF-C basically 24/7 even for still subjects. I take pictures of family and friends, travel/vacation, street photography, etc., so pretty much a 'general' use case. It feels 'unnatural' and it takes me out of the moment when using the d-pad or focus lever to move around my focus block. I don't use AF-S nearly enough to focus and recompose with it, since I want to 'be ready to take the shot' especially outdoors when anything can happen, and I like how the focus square stays on top of the initially focused object on AF-C. Since the ZF's system was so good, all of my best pictures have stayed on AF-C and 3D tracking with back-button focusing. But, I've recently acquired an X100VI and when using the same focus and recompose with BBF, it doesn't even come close (AF-C, Wide Area/Tracking, back button focusing and recomposing) in terms of precision, accuracy, speed, and most importantly reliability. It's unconfident even in the most static/non-action packed situations, the lens motor whirls and whines (lens limitation I suppose) even if I'm not moving the camera and I'm keeping it pointed straight on. I've set the AF-C with tracking sensitivity to the max, speed tracking 0, zone area switching auto.I've read online that Fuji users often use AF-S with single point, or AF-C with zone, but to be totally honest for everyday shots, I prefer to leave the camera in a single 'setting' and have it work accurately 98% of the time. To me, that looks like the settings I have on Nikon ZF which produces tack-sharp and accurate images. Coming from the D7100, I felt like I had to actively try to get shots out of focus because it's so damn good! Is there an optimal/ideal autofocus mode for me? Or, is the X100VI just 'not it' for me if I'm wanting this capacity at least compared to the Nikon ZF? Thank you!
  2. I am going on a Safari in Botswana/Namibia and plan to use my XF100-400mm on my X-Pro2. I don't have that much experience in wildlife photography and I have also not used the XF100-400mm that much so far. Which autofocus mode would you recommend: - Singe Point? - Zone? - Wide/Tracking?
  3. Hey guys, I had a quick question regarding the 56mm 1.2 R. So I just bought this lens about a couple weeks ago, used it once and it was great, it was a sunny day outside and I was taking pics of friends. The next time I went out and used it, I noticed it had a really hard time focusing on subjects, on this day, it was a bit cloudy but nothing too bad by our pacific north-west standards. I have read that this lens does struggle on focusing on less contrasty things. However I didn't think it would struggle to detect someone’s face when I'm standing near them, I could not for the life of me get it to lock focus for longer than a second. Ever since this day I have been testing it on different things and noticed that whenever I try to lock focus on something it just hunts and hunts, it will lock after a bit for a quick second but if you don't click the shutter instantly, it will begin hunting randomly again. I tried my 18-55mm and it locks and holds the focus no problem. I was trying to look this up online and I have been reading mixed answers. Should I contact Fuji or is this is normal thing for this lens? I tried High Performance mode and a bigger/smaller focus box. Apologies if this is a stupid question, kind of a beginner on all of this and I might be a bit paranoid since I just spent a lot on this lens ha!
  4. Hello everyone, I just got my XT1 graphite and I'm psyched. I wanted to know how to lock the focus without refocusing? on the canon there was an option to lock the refocus. for exmaple you press on the half shutter and then you press on the lock button, and now you can shoot focus locked, up until i release the button. I wanted to see if there as a simular way to first press the AF-L and make it act as a lock and not FOCUS + lock. the only options I found on the XT1 was its to make it AFL on/off or AFL press/release. so how can i get rid of the AF and just keep L? I hope I'm not making it too confusing. Also can someone recommend wireless transmitter for external flash. I used the vello but I keep having misess with the flash syncing.
  5. Hi Fujilovers! I had an idea if anyone is interested… As you may know, the company Viltrox is producing AF adapters for M lenses and AF Speed Booster adapters for Sony APS-C. Wouldn't it be amazing if they made one for Fuji X mount, also lot's of mounts would be great (MD, M42, PK, OM, FD, Canon EF,…) like with their other adapters. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-Viltrox-EF-E-Mount-Adapter-Auto-Focus-AF-for-Canon-EF-to-Sony-E-mount-APS-C-/321960438601?hash=item4af6566b49:g:daoAAOSwBLlVbQ~N Yes I am aware the AF speed is nowhere near Fuji's lenses, but the idea is somewhat promising. Wouldn't that be amazing? Having a reasonably cheap, ''high quality'' focal reducer, making your camera ''work'' like it's almost full frame in some aspects (depth of field) and gathering 1 extra stop of light and also using it for auto focusing your adapted MF lenses. For me at least, that would change the whole perspective on the ''adapting lenses'' thing, as the adapter is rather small and the benefits (1EV, sharpness, FF depth, lens character, BOKEH!!) are just too big to ignore. The X-Pro2 and newer ILC X-Mount cameras would benefit a lot from this, considering the AF is up to modern standards. I don't see why Viltrox couldn't make this possible. There's gonna be a lot of people buying the X-Pro2, X-T2,… and many of them have at least some old MF lenses. This would work with most vintage glass (Leica M mount excluded).
  6. Hi ! I recently migrated from a canon to a fuji x-t2 for my sport photography. I had to find out how to focus sometimes on the left of the frame, and then a split second later to focus on the right of the frame... And... it's easy ! I describe how I do it on this post : https://blog.laurencebichon.com/en/simple-way-switch-focus-left-right-sport-photography-fuji-x-t2/ If you have additional ideas, suggestions, please leave a comment…Thanks ! Laurence
  7. does anybody know which (non fuji) zoom lens works well with fuji x series with the metabones adapter? and will it have autofocus and continuous autofocus? and auto tracking when using metabones??/
  8. I bought a Fuji x100t couple months ago and I haven't played much with the continuous autofocus until now. I'm not sure if I have a problem on my camera or if you guys are experiencing the same results with yours, but the C-AF doesn't seem to work very well. Actually it is totally unusable on my x100t. I took a video to better describe the problem (link below). The C-AF seems to always hunt even in the best light conditions and it's horrible between f6.3 and f16. With a wider aperture it seems to work. Even though I'm not very impressed by Fujifilm AF speed and accuracy, I understand it's not on par with a big DSLR or the micro43 system. Do you guys think I should bring the camera back to the store? https://youtu.be/lJg3M2id0gA
  9. My X-T2 autofocuses as expected with my several zoom lenses, but does not autofocus in any mode with my XF 14mm or 23mm primes. I have two X-T2 bodies, and this is true of both. Suggestions to attain autofocus with these lenses?
  10. Hello Everyone, I’m trying to use the FujiFilm phone app: CAM REMOTE with my X100F and while it works well for taking pictures, I am having difficulty with using it for video, which I would really like to do. While I can do a single focus, when taking pictures, by tapping the screen where I would like to focus, then taking the picture, this does not work in the video mode. In video mode, it seems the only option is for a continuous focus mode where it is always searching for focus — seems like it is looking for movement and focusing on that. Is there are a way to change it so that I can tap on my phone screen and set a single focus point and NOT have it continuously searching for focus (it makes quite a bit of noise). Any other apps (for iPhone or Mac) or advice on recording video (being able to control focus and start a video) remotely using the x100f, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
  11. Page 79 of the manual talks about the two AF technologies. TTL contrast-detect AF offers more focus points (A) than intelligent hybrid AF (B), which combines phase-detection with TTL contrast-detect AF. Are these selected by the camera based on light conditions? I don't see a toggle in the menu and there's only one other unhelpful reference in the manual. Thanks, Stan
  12. I am reposting this from another x forum as I am hoping Fuji will see this if no one has already requested: I love the auto focus - it's terrific- but, I feel TOO fast for cinematic-like focus pulls when one operator / cinephotographer is shooting moving picture work. It's a dead giveaway it's on auto, with one operator. I would like to make a feature request in a firmware update for two additional slower modes for continuous auto focusing: Just "slower" and "slowest" or maybe "cine", and thin slowest called something like "slow". The current snappy pull simply does not look like a typical focus pull for a filmmaker. It is set up for snap pulls- which can work for action - but optimized for stills work, less so for motion. Adding these options would be a huge benefit to single-person run and gun operators , eg those who shoot short film, documentary etc, and automagically also enable the operator to better adjust framing on the fly to help ensure the focus pull locks onto the intended target . . . . Adding this feature, plus FLOG to the SD card (PLEASE try to keep it 4:2:2!) would make the X-T2 KILLER. LOVING the XT2 so far. Richard
  13. Hi, I’m having some trouble with getting the green focus square to show. I’ve checked the obvious things like ‘AF point display’ is on and I’m using ‘zone’ focus mode. I’ve tried both AF-C and AF-S. I’ve even tried resetting all shooting settings. I’d really like to see the green square to know exactly what the camera is focusing on. Does anyone have any suggestions? I’m using an X-T3 with the 16-55.
  14. How do I set my xt20 so I can hold it halfway and adjust the focus? Also, the shutter is so sensitive that I end up taking pictures when I turn the camera on and off. Am I doing something wrong in my settings? thanks mary
  15. I'm new to this camera and was looking for an autofocus subject tracking mode in video, as tracking in stills mode is supported. I've come to fuji cameras from using Canon kit, namely the 70d and M50, both of which supported subject tracking by simply clicking on an object using the touch screen. For example, if you wanted to video a pet running, subject tracking is very advantageous. As I understand it, my fuji doesnt support this, except in stills mode. I wonder, do folks here think this is possible with a firmware update? I beleive Sony added similar tracking options to the A6400 this way..
  16. I stumbled upon a youtube video from "make art now" ,he was showing the new "DJI LiDAR 3D focus system". , Which can be used to give vintage lens "autofocus" ability . So we can get the oldest and unique Lenses and use it for daily work or fun ,same way we use a lens with auto focus ! .it seems interesting to me and i thought it will be useful for everyone here , who likes some specific vintage lens but wasn't buying it because it doesn't have auto focus ! .
  17. I was imagining if ,fujifilm itself or any third parties ,make a auto focusing speedbooster to use fujifilm gfx lenses on fujifilm x series camera's !! . i might sound stupid , but actually it has great benefits in many area's . people who own x series and gfx series ,don't have to buy different lenses . also the camera industry is slowly shifting to medium format from full frame , so we will start seeing speedbooster for gfx lenses to different fullframe mount's of other manufacturer cameras too . so what do you think about this ? ,let's us all share our opinion's here ! about this , so maybe this might lead to a speedbooster ,like we said ! ,from fujifilm or third parties !! ,since many are using gfx camera's these day's ,who also has a x series body with them . so share your opinion's about this here , have a nice day !
  18. I'm new to the Fuji system and I would like to know if it's possible to set a focus zone and tell the camera to "only search for faces in that specific area", instead of hunting everywhere in the image and end up focusing on some passer-by in the background? Also, when face/eye detection isn't hitting the right target, what's the quickest way to manually toggle out of it? I tried moving my focus point with the joystick but the camera would fight me and keep picking up faces in the areas I don't want. Does anyone have a solution with this? I'm using an X-T30.
  19. Hi , i have a problem with my Xpro2 with 35mm f 1.4 .... I notice a loss of sharpness and i don't know if the camera can't focus because the viewfinder says it is in focus i attach 2 photos , one with Xpro 2 and another with H1 , to let you understand the problem... here it was f4 iso 2500 shutter 100
  20. Hi people! In your experience it is better autofocus of the xt-1 over x-e2? and what about the xt-1 against canon 5DMarkIII? I'm impressed with the optical quality but I Had no good experience with my x-e2 with a 52 1.2 lens autofocus performance. I'm thinking using my x-e2 in weddings like a back up camera. Im using canon's DLSR, but the fuji autofocus system worry me. I'm impressed with the weddings examples that I found here, and I would like to try with fuji systems
  21. I recently bought a second-hand fuji film x-e3 and it's driving me insane. It worked perfectly for the first few days of use until all of a sudden af-l won't turn off. Basically, whenever I try focusing in auto-mode by tapping the LCD an icon appears on the top right saying "AF off" and a green dot with "AFL" under pops up in the bottom. even in manual mode the "AF off" text is still there. How do I go about fixing this, I've looked at every possible resource online and can't get any help. Please get to me as soon as possible :/
  22. On the X-T5, is there any way to cycle through multiple detected faces to select the face you want in primary focus? On my X-T30ii, when I go to Settings/BUTTON/DIAL SETTING/FOCUS LEVER SETTING/TILT/, I have the following options (note #3): DIRECT AF POINT SELECTION EDIT FOCUS AREA DIRECT AF POINT SELECTION/FACE SELECT However, on my X-T5, I only see the first two options. How can I get the "DIRECT AF POINT SELECTION/FACE SELECT" option to show? I feel like this must be related to some other setting, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what. I can't seem to find anything about this in the manual. Thanks!
  23. I bought myself the 18mm f/1.4 everyone seems to love so much for shooting videos together with my XT30II. I can see why people love this lens for photography, the picture quality is stunning. However, I'm experiencing AF hunting of the worst kind and I've already tried a couple of settings other people recommend to get rid of it. But none of it seems to work for me. What am I shooting: I'm recording myself while playing electric guitar the audio is coming from somewhere else My setup is as follows: Fuji XT30II with the 18mm f/1.4 HDMI out to Elgato USB capture card going into OBS Studio for recording Here's a summary of my general video settings: 1080p@24fps with 200mbps file format MOV/H.264 LPCM SS at 1/48 manual Aperture on 1.4 open manual ISO manual (depending on the exposure) face detection on with eye auto Here's some settings I played around with according to multiple other users' recommendations: AF mode: I've tried both multi and area, but it's bad in both cases, area seems to be a tiny notch better. AF-C custom > tracking sensitivity: I tried 0, 2 and 4 AF-C custom > AF speed: I tried -5, 0 and +5 Of course I understand that those three settings are connected and I've tried many different combinations. But no success. I'd be more than happy to get any hint on what else to try. Thanks in advance.
  24. Initial lens review of Viltrox 85mm F1.8 lens on Fujifilm X-T30 camera.
  25. Hi guys, new Fuji-freak here! I bought yesterday X-T3 with the 18-55 lens and XF 50-140mm f2.8, both used. At first I was really impressed with both of them but soon I figured out that there's something strange with the 50-140 and autofocus. The problem occurs at the maximum 140mm focal lenght. The autofocus can't focus near. It will only work for longer distances (over 4-5 meters) even though the minimum focus distance should be 1 meter. Even a slight zoom out e.g. 138mm will make the autofocus work normally. All the settings are in "auto", I'm shooting in single shot mode and autofocus on single point. The problem occurs in every possible setup. Here's a video about the problem (I didn't find my stand so I had to use chair) [ignore the cat meowing] https://youtu.be/g8snv-60DBM Has anyone else had the same problem or should I return the lens?
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