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  1. I am putting together a simple cinema rig for my X-T4 so that I can mount an external battery and monitor for use with filming. I am looking for a Quick Release rod baseplate that would work with the X-T4. Has anyone tried this one? Or another that they like? https://www.smallrig.com/smallrig-lightweight-baseplate-with-dual-15mm-rod-clamp-magnesium-alloy-version-3067.html Thanks for any and all suggestions.
  2. For stills, I'm using backbutton focus. And I'm able to select the focus point and track it in continuous focus. Works great. But in video mode, I can't find a way to track an object - only a face using face detect. The rear touch screen doesn't seem to work this way. When I select a point, it behaves as single focus, even when the camera is set to continuous focus. Also, I'm often using the camera on a gimbal and need to rely on the rear screen for setting the focus point. To date, I've mainly had to use the X-T4 in manual mode for video which is disappointing. Am I missing something?
  3. I'm shooting video with X-T4 on a gimbal, in continuous mode with face detect on. If I try to change the focus point using the rear touch screen (pressing top right corner of screen until it gets to "AF", and then click on the desired focus point on the screen...it will refocus on that area, but only once. As if it was switched to single focus mode. The manual however, seems to indicate that the camera should remain in continuous focus mode and track that subject, which it doesn't. I would like be able to click on a point using the rear screen and have the camera track in continuous focus. Is this even possible? Not clear in the manual. tks.
  4. Hi all ! After updating via app (1.23) my brand new x-t4 (work like a charm with 1.22 firmware) the EVF doesn't work at all now and if i try to switch to the EVF view every thing goes black and the camera get stuck like that forever... Even if i try to reboot it, the only option is to plug out/plug in the battery. Impossible to go back to the previous firmware (what a shame on a 2000€ camera). I'm very frustrated my camera is unusable... I update again the firmware with the classic SD option, the process finish the update without a problem but the problem persist cannot do anything with it now. If the camera go sleep... Stucked. If the eye sensor is activated for the EVF... Stucked. If i try to shutdown the camera... Stucked. Thank you in advance. Best regard.
  5. Hi All, Hope that some encountered that problem before and can help. I get my X-T4 a few weeks ago with FW 1.17 and it seemed to work correctly but just for the sake of having most up-to-date version I updated to 1.22). After the update my fav view mode ([EYE SENSOR] + [LCD IMAGE DISP.]) is corrupted. It essentially keeps the LCD on whenever eye is away from EVF. Image preview is set 1.5 sec and is displayed correctly only on LCD screen. I set the LCD do info screen but it's not really how I'd like to have it working. I was hoping that 1.23 will fix it but unfortunately no change after yesterday's release. Thank you in advance! R.
  6. Hello, Totally new to photography. Got an XT4 as entry point wanting to learn. As a starting point I've just used everything on auto. Set stills to highest quality (but not using RAW). When I take film, it's awesome great quality, just what I'd expect. If I take a still of the same scene the results are totally different. Colours way less vivid, almost washed out and cropping loses quality quickly, like it's way lower res. I've scoured the internet for what I'm doing wrong - but I'm out of my depth very quickly. I was just expecting 'decent' images with everything auto. Most tutorials I've watched don't really explore everything auto. Using a Fujion XF 18-55mm Lens. Any guidance on where to start? Many thanks! PC
  7. I'm been searching for a quality dummy battery for my X-T4 and this is the first one I've seen for sale by a reputable vendor. Has anyone tried this? https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1600608-REG/gyrovu_gv_dtap_w235_d_tap_to_fujifilm_np_w235.html
  8. I wander about those 2 things hoe maya people use 2.5 remote ? - i have only just found the slot on x-t3 and second question how many even have something like that? maybe it is something to make an fujirumors questionnaire about... is the remote jack slot really needed on x-t3/ x-t4 cameras? or the next one?
  9. How about Fujifilm building a camera like an X-T4 but with no video possibilities. Could be cheaper ? Thoughts / Opinions anyone ?
  10. Brand new X-T4 here with 16-55 2.8 lens. I forgot to turn it off. Although it was set to auto shut down after 2 minutes it didn’t. Came back 2 hours later to find it still turned on and slightly hot with the screen turned on. Shouldn’t it have turned off? What could cause such behavior? Thanks!
  11. Greetings, Starting with a Nikon D750 + Sigma 50mm f/1.4 i recently moved to Fujifilm X-T4 + Fujinon 23mm f/2. I started photography to cope with my bipolar disorder and big depression which i had my whole life. In the beginning i photographed all my friends, tried to find myself in portrait niche, but quickly understood that i just cant take pictures as they want me to. And i do not use photoshop or lightroom, i am not a fan of retouch. I mastered Capture One at some point, but now i do not see any use of it, as Fuji cameras already have everything needed inside of them. After all, i do not position myself as a photographer or retoucher, its just a hobby, and i try to catch things as my damaged head sees them. For example, here is a portrait of my mother, which was just a test shot: Things now changed as i am currently working as an activity manager at a center where people with special needs live. People who live here are the most kind, honest and charismatic people i have ever met. I decided that i will try to spread their joy with the help of my hobby, and my employer was instantly hyped with the idea (god bless this woman). Here are some of the first pictures taken, thanks to Alexander who was happy to model: If you are Interested in things i share, you can check my instagram at @dom.teplosvet So, i guess that will be all for now from me. Stay kind and spread joy, fellow photographers!
  12. Greetings everybody, I searched multiple forums on the following topic, but did not get any close to solving the question explained below. So, what i am trying to understand is this: why Q menu changes saved Custom Settings permanently? i have my custom C1 settings set to be for example "noir 50's" style, i love it, it works for me, but time to time i want to tweak highlights/shadows for a step, but do not want to change C1 settings permanently. So, i shoot on a tweaked C1 settings, change to my C2 settings and assume that C1 settings goes to saved values. But somehow tweaking settings from Q menu overwrites my saved custom settings. So, is it a bug or a feature? i understand that Q menu is just a shortcut to the listed settings, hence the name Quick Menu. But i do save my C settings for a reason, do i? i thought that those C1-C7 things where supposed to be like a "shortcut to the shortcut" things, and changing them from one to another pulls according settings to the saved values, but i guess i am wrong?
  13. Hi all, this is my first post on here and a complete amateur to boot. I am very keen to buy a new camera that I will enjoy shooting with and obviously I'd like the best image quality available, so can any of you guys please advise on any thoughts, ideas based on your experiences with these cameras for the kind of shooting I want to achieve, and any images to back suggestions up is of course more than welcome, thank you in advance guys. PS, just wanted to say my budget is around £2750 gbp, for a camera, and 2 lenses if possible.📷👍😀
  14. I just bought a fuji x-t4, and since it's my first fuji camera I'm still lost in the menus. I found the option where I can set if I want it to focus before shooting or shoot right away: It's called RELEASE/FOCUS PRIORITY and can be found in the AF/MF menu. Here's a reference: http://fujifilm-dsc.com/en/manual/x-t3/menu_shooting/af_mf_setting/index.html Now how can I use a shortcut to quickly change it? I'm used to shoot a nikon camera where I've set up a shortcut to toggle this option when a "fn" button is pressed.
  15. I have a serious criticism of the X-T4 design: my Gitzo Traveler quick release plate - the smallest they make - blocks the battery door from opening fully while attached to the camera. The hinge for the door is too close to the tripod//quick release hole and the plate overlaps the hinge just enough to block it from fully opening. The result is that I cannot remove or change my battery without removing the camera from the tripod and the quick release plate from the camera. What a pain! Does anyone know of a Gitzo tripod head system compatible with the Traveler model tripod and that has a narrower plate where this won't be a problem? Thanks!
  16. Since the last firmware update to v.1.02, face detection has not been working properly on my X-T4. It activates only occasionally, and then jumps around. I've tried it with the XF35 F2 and XF16-80 F4, and experienced the same problem with both lenses. Has anyone had a similar problem?
  17. I just received an X-T4 as a gift and tried using a couple of new Transcend V90 cards with it. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1431179-REG The first one is completely dead. The second recorded stills, but when I tried to import, 18 out of 40 images failed to import into Lightroom. When I looked at them in the finder, they don’t have any data in the files I’ve head great success with these cards in my Panasonic LUMIX bodies. What cards are you all using with success?
  18. After updating the X-T4 firmware to v1.02 my camera now locks up after turning it on. The LCD view is live but the EVF does not work and all buttons on the camera are locked. After about 10 seconds the EVF and buttons begin to work as normal. I don't think I am alone with this problem and I hope a fix is coming soon. Not good.
  19. Heyho everybody, Since lately I'm a quite impressed and happy owner of the Fujifilm X-T4. Especially the option to power the camera via USB-C and powerbank is awesome for long timelapse shoots. But the playback speed when reviewing the timelapse is annoyingly slow. When I use the front dial I'm able to scroll way faster then by pressing and holding the joystick but, as my finger is limited in size, I have to reposition it and the playback interrupts, ergo no smooth playback. So is there any way to scroll faster through a lot of images? Any menu listing or workaround? For a camera capable of shooting 15fps continuous, it seems like a basic feature to have or am I missing something? Thanks in advance & sorry for my bad English
  20. Hope I can get an answer for my problem here as I've spent days searching online invain. I'm shooting only JPEG SOOC for work as I need to hand my pictures to the customers by the end of the day. As much as I love my X-T4 over my previous Sony a6500 I'm having a hard time with it. I'm only using one camera with one lens (XF18-55mm) and I'm hiking with it all day long. I take pictures of the customers around the many waterfalls and views we have around here. I rarely have time to "deal" with the camera settings. Since Fuji film simulations recipes are mostly, well, simulating films I've been getting quite a lot of compliments from customers saying the the pictures look "too artistic","dull" or "feels a bit washed color". I'm in a dire search for a modern, clean, sharp and poppi kind of film recipe! One (or more)I can use in many different scenarios. Hope my redemption will come from this forum and you good people that know photography and Fujifilm way better then me. Thank you for reading this long post and looking forward to your comments. Zohar
  21. I am newer to digital photography, so I would appreciate your patience with me and my questions. My hands shake a little bit when holding objects. I am wondering if, considering my situation, I should rule out the x-T30, even if I use it with Fuji Lenses with Image Stabilization built into them. Is that enough for me or do you feel I really must have a camera with it also built into the camera itself? For me and my slight shake, is in in-camera image stabilization, nice to have or a must have? I can currently afford the X-T30 and would like to get it, but if you advise me that, because of my minor shaking, I really should wait until I can afford the likes of the X-T4, that would be good to know. Thank you, in advance for sharing your time and expertise.
  22. Let me first introduce myself. 57 years and amateur photographer since the age of 12, although with intervals. My passion lies with portrait, fashion, street and urban landscape. All stills photography, almost no video. I started with an Olympus OM1 (which I still have and occasionally use) but have been around the block: from Olympus to Nikon to Pentax to Minolta to Canon and Leica. I took a few years off of photography, until someone lend me his X-Pro1 for a day. It reminded me of my M6 and M8. The X-Pro1 was far from perfect. However the camera grew on me and the image quality was so beautiful that it kept me wanting to shoot more. When the X-Pro2 came along I immediately upgraded and after a year or so I added an X-T2, which later on I swapped for an X-H1. The X-H1 is a bit big for Fuji standards, but after the EOS 5D its a breeze. In the meanwhile I own 9 XF lenses. Mostly primes, but also the 16-55 (hence the X-H1 for its IBIS). 90mm is the longest focal length I need (and have). For me the X-H1 also marks the transition point of Fujifilm. From this point onwards Fuji started to lose me. Let me explain. First of all next to the X-T10/20/30 Fuji launched the X-T100/200 line rendering the beautiful X-E line redundant and from what I hear, repealed soon. I understand the commercial viability of video capabilities and a DSLR-style over a rangefinder-style, but speaking of crowded market segments... Next to that Fuji launched the X-T3 only a few months after introducing the X-H1. I would have understood this if the hybrid X-H1 had the 26Mp sensor soon followed by the X-T3 with a similar sensor. But cannibalizing a flagship model within half a year or so, dramatically drop its price and discard of any meaningful firmware update for more than 1.5 years, is an insult to buyers. That kind of corporate behaviour is what we previously accused Nikon, Canon and Sony for, but they’ve bettered their lifes. It seems that history is repeating itself with the new X-T4 versus the X-T3. In a few years Fuji went from “video as an after-thougth” to “video-first”. There’s little progress in the X-T4 when it comes to stills. You could even say some degress: the fully articulating screen is not for stills photographers. Occasionally ‘killing your darlings’ is part of progress, but this almost feels like leaving a group of customers behind. In the meanwhile Fuji also launched the X-Pro3. I can dig dropping the d-pad and the reversed tilted screen. The titanium top- and bottom plates are a nice touch, but add little to the quality of the camera. What I can’t understand is getting rid of the dual magnification for the OVF. That renders any lens wider than 23mm or longer than 50mm useless in combination with the OVF, which is the main attraction of the X-Pro3. Leica already understood this decades ago... Probably Fuji’s best matured camera is the X100V. The style, new lens and tilted screen has defined today’s ultimate street camera. In fact I even consider swapping my beloved X-Pro2 for an X100V. The X100V shows that clearly defining a product line and improve and innovate on a regular basis is a better strategy than creating new and mixing existing product lines. It also makes it easier to maintain a stable pricing strategy. My hope is now on the X-H2 to restore ratio in Fuji’s product line-up and break with the recent ‘video-first’ mantra. However, considering the X-H was meant to be the hybrid stills/video camera, I fear the worst. I guess I’m part of a dying breed but Fuji please don’t make me want to buy an A7R...
  23. Date: 2021 June 30 — I have two X-T4s — one about 14 months old, the second about 5 months old (with 70-300 — fantastic lens). Yesterday I updated the firmware to 1.21. Last evening, I took one of my X-T4s to a baseball game and for the VERY FIRST TIME EVER I experienced frequent lockdowns or freezes. After taking a photo, the LCD would go black, the orange data transfer light would come on and stay on. Switching the camera on and off made no difference. The only solution was to remove and reinstall the battery. The camera would then work properly for a few more frames and then repeat the lockdown process again. That probably happened 6 or 8 times last night in an hour. This morning I repeated that scenario about 5 times. It has been suggested that the problem is related to SD cards; I had the same problem with different Lexar cards that have never failed. So it doesn't seem to be related to SD cards. Unfortunately, the defect appears intermittent; i.e., I cannot recreate the failure upon command. I have noted on Fuji-Form that a lot of people have reported similar behavior for X-T4s, but not X-T3s. Have you seen this problem in your X-T4? Do you know if the problem is unique to specific cameras or to specific versions of firmware? Do you know if Fuji is aware of the issue? Do you know if they are working on the problem? In a word, this is now a major pain in the butt. Tom Carroll Davidson, North Carolina
  24. I'm trying to shoot with flash using a Godox 2.4GHz pair & strobe lights I've successfully used before; however, my only options in my flash menu settings are Manual & OFF. The button on the transmitter works with the receiver, but trying to use flash with the X-T4 has been unsuccessful. Are there any other settings that need to be enabled so it recognizes TTL/my hot shoe mount?
  25. I just upgraded to the t4 (from the t2) and have some questions about Fuji’s approach to multiple exposures(ME). On the t2, we were limited to 2 layers and when you were satisfied with the finished image, the blended pic was saved and the source images were deleted. In the t4, we’re allowed up to 9 layers, which is lovely, but when you finish with the ME, the source Images are still on the card. The MEs are in the standard JPG format, the source pix are RAW so are much bigger. Hence, they eat up a LOT of valuable card real estate. I have scoured the manual and this forum to see if anyone knows if there is a s/w switch to enable the source file clean-up, but have not found anything. So who do I contact/ask to find out if a) there is such a switch, and b) if there isn’t, how best to make the suggestion to Fuji?
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