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Everything posted by milandro

  1. one of the best lens ever made in absolute terms and relative ones.
  2. exactly, in my camera, XT1 this only changes the name of the files produced (I gave my initials to it) but in no way I could put my entire name on it, I can add a maximum of 4 letters. Anyone could replicate this on his camera by the way, so how would this be a “ copyright”?https://www.fuji-x-forum.com/topic/6840-copyright/?tab=comments#
  3. Fuji doesn’t offer this function. You can change the name of the files into some sort of initials (mine are) and reset the counter . If you do anything processing your Raw files you can set your program to do this for you. Not that any of this cannot be bypassed anyway...
  4. I have a X-T1 and all what’s visible information in my screen is white against the black frae OR it is white in the picture (like the distance scale). I have tried the X-Pro 2 but I can’t remember that it was black and if it is, isn’t it something that you can set up in the “ display custom settings”? But when I look at various videos and read the instruction (with images) the information in the EVF is shown, like in my camera, in white. http://fujifilm-dsc.com/en/manual/x-pro2/menu_setup/screen_set-up/index.html#disp_custom_setting
  5. no need for any apology😉
  6. I didn’t suggest you’d need to buy anything not even in the glass department, that was Mike G suggestion. On the contrary, I got the impression that you already had all you need and some. good luck.
  7. “ money is no object” does seem to suggest that OP doesn’t need to chose between any particular camera or optics , he can clearly afford both. The thing is that you can only use one at the time and most importantly, it is not the camera you use but what you do with it. Maybe he prints large prints for his exhibitions in the museums around the world of very important and unique subjects or maybe he looks at his pictures on the screen of a computer to pictures of his grandchildren, who knows...
  8. I really think that you don’t need any other camera than the ones you already have, in fact, I believe that you have already too many cameras. Use the ones that you have and be happy, go and sin no more.If there is any way for you to be happy with what you have, please be. I have a friend whom is forever buying cameras and audio equipment, but he also buys clocks. They are fetishes of some sort for him.You can only use one at the time and as you get older your ears are absolutely not capable to enjoy the finesses of yet another stereo system. I see pictures shot with expensive cameras and lenses which could have been taken with cheaper ones to no detriment of the outcome. In fact I see very poorly processed pictures shot by people whom ruin them (and possibly don’t ever realize they do). It is not that I am jealous of his or yours capability to spend but is there anything that you will want to do and can’t because you don’t have the extra camera? When I was younger I was buying clothes, for example, just for fun and because I wanted something new. These days I often question myself reasons to buy yet another jacket every time I see one that I fancy. If you really don’t have any use for your money set up a scholarship which would award a camera to a deserving poor student whom cannot afford one. Good Luck.
  9. what’s TPA? I looked it up an nothing pertaining lenses came up. If you mean third party adapter ( I really think that the use of acronyms should be as sparing as possible ) there are lots ( cheap or expensive and there are many threads on those already so use the search ) but of course the great majority don’t allow for autofocus or transferring any electrics or electronics from lens to camera. There are only a few and incredibly expensive ones which can do that.
  10. The spanners menu is the many with as a symbol a spanner . I don’t know how to be clearer. I’ll try with a picture. See the spanner at the bottom? That is the Spanner menu. You really need to familiarize yourself with the camera functions. Go through them one by one. Read the manual or at the very least watch some You tube tutorials.
  11. Hello, I do have the adapter. I will send you a PM
  12. From Fuji US: http://www.fujifilm.com/support/optical_devices/tv_cine/warranty/pdf/index/Warranty_conditions_12_English.pdf What is a warranty? Your product has been manufactured to precise standards, with rigid quality control through every part of the manufacturing process. When you bought your FUJIFILM product, you were given a warranty, which means for a certain period after purchase, any manufacturing defect will be repaired by FUJIFILM free-of-charge. Our products are extremely reliable, but like all complex equipment, it is possible that faults can develop over time. How long does my warranty last? The warranty period for products bought is 12 months. The warranty period begins from the date printed on your shop or Web receipt. That is what they promise and it is a mandatory act in most countries in the world. If a camera fails past its guarantee period (which may vary) , in the majority of countries in the world , there is no legal obligation for any company to fix it free of charge. In the NL ( and the EU) we have a two year minimum mandatory guarantee for a new product but there is a theoretical protection (not described and embedded in any specific law) that makes use of the “ reasonable” usable life expectancy for a product . Generally this is longer than the minimum guarantee but the have this enforced it will take more than a simple letter reminding the shop (which is the legal counterpart and not the makers) of their obligation. So, if you are asking Fuji they MAY say they will fix it ( there is a legal obligation to provide service and parts past the guarantee expiration date but even that will stop at some stage), but why would they fix it free of charge if the guarantee has expired? They have asked you to submit the camera and they will fix it, but it is unreasonable to think that they would have to do this free of charge. The cost of repairs may vary. In some countries there is a fixed cost . If the camera is not worth to you the cost of repairs than you don’t have it done. I think it is very possible that the repairs cost will be less than a secondhand camera would cost.
  13. I don’t like to create blocks of text, I find them unreadable. But we are not here to discuss my graphic style but the one of the forum. Anyway several members have expressed their dislike which has been met with your : “ Sorry, this is it" I understood that the new form is here to stay.
  14. if this helps you have a heart on the right hand side this is the “ like” button. Childish as it may be seen, but there you go, like the plethora of emoticons (or emojis as they call them nowadays ) which we now have, is very graphic , but this is the platform that we are using. Lots of symbols , buttons, all lost in a sea of white. I know it from other fora where I participate and I don’t really like it. You can also modify the “ theme” (which is the look of the upper bar) by going all the way down and chose between default (blue bar) and Fuji forum ( also confusingly called default). This is what it looks like 🤫 Andreas has promised to come back to the look but I am afraid that this is it.
  15. yes, it is http://ultralightphotography.net/gear/fuji-cameras/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-np-w126-batteries/
  16. I don’t deny the problem exists for some but it has never driven camera designers to do anything about it. As far as I know the only 35mm camera ever to address this was the Rollei 3003 Lots of people use a LCD loupe for cameras used for video. It is a very common application. Lots of videoshootes find this a very practical arrangement)
  17. Looks like (despite promises to the contrary ) that after all , we are stuck ( for now?) with this rather boring and uninteresting look of a predominately white page. The old look was one of the major attractions of this place to me. Not all changes are for the best.😳
  18. As it was told to Noah. Build “ IT” and they will come!
  19. ^ in addition to that when using any other adapter than the M, no in camera correction is provided for any lens, the only thing you will influence (the focal length ) will only affect the efx exit data and nothing else.
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