"Jura" is geological formation in Poland (aka Kraków-Częstochowa Upland) , which dominated by rocks and deep river gorges .
It is popular local tourist destination, with hiking and biking trails, rock climbing facilities. Yesterday we did short hike with kids. The weather was fantastic, with mix of sun and short rain.
Ah, if that's what you're up to, you're in luck because I just did measurements for someone else on this exact topic:
For this kind of nonsense you need both a regular ammeter and a USB ammeter, as well as a 8.4V high current power supply...luckily I did!
Thank you very much @CatsAreGods& @flamidey! I'm also experimenting a bit and I realized that with a higher amperage USB-C power adapter my battery life appears to go down far less quickly. I'm putting an actual USB-C laptop charger on it and tomorrow will see how long it lasts on that. It appears to me that it draws from USB-C first, and if that is not enough power it pulls the extra from the battery. The question is if it supports a high enough amperage via USB-C to not pull from the battery at all.
Hopefully I will know tomorrow. Adding those two dummy batteries to my wishlist however in case I need them. Thanks again for the replies!
This Andycine is the one I used for a custom battery solution (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07SB5TM4G?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details). I just cut off the connector and kept the adapter Once you figure out which way to insert it (and triple check the polarity) and it works, take a picture of the battery in the compartment with your phone and keep it handy so you won't screw something up.