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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2021 in all areas

  1. "Jura" is geological formation in Poland (aka Kraków-Częstochowa Upland) , which dominated by rocks and deep river gorges . It is popular local tourist destination, with hiking and biking trails, rock climbing facilities. Yesterday we did short hike with kids. The weather was fantastic, with mix of sun and short rain.
    1 point
  2. One Light !
    1 point
  3. Ah, if that's what you're up to, you're in luck because I just did measurements for someone else on this exact topic: For this kind of nonsense you need both a regular ammeter and a USB ammeter, as well as a 8.4V high current power supply...luckily I did!
    1 point
  4. Thank you very much @CatsAreGods& @flamidey! I'm also experimenting a bit and I realized that with a higher amperage USB-C power adapter my battery life appears to go down far less quickly. I'm putting an actual USB-C laptop charger on it and tomorrow will see how long it lasts on that. It appears to me that it draws from USB-C first, and if that is not enough power it pulls the extra from the battery. The question is if it supports a high enough amperage via USB-C to not pull from the battery at all. Hopefully I will know tomorrow. Adding those two dummy batteries to my wishlist however in case I need them. Thanks again for the replies!
    1 point
  5. I use the Fotga NP-W126 battery coupler and it fits perfectly with a very stable connection.
    1 point
  6. This Andycine is the one I used for a custom battery solution (https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07SB5TM4G?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_dt_b_product_details). I just cut off the connector and kept the adapter Once you figure out which way to insert it (and triple check the polarity) and it works, take a picture of the battery in the compartment with your phone and keep it handy so you won't screw something up.
    1 point
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