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Posts posted by johant

  1. Yeah, and lenses are full of marketing lingo ... I'm in favour of the encyclopaedia and dictionary makers ;)


    Next time we meet Johan we will have a conversation about this. :)

    How about next week? I have vacation then :)


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  2. If you don't know yet, I would go for the 35mm. It is a very useful focal length, and not as specialised as the 90mm.


    I would go for the extra stop of light, and the optically corrected lens, but I'm sure the f/2 will suit you well too.


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk



    sometimes you need some luck in your life. I bought mine this spring via foka.nl for about 800EUR with 18 & 28 plus leather case....

    I took advantage of the same deal when it was introduced.


    The leather case is not great, in my opinion (why no flap for the battery compartment?). But I still use the 18mm and 27mm on my X-Pro1 very regularly. Since then I also bought a 35mm f/1.4 which I love as well.


    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  4. @Jürgen Heger: You know... the thing is:

    Nosegunner came here, boldly stating things that were clearly wrong. That the XF 23mm F/1.4 R was optically bad and slow focusing (which he revoked already), and that a lens like the 23 F/1.4 could be built smaller without compromising image quality, which is just wrong. Making it smaller or lighter will increase vignetting, distortion, abberations or astigmatism. Or the maximum aperture needs to be decreased.

    The first answers he received were informative and friendly (not mine), informing him about the lens in question and his misinformation. But as he got more and more agressive and stubborn about the lens being too big and fujifilm needing to make a smaller one no matter what, so were the answers from the community.


    And then came you, attacking everyone on a personal level by writing stuff like "Never criticise in a Fuji forum anything that Fuji does", implying that everyone here is unobjective and just wants to silence critique. Just look around the forum, it's full of critique and suggestions for improvement! And here you are again, calling this a "bashing of Fuji critics". It's not what this is about. Had the OP started a thread themed "Who wants a little 23/2 to accompany the 35/2", the response would have certainly been different.


    That sums it up rather nicely.

  5. @Nosegunner

    Now you got the point. Never criticise in a Fuji forum anything that Fuji does. Most readers put a lot of effort in finding the best camera system before they decided for Fuji. If you criticise anything of Fuji you also criticise the decision of these people.



    I think the point is more that many people like politeness, and are put off by the rude way the OP states his points.


    There are many discussions here about strenghts and weaknesses of the Fuji X-series (e.g. the slow AF, or the soft corners of the 18mm lens), but "c'est le ton qui fait la musique" ... and the OP clearly struck the wrong chords, in my opinion.

  6. I expect industrie leading IQ and super fast AF in January.  :wub:


    Agreed ... but actually I am quite a bit frustrated with the direction the industry is going ... 16MP RAW files are already insanely big, and now we all have to go to 24MP?


    For many people (including me), 12MP would provide more than enough resolution, and would put an end to the crazy MP-race. All I care about is low noise and high dynamic range.

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