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Best Raw processor in 2024?

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Old question, maybe new answers?

I refuse to use Adobe subscription s/w and was wondering what people recommend other than LR. I am currently using ON1 Photo Raw 2024 Max, but lately it had been running into problems, I am using an M1 Apple MacBook Pro 16” with 2 TB SSD and 32 GB ram. Some options could include:

  • Capture 1
  • Silky Pix
  • Raw Therapy
  • ON1
  • DXO

I wan to process both X-Trans sensors from X-H2/S and Bayer from GFX. Over to you guys…

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Hi Paul,

A few years back I went through an extensive review of raw developers/editors when Apple stopped supporting Aperture. I tried LR but did not like it. After eliminating several other software programs for various reasons, I narrowed things down to DxO and Capture One. Each of these has its strengths and weaknesses depending on your needs and preferences in working with files. Currently, I mainly use Capture One primarily because I use Fuji gear and find Capture One does the best job for Fuji files, although I have gotten similar good results with Olympus and Leica files. I do use the latest version of DxO for files that need to be denoised first and then transfer those files to Capture one as DxO has the best denoising software IMO.  DxO also has a standalone denoising program that is worth looking into for that alone.

Please note that Capture One has both a subscription and non subscription pricing option. Their pricing policies are somewhat controversial  within the Capture One community. I'd also take a look at Rod Lawton's website "Life After Photoshop" where he reviews a wide variety of software. I've found him helpful in the past.

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