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Everything posted by jerryy

  1. It sounds like you are using Adobe products. So ... you might have some good results trying gradient mapping (This technique also works in other photo editors.) Here are a couple of step by step tutorials: https://digital-photography-school.com/black-white-photoshop-gradient-map/ https://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-editing/black-and-white-tutorials/gradient-map-adjustment/ ps The free Raw Convertor software FujiFilm gives you with the camera does have some decent conversion options as well.
  2. Those must be incredible sights to enjoy! How are the cottonwoods in the spring? Do they turn white from all of the floaters they set free? ps. Stay safe, some of those roads are really rough when ice and snow covers them up.
  3. I had to clean out the basement and there was that tree just waiting ... :) The colors here were very different this year, the previous years they were mostly shades of orange-yellow, this year there were very few orange tinted trees anywhere. I think that red one is a sugar maple, the photos from the northeast where there are a lot of sugar maples have that same brilliant coloring. Sometimes the trips are for your enjoyment, sometimes they are to remind you to take the gear with you.
  4. Blizzards to the east of me, Snowstorms to the west, Yet here I am stuck in the middle with rain.
  5. I knew, I just KNEW when I posted that thought, it would come back and get me! Right now, where I am at, we have more of this: than this: but you are right, I accept the challenge! As soon as feasible I will out there trying to get some good ones that have snow. In the mean time I still have some more Fall Color shots
  6. I am really enjoying the series you are sharing with us, but after listening to that audio I also hope you are keeping warm!
  7. Thank you so very much! [By the way, I, along with others, are patiently waiting for your postings (hint, hint).] And to you and yours, the same: happy holidays.
  8. jerryy

    Still Life

    Is your pen(s) photo mightier than your sword (knife) photo?
  9. Nature is ... putting on the show. Thank you, you are very kind!
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