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Everything posted by merlin

  1. Salt of the Earth -- Sebastião Salgado -- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3674140/?ref_=nm_ov_bio_lk1
  2. Yes!!! That makes for great adventures.
  3. You have seen lots of photos of where the path leads. Wonderful rocks and trees, canyons, and mountain vistas.
  4. Thanks, Mike. It is like this almost all winter, except, of course, when it is snowing!
  5. Thanks very much, Mike. It was completely overcast, so the light was not the best.
  6. The finest large areas of red rock in New Mexico are near Abiquiu. These formations are along Hwy 84 about 10 miles north of the town. The substrata and most of the rock are more than 200 million years old!
  7. merlin


    Lovely set, Patrick. And, of course, velvia!!!! My choice as well for landscapes and most other nature subjects.
  8. Thanks! I was using the velvia film simulation, so perhaps that is why it appears a bit purplish. My kayaking is done on relatively slow-moving rivers. No rapids running in a 16-foot sea kayak...
  9. I don't use a waterproof case. The camera is kept in a drybag, and taken out during breaks.
  10. Autumn flowers are special!
  11. Even in macro mode, the X30 is not achieving AF in fairly close distances. I was trying to focus on a flower, but got the red AF warning, and this occurred no matter what the zoom setting. Any suggestions?
  12. I am wondering about this with my X30, as it seems when I half-press the shutter button and then recompose, exposure shifts to some degree.
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