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Hello All,
I have had my X-T5 since February and have been very happy with it. I have ensured that the camera's firmware has been updated as well as the lens. I have been in photography for 20 years and used Sony, Lumix and Olympus cameras. I made the switch to Fuji early this year.
I typically shoot in Aperture priority and am finding that the exposure of my final image is usually two stops or more lower than I originally see in the electronic viewfinder or LCD display. For example, I was taking a picture of a cityscape and had to set the exposure compensation to -1 in order to reduce highlight blowout in the scene. The image looked fine when reviewed in the viewfinder. However, when I imported into Lightroom, the RAW image was at least 3 stops darker. As I started to look at all of my files where I used an exposure compensation, I realized that I had to "fix" the exposure. If exposure compensation is not used, I don't seem to have any issues. Any thoughts?

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  • 8 months later...

I use my XT5 in full manual and the actual exposure does not match my viewfinder image. This just started to take place after owning the camera for over a year. I did a reset to factory settings, but to no avail. This is extremely frustrating, and I’m wondering if the metering system is faulty. Thoughts? 

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The EVF brightness can be set to AUTO (Screen Setting - EVF Brightness). Did you perhaps switch that on ?

Also, did you perhaps switch Preview Exp./WB to one of the other two options, i.e. WB only or OFF ?

I am not sure if the reset restores these settings. Does the actual exposure match the histogram ?

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