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Is there anyone who have owned or owns a Voigtlander lens, either adapted, or with native Fuji mount that can share an opinion on what the experience look like?

I do mostly street photography, and I switched to automatic lenses after having used manual lenses for quite some time.
I thought, after enjoying the automatic experience, I wouldn't be able, or neither like the idea of going back to manual.
But then, for pure coincidence, I put an old manual lens back on my X-Pro2 and I liked it again.

Now, my old manual lenses are fun to use, and somewhat give interesting results, but aren't exceptional lenses by any mean.

So, I stumbled upon the Voigtlander and I thought the render of those lenses is definitely something.
But they're not exactly cheap either. Therefore, before committing, I would greatly appreciate some insights from people who actually used them on a Fuji system.

I'm specifically looking at:

Voigtlander 35 f/1.4
Voigtlander 40 f/2

(Fuji mount)
Voigtlander 35 f/1.2

For some reason, the samples I saw of the 35 f/1.2 don't look as exceptional as the 35 f/1.4, but it could be a coincidence.

Edited by verysame
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