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Posts posted by pizzaman

  1. The cameras are ultimately not the point in photography.


    You have to know what you want to talk about with your work. You have to have your 'thing' - find and photograph what you care about.

    Everyone I've ever known that liked gear and/or just liked to make pretty pictures gets bored before too long.


    If you have that fire - you have a mission with your work - you may get burnt out sometimes but you'll always have that fire to come back to. The great thing about photography is that it intersects with life in so many ways, but you have to have a life and passions outside of it to keep your work interesting.


    For instance - are you social justice oriented? Let your pictures speak to that. Interested in astronomy? Let your pictures speak to that? Die hard rock climber or hiker? Let your pictures speak to that. Love the absurdity of watching people mindlessly ramble down the street? (Lots of photographers love this one!) Etc Etc. You need to look outside of photography for reasons to stay inspired.

    If you were a writer, what would you write about? You can never get excited about new gear for writing really, but still, some persist because they have something to say. Pictures are a communication device like words - they just operate differently.


    The camera is just the pen. In the end it doesn't matter too much what it is, as long as it gets out of the way and lets you do your job and talk about what's on your mind.

  2. I would like to see a lot of the improvements you pointed out but the biggest thing fuji is doing wrong to me is their dwindling production and support of their professional films.

    The prices of 400H are ridiculous compared to the (mostly superior) Portra - but sometimes the look of the Fuji films is preferable. 

  3. I used to shoot weddings on occasion and would not dream of using my Fuji gear for one at this point unfortunately. Maybe as a backup 3rd body to use when the 2nd slr isn't needed. I am very much a less is more person, but I don't see how I could come up with a kit that would do the job. When it is a day of this magnitude I would only use an SLR (canon/nikon) - there is nothing faster still. 


    I got married last year. If the photographer we hired showed up with Fuji stuff I would have sent them packing. That sounds harsh but having been on the other side of the situation and knowing the type of photography we preferred it just would not have been the best tool for the job.

    That said, we hired photographers who shoot with a decidedly photojournalist style (and that used to be my 2nd shooters), and so I know they wouldn't have done that anyways. I guess if you're going for the more traditional portraits, details etc it could be fine.


    I love my Fuji stuff, but you're definitely missing moments with it, especially moments in low light that are fast moving - at least as it is now. If this ever changes I will get rid of my Nikon stuff. I haven't seen anyone do reportage with it as well yet. 

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