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Posts posted by stevemargulis

  1. Hi  - Based on this thread, I ordered the X70 version of the hood (http://m.ebay.com/it...649&_mwBanner=1). 


    I find that the adaptor does not fit over the X70 lens. It's close, but I'm reluctant to put too much pressure on it because I don't want to break anything. How did you get this to fit on?








    There ya go, the X70 dome hood version. 4mm thinner than the X100 version. Look really nice and every mm counts right? ;)


  2. So how do you like the 28mm equivalent lens on the x70 (in term of focal length)? I mean, i used to be the 35mm kinda guy and wondering a lot if 28mm is noticeably too wide for street shooting.



    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Hi Rizal,


    I'm a 35mm guy too. In fact, the 23mm 1.4 is my widest lens. With the X70's 28mm equivalent, I found myself taking shots from a closer distance than I'm used too. A few of my finished images were cropped in Lightroom, but I do that with the 23mm too. If it were possible, I would prefer the X70 have a 35mm equivalent like the X100 series, but I guess that would make the camera bigger and defeat the purpose. But overall, I am happy with the X70.

  3. I recently moved from Micro Four Thirds to an X-Pro2 and I absolutely love the images I've been getting. But I missed having a small bodied camera that was easy to carry everywhere. I was hesitant about the X70 because of the lack of viewfinder and the 28mm equivalent focal length. Based on the great reviews I had read online, I tried the Sony RX100 IV but found it awkward to hold with image quality that was not nearly as good as I expected. So I returned it the next day. After striking out with the Sony, I decided to give the X70 a try. I've had it for a few days now, but the weather has been dreary in Philadelphia all week, and I wasn't really able to put the X70 to the test until today. After a couple hours walking around South Street, I'm really pleased with the camera and the images I'm getting from it. It's very easy to shoot one handed, quick to focus and I only missed a few shots. It's great for street photography because no one seemed to take any notice of me. And I didn't miss the viewfinder at all. Here's a few images from today.



    Philly Jesus








    26876165895_1edb245822_b.jpgPull Ups





  4. Hi,


    I do not have familiarity with VSCO, but recently made the jump from Olympus Micro 4/3 to Fuji and thought that I can offer some color from my own experience. I used a Pany GF1 since 2009, then purchased the EM5 in 2012. I love the size and vibe of the camera, but missed the IQ that used to get from my Canon full frame gear. Since the EM1 and EM5 mII used the same sensor as the original EM5, I saw no improvement in IQ and no need to upgrade. Like you, I had been watching Fujifilm from the sidelines and was ready to purchase an XT1 when the X Pro 2 was announced. I considered Sony, but decided that its too expensive, and with the lenses, the Sony system is nearly as big and heavy as the Canon gear I gave up. So I waited for the X Pro 2 release and I can say that it is absolutely worth it. The IQ is much better than my EM5. And the film simulations are fantastic. While I love the jpegs, out of habit, I'm still shooting RAW, then adding the fuji film simulations in Adobe Camera Raw and making a few other minor adjustments there. The only time I'm opening Photoshop is if I need to do some magic, like remove a street sign or something from the image. I love SilverFX Pro, but haven't touched it in a week.  I'm a happy convert!

  5. Hi,


    My name is Steve and I am new to Fujifilm. I've been shooting Olympus Micro 4/3 for the past four years and prior to that, Canon. In 2009, I purchased a Panasonic GF1 as a lightweight alternative to my 5Dmii. It was lightweight and provided pretty good images. But when the OMD-EM5 came out, it was a game-changer. It responded quickly, had good image quality and over the past few years, some great lenses to go along with it. However, as the new Olympus cameras came out (EM1, EM5mii), the sensor and image quality stayed the same. I sat on the sidelines watching Sony and Fujifim release cameras that provided much better IQ. However, Sony is much too expensive, and the A7 body and lens combination too big and heavy for my taste. So this week, I decided to dive into Fuji. I purchased the X Pro2 with the 23 1.4 and 85 1.2 lenses. And I did it just in time for a trip to the Netherlands (I live in the states, but work for a Dutch company). After a jet-lagged day walking around Amsterdam, I am learning how to use the X Pro2 and so far, loving the images that I'm getting. I'm used to spending 5-10 minutes processing my Olympus images in Photoshop, but find the jpegs from the Fuji require little if any tweaking. 


    I do want to thank the contributors to this forum. I did a lot of research before I made my investment in Fuji and found this forum to be extremely helpful.



  6. I cannot connect by WiFi to either my Android phone (running latest version of both Fujifilm apps) nor my instax printer. connection just fails each time.


    This isn't cool.


    I was able to connect by WiFI to my Android phone, but was only able to get the Fujifilm Camera Remote app to respond 2 out of 10 tries. The app would find the camera, but then only display "waiting." On the two tries that worked, it would go to the menu for transfer, remote shooting, etc. However, once in one of those modes, I found that there was no way to go back to the main menu without disconnecting. Am I missing something?

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