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Hi forum members


I'm new here, so excuse me if I'm making some mistakes.

I've had several Fujis and right now I'm very happy with my XE4 as an always with me cam.

I'm based in Hamburg Germany.


Regarding my problem: I've had some quirky behaviour of my XE4 lately, so I decided to do a factory reset, of course I did a backup before via Fuji Acquire software on my Mac running Monterey.


1. I did a factory reset and a reset of all custom settings

2. tried to restore via Acquire resulting in the error message "backup data load error"

3. tried another USB cable -> same problem (I'm connected directly to my MacBook Pro)

4. Checked the camera connection setting after the factory reset : it's set to USB RAW Conv/Backup/Restore

5. Made a new backup of the blank camera and tried to restore it -> same problem 

6. checked to version of Acquire, updated but again same problem 



maybe some of you have an enlightening idea that could help.

The camera is fully visible in Acquire and backups seem to work perfectly, but why doesn't restore work? 🤷🏻‍♂️

I gave Acquire all permissions necessary on my Mac, so that shouldn't be the problem either...


I'm running out of ideas what the issue could be....

Squeezed Google to find an answer but no luck.

thanks 🙏🏻

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  • mypointofview changed the title to Backup data load error message in Acquire
  • 2 weeks later...

I've encountered this same problem, also on an X-E4. I hadn't had any problems with the camera, I just wanted to test the procedure. Some points:

- I use a PC running Windows

- The version of Acquire is the latest.

- I also own an X-S10 and backup and restore worked fine with that, and I'm using the same cable, etc.



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My experience above was with the latest version of Acquire. I have a laptop with a version installed last year and a backup file of X-E4 settings created today with that older version could be restored with either version of Acquire.

It seems likely Fuji introduced a bug with the latest version of Acquire, at lest with regards to the X-E4. Too bad there's no way to submit a bug report.

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I heard back from Fuji!


They tested my XE4 on their computers PC and MAC. It worked 😳

But they updated the firmware of my XE4 to the latest and the Acquire software had to be the newest version as well.

Their assumption is that the newest Acquire software did not work properly with the older firmware of my XE4, so the backup file must have been faulty from the start.

To be honest I find this more than irritating that their proprietary softwares are not fully compatible. 😤

I will retest Acquire once more once the XE4 is back, but I will test also the backup function of the Fuji Xapp...


annoying this is, to say the least 🙄

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On 12/7/2023 at 7:22 PM, Bob_in_MA said:

My experience above was with the latest version of Acquire. I have a laptop with a version installed last year and a backup file of X-E4 settings created today with that older version could be restored with either version of Acquire.

It seems likely Fuji introduced a bug with the latest version of Acquire, at lest with regards to the X-E4. Too bad there's no way to submit a bug report.

Possible point!

But it also could be a faulty firmware on the XE4 that disabled proper backups/restores...

Someone in another Forum mentioned though that he had the exact same issue with an GFX-100

I just wished camera manufactures would not only build good cameras but also reliable software. It doesn't seem to be their main goal 🙄

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  • 3 months later...

I am having a problem with FUJIFILM X ACQUIRE version  I am unable to restore camera settings on X-T4 or X100V.  I get the ubiquitous BACKUP DATA LOAD ERROR.   X Acquire appears to create a backup but is unable to RESTORE said backup.  Worse, this process was functional several years ago with earlier cameras and earlier X ACQUIRE versions.  Do you know that X ACQUIRE version can successfully backup AND RESTORE camera settings?  Enquiring minds need to know.  With thanks.

Tom Carroll

Davidson, North Carolina

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firstly, are you running a MAC or PC system?

I can only help on MACs...

I've been going through this BACKUP DATA LOAD ERROR nightmare myself and it was beyond frustrating.

It has worked before, but when I had to restore my XE4 in December 2023 I got the same error message.

I had intensive talks with the technical support of Fuji Germany and we could narrow it down to a incompatibility between the newest version of XAcquire and an older firmware of my XE4.

So all backups I had made in the past months were obsolete. 😫

What they told me: your cameras have to be on the latest firmware, as well as the latest version of XAcquire otherwise a backup is not working correctly.

One other thing you can check if you're working on a MAC: be sure to allow AcquireX to have access to docs and folders in your system settings -> security -> privacy

TBH FujiXAcquire is a lousy piece of software, badly written and yes it's free, but I'd rather be paying to have a fully functional software.


I now went another route and use the new FUJIXApp on my iPhone and make my backups there.

It's quick and easy and I even have several backups like for night photography, day photography in two versions.

Restoring is done in seconds and it works!

I know that does not solve your problem right now and I had to restore every single bit manually 😵‍💫


Hope that helps

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Many thanks for your reply.  I do use a. MacBookPro with FUJIFILM X ACQUIRE.   And as you suggest, I have made sure that X ACQUIRE has access to all PHOTOS and FILES AND FOLDERS.  Also, all of my X-T4 and X100V and ACQUIRE software and firmware is up to date.  NO JOY.  All  I see is BACKUP DATA LOAD ERROR.  I have not tried iPhone backup — I’ll give that a try.  Fuji makes such beautiful cameras and such God-awful software.  Such a pity. Thanks for your input.


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Agreed to all your points... unbelievable that such an amazing camera brand gives literally sh.... about their softwares. 
Even FujiXRaw Studio looks like straight from Windows 95 😳

Anyway try the FujiXapp it actually works well (compared to the predecessor) 

As said before, I keep several backups with different Fuji recipes for different occasions. Changing them takes literally seconds and actually works 🤣


Good luck, it's just not worth getting aggravated  🙄

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Based on your earlier comment, I dusted off the Fuji X App that I had on my iPhone — uploaded a fresh version, and figured out backup/restore with the Fuji X App.  And, as you say, IT WORKS.  I’m sure that I’ll keep several flavors of settings handy as you have done. But the reason that I really wanted to make backup/restore work is because I have, and shoot with, two X-T4s.  And it is very handy to have the same settings on both cameras.  Thanks to your emails, I have purged Fujifilm X Acquire from all my systems and now climbed in bed with Fuji X App.  Many thanks for your help.  And if sometime you find yourself resting, have a look at WWW.TOMCARROLLPHOTOGRAPHY.COM

Thanks again


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  • 2 months later...

I have a restoring issue with my X-E4 and XApp (on iPhone). The backup works well, but I can't restore any saved data. Could you please confirm, that you can successfully use the same config for backup/restoration?
The fw is the latest (2.01). I bet, XApp is the latest as well.


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@Dekanyz I had this nightmare with the desktop software Fuji XAcquire!

I believed that it made backups for months but they were all empty and I got a data load error when trying to restore!

But the new Fuji Xapp has been actually reliable...


Have you tried to uninstall the app and erase the connection settings in your camera to the xapp?

I know the so far saved backups are lost, but from what I understand neither backup nor restore works for you, correct?

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2 minutes ago, Dekanyz said:

The backup works well. At least, XApp claims that.



that's exactly the point I dare to doubt that... 🙈 Fuji x Acquire claimed that too... 

Have you googled your issue? Any similar problems on the web?

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I still believe that whenever Fuji releases a new firmware older backups become obsolete 😫

I always thought that a new firmware just changes some bugs and adds new features but the basics like C1-C7 settings stay untouched. 

But as it seems I am wrong...


One more question: if you do a brand new backup now, call it test backup. Can you at least restore THIS backup?

If not I would erase the Fuji Xapp and reinstall it.

Before all that: have you tried a hard reset on your iPhone (that clears all temp caches that might cause issues.

Its easily done as follows: louder - quieter - power button - hold it till the screen turns black und the apple reappears!

Don't worry you won't erase any data! Just clearing unnecessary caches! 🤓

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