A few weeks ago I went to see some motocross event close to where I live. I have been there in the past, but this year was the first time with my X-T1. I brought along my XF18-55, the XF55-200 but also an adapted Leica Summilux-R. I have used this MF lens in the past on my Canon gear and its rendering is wonderful.
Focusing on fast moving subjects is pretty hard to do, so one has to use a different approach. Find a nice position along the track, where you can see the bikes coming. Prefocus on a piece of the track where you have possibility of a nice shot (e.g. after a hump, or in a bend). Set the f-stop to f/5.6 ~ f/11 for plenty DoF. Check the shutterspeed you get.
Longer ones give nicer motion blur, but your keeper rate will drop considerably. I try somthing between 1/125 and 1/400 depending on the speed of the bikes and curves in the track.
The whole set is on my Flickr, but the images are unsorted regarding lenses.
Kind regards,