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Found 21 results

  1. Hello, My first post to the forum and asking for Contax N lenses to Fuji X bodies adapter with auto diaphragm. I have now the Kipon one, with light source reduction over the adapter itself. That doesn't work, as lens diaphragm needs camera contacts to close and a diameter reduction passing that point doesn't modify focus deep. The lens works at maximum aperture or heavy vignetting (and always minimum focus deep). There are some adapters for those lenses on Sony E mount, even with autofocusing. Nothing about Fuji X. Someone having happy news? Thanks in advance Jorge
  2. I tried the X-Pro2 w/ a Nikkor P.C 8.5 cm F/2... Nikkor P.C 8.5cm F/2 (Nikon resources) Nikkor P.C 8.5cm F/2 (Nikkor Story - The Thousand and One Nights) ...which is all metal and manual focus... tried shooting using focus peaking (...high red color)... the adapter used is a Novoflex (...the other one, theFuji M-mount adapter is mounted w/ a 28mm Leica)... easy to focus and the photos (...three JPGs) are not so much soft... for portraits maybe could be useful even if what'smissing is a little of contrast but I guess that shooting RAW could improve that. Attached are the images of the setup (...the quality are not good 'cos shooted w/ a P&S camera!).
  3. I would like to buy a used and well preserved Mitakon/Zhongyi Lens Turbo Minolta MD - Fuji X adapter if any of you is willin to sell one to me. I live in Europe/Slovenia, so I'll pay the shipping cost also. Thank you in advance!
  4. Hi Fujilovers! I had an idea if anyone is interested… As you may know, the company Viltrox is producing AF adapters for M lenses and AF Speed Booster adapters for Sony APS-C. Wouldn't it be amazing if they made one for Fuji X mount, also lot's of mounts would be great (MD, M42, PK, OM, FD, Canon EF,…) like with their other adapters. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-Viltrox-EF-E-Mount-Adapter-Auto-Focus-AF-for-Canon-EF-to-Sony-E-mount-APS-C-/321960438601?hash=item4af6566b49:g:daoAAOSwBLlVbQ~N Yes I am aware the AF speed is nowhere near Fuji's lenses, but the idea is somewhat promising. Wouldn't that be amazing? Having a reasonably cheap, ''high quality'' focal reducer, making your camera ''work'' like it's almost full frame in some aspects (depth of field) and gathering 1 extra stop of light and also using it for auto focusing your adapted MF lenses. For me at least, that would change the whole perspective on the ''adapting lenses'' thing, as the adapter is rather small and the benefits (1EV, sharpness, FF depth, lens character, BOKEH!!) are just too big to ignore. The X-Pro2 and newer ILC X-Mount cameras would benefit a lot from this, considering the AF is up to modern standards. I don't see why Viltrox couldn't make this possible. There's gonna be a lot of people buying the X-Pro2, X-T2,… and many of them have at least some old MF lenses. This would work with most vintage glass (Leica M mount excluded).
  5. Hey guys, while I'm searching for shift lenses/adapters for the Fuji system I found this "special" adapter: http://www.lumiere-shop.de/epages/c6c683e2-beef-45fa-a0ed-93113dade05c.sf/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/c6c683e2-beef-45fa-a0ed-93113dade05c/Products/B1010920 Does anyone know this? There are three different adapters which work with it, the shown for the Pentax 645, a Mamiya 645 adapter and a Hasselblad V adapter. The price on this website is very high - you can get it on Amazon or eBay for around 260€. I'm really interested to try this, but I'm not sure which medium format adapter I should choose - I can remember I read really good things about the Pentax wide angle lenses, but I really can't remember if it was about the 645 system. Maybe some one of you have experiences with one of the systems or with this kind of adapter
  6. Keep looking for manual alternative of XF 27mm 2.8 lens. Decided to try Voigtlander 28mm 2.8 SL II in Nikon F mount (Canon mount version is heavier and larger). I like how it performs on Fuji sensor. F2.8 F2.8 F5.6
  7. I would love to have the option to take some macro images with my X pro cameras ( 1&2) I don't really want to buy a macro lens that I will use a couple times a year. What options are their for older lenses and adapters - even extension tubes on existing lenses. I've been doing this a long time, but never got into macro, so some suggestions would be great.
  8. Has anyone considered the Fringer Contax 645 adapter? It looks pretty good w AF capabilities (but still during the development phase). Also is there a way to determine the "equivalent" focal length? The 645 being a bigger sensor, etc etc. Is this as simple as using the different equivalency formula floating around on the web? 0.64 from 645 to 35mm full frame, similar to the 0.79 from the GFX to 35mm full frame. (sorry I still think in 35mm) Dennis
  9. I was imagining if ,fujifilm itself or any third parties ,make a auto focusing speedbooster to use fujifilm gfx lenses on fujifilm x series camera's !! . i might sound stupid , but actually it has great benefits in many area's . people who own x series and gfx series ,don't have to buy different lenses . also the camera industry is slowly shifting to medium format from full frame , so we will start seeing speedbooster for gfx lenses to different fullframe mount's of other manufacturer cameras too . so what do you think about this ? ,let's us all share our opinion's here ! about this , so maybe this might lead to a speedbooster ,like we said ! ,from fujifilm or third parties !! ,since many are using gfx camera's these day's ,who also has a x series body with them . so share your opinion's about this here , have a nice day !
  10. Hi, I'm having some weird issues with the Fringer EF-FX Pro II on my Fuji XT3 and I hope someone can help. When using the adapter with my Canon and Sigma lenses the image on the camera LCD is not showing the correct depth of field for the selected aperture unless I half-press the shutter button. The dof in the image remains wide open unless I half-press the shutter. The exposure of the image is shown correctly and changes accordingly when changing the apertue on the lens, the aperture numbers on the screen also indicate the correct selected f-stop, but the dof in the image remains shallow, as if the lens is wide open, unless I half-press the shutter. Half pressing the shutter also no longer affects the focus of the image. I'm shooting in S mode with settings full manual- ss, iso, aperture. I've formatted the camera, updated to the latest firmware in camera and adapter (1.7) and the issue still persists. Is this there a menu fix I'm missing here? Has anyone else experienced this? Or is this possibly a Fringer issue? Thanks for your help! D
  11. Hi guys! Any of you has experience with Fotodiox's adapter for Mamiya RZ lenses? I have purchased it a few months ago and it works on my GFX50s, but the lenses are not firing on my Mamiya anymore (unless the shutter is set on emergency/mechanic mode). Thank you in advance. Best regards, William
  12. Hello everybody! There is a problem with the SMC Takumar 50/1.4 lens. I have a Fuji X-T10. I bought lens on ebay from Japan - SMC Takumar Also bought an adapter - Adapter When installing the adapter and lens there is no focused image, the image is blurred. The manual focus wheel on the lens does not adjust the focus. The settings on the camera are set correctly - the focus is transferred to the manual mode, the mode "Shoot without lens" is set. What could be the problem? Adapter? Lens? Camera settings? Examples of photos attached. I would be grateful for any help. Ilya.
  13. Hello, i want to ask. Whats the best lens adaptor for canon ef to fujifilm xt-20? Thanks for your advice😊
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBre2iduYQE <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/wBre2iduYQE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. Hello, A few weeks ago I went to see some motocross event close to where I live. I have been there in the past, but this year was the first time with my X-T1. I brought along my XF18-55, the XF55-200 but also an adapted Leica Summilux-R. I have used this MF lens in the past on my Canon gear and its rendering is wonderful. Focusing on fast moving subjects is pretty hard to do, so one has to use a different approach. Find a nice position along the track, where you can see the bikes coming. Prefocus on a piece of the track where you have possibility of a nice shot (e.g. after a hump, or in a bend). Set the f-stop to f/5.6 ~ f/11 for plenty DoF. Check the shutterspeed you get. Longer ones give nicer motion blur, but your keeper rate will drop considerably. I try somthing between 1/125 and 1/400 depending on the speed of the bikes and curves in the track. The whole set is on my Flickr, but the images are unsorted regarding lenses. https://flic.kr/s/aHskbHe8Pm Kind regards, Crispian
  16. Hi everyone, I am new to the vintage lenses topic and just purchased first M42 adapter from well known K&F Concept - Pro version. The issue is it seems to be a bit loose while mounted to the X-T10. Is that normal or it should perfectly fit? Three very tiny screws are on the adapter - what are they designed for? I will appreciate any you opinions on that. Kind Regards, Arek
  17. Hi all, does anyone have experience with a K&F adapter and the Canon TSE lens? I understand i cannot set the aperture with the Fuji camera. Now: Some say a canon lens will default to open aperture. While K&F says, it will stop down fully, (which i can't imagine). Some say, set the aperture on a Canon body, then take the lens off (probably while holding the shut-aperture-button??). Can anyone tell if and how it works? Thanks! I mean, that TSE 17 mm is a wonderful piece of glass and all 😃
  18. Hi, I’m thinking about purchasing the GFX100s for architecture photography. Can anyone share their experience? What Tilt/shift lens can I can use? I don’t believe that Fuji offers a T/S, correct?Currently, I’m using a Canon 5DMK IV with the EF 24 T/S. Is there a way to use that lens on the GFX100s? Thank you, Mark
  19. Hello, I recently purchased a used GFX and have taken my first steps on the forum! I've been using the Hotsell H1 for a while, so the first thing I bought was the H-Mount adapter. I was surprised by the price, but I was also surprised by the big difference in results compared to Hasselblad's XH adapter! Fuji did a really good job of suppressing internal reflexes. But there is one thing that really bothers me. It's that damn button. That button works as sensitively as a touch without a “click”, and when I place my hand on the lens to support the heavy HC lens, it is exactly there. When I using Landscape, it is just on my thumb, and when I using Portrait, it is just on my palm. Because of this, the adapter settings window so many times blocks my view while shooting handheld... I don't find how I can change the assigned function of that button or disable it. I tried putting tape on it, but it didn't last long. Is there really no way to disable this damn button?? I feel like I want to disassemble it and tear it apart. I don't believe anyone need to access adapter settings so quickly... I don't understand why they created a button like this. Please let me know if there is a way Thanks
  20. Well, looks like my first post here is the first post on this forum!! ;) I found a used GFX100 and thought it was a good deal...and I dropped the hammer on it. Even used price eats up a LOT of funds....but I found that the 50mm GF 3.5 lens was half price about $499 or so at B&H, so I got that. I also went ahead and got the Fotodiox new adapter and hoping I can use some of my Canon L glass with it adapted....and I purchased the new Metabones Speedbooster Cine adapter so that I can use my Hasselblad V System lenses...which I'm hoping will really be something fun to use and experiment with. ON the Hassy lens, I have the 50mm, the 80mm and the 150mm....all in really near mint condition. I have a Hasselblad 501CM 6x6 film camera, and honestly, I was holding on to let them put out the new CFV 50 C II Digital back to use on my old 501 CM....but I started getting the GFX100 under my skin and watched WAY too many YouTube videos on it and when I found the used one, I couldn't resist. Anyway, This will be my first Fuji digital camera. I scored a good deal on an older MF Fuji GSW690 III MF 6x9 camera...it is fixed lens, but WOW..talk about great images!! So, that's where I am...hoping it comes in by this weekend. I'll start researching and maybe trying to rent a few of the nicer Fuji GF lenses, all of which seem awesome, but need to figure which one(s) to start saving my pennies for first. Ok, my first post on the forum....Hello Everyone!! cayenne
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