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Ale S

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  1. Hi all, i have a Tenba DNA 8 ( i love it ) that i use to take with me: - Fuji xt3 - Fuji 23mm/f2 - Fuji 50mm/f2 - Viltrox 85mm - two batteries After purchasing the Viltrox there is no more space and the extraction of a lens has become uncomfortable. In the future maybe i will buy also the fuji 35mm/f2. Which bag would you recommend? I don't like leather bags and i would like to spend max 120 €. Thanks in advance. Ale
  2. Hi All, I recently entered the Fuji world and I'm trying to find my way to develop raw files.I used Dxo Photolabs and the Google Nik Collections to develop raw files, but since DXO does not support RAF files, I have to find an alternative.I am now trying the following software: darktable capture one express With darktable I can manage local adjustments through masks, parametric masks etc etc, but Capture 1 Express can't do the same.Question for C1 Express users: What tools do you use to manage local adjustments? What is your workflow?Thanks and sorry for my English! Ale
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