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Everything posted by FearTheXNoob

  1. Hi all, I'm shooting events and weddinga casually, for friends and/or for fun. Since I'm not that experienced (yet) I've always been wondering how professional photographers manage to shoot events (i.e. weddings) using just prime lenses. I know many pros prefer to use versatile standard zooms like the 16-55 2.8, but there are quite some that really only use primes. So my question is: How do you manage to do that? Do you have a rough plan ahead of time, like "using the 56 1.2 for speeches", "using the 35" for reception" etc.? How do you capture those unexpected moments that make each event unique and rememberable? Or maybe I'm just overestimating the number of pros that really restrict themselves to primes? I'm looking forward to you responses!
  2. Which wireless Yongnuo controllers do work with the Fujis? I heard that not every one of those is compatible with the Fuji pins, not sure though.
  3. Thanks for that. I didn't know the second link, it seems to be one of the few reviews that is not completely positive about the 16-55. However, in order to find out if the lens is worth it for me I will try to lend and test it. I guess experiences from other people can only help so far...
  4. Hi all, I'm soon going on vacation and am looking for photography related ebooks. I'm especially interested in background stories of photographers or historical texts, as well as in books improving my photographic vision. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks in advance!
  5. Thanks you for the reply, much appreciated! Out of curiosity: How much do you use the 56 during weddings? I rarely dare to risk a prime during a wedding, unless I'm sure I won't need to change lenses (which is very rare with weddings)... It's one of the reasons for looking at the 16-55 for me.
  6. I don't understand street photography most of the times. They're mostly just snapshots for me without any meaning, sold as art. Therefore I like most of sadaqat's and Conflan's pictures, since they have something funny, provocative or interesting in them.
  7. Hi all, I'm interested in the 16-55 2.8 to replace my beloved 18-55, mostly because of the shallower depth of field and light gathering capacity at the long end. Are there any reviews, recommendations or experiences from people who have moved from the 18-55 to the 16-55? I'm really interested in the real-world differences and whether you thought the 16-55 is worth it (reviews seem to be very good, but so they were for the 18-55). Btw, I'm mainly shooting events/people and outdoor. Thanks in advance for your responses!
  8. I think many lenses have been discussed in this topic already. But the real question is: What do you intend to visit? Europe is a whole continent, and there are a lot of different things to see. Planning for a city holiday is very different than planning for a adventure trip. Even cities vary very much in different European countries, not to mention the OP's interests within those cities. So without knowing what kind of holiday the OP plans for, it's difficult to really suggest anything.
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