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  1. Just got the X-T10. With the 27, it will fit in my ScottE vest pocket. I've been shooting with the 27 for 2 years now and have gotten to really love life at 40mm. The people who say that it's too slow are living in their heads. With the excellent high-ISO capability of Fujis there is no problem. I owned the 23, but sold it. It's a brilliant lens, but fits in between for me. It's too big to be unobtrusive on the street street. It's too long for landscapes and too wide for a lot of studio work. If I did more traditional documentary, it would be great. I don't. I put the 27 at f/8, hyper-focus at about 8 feet and forget about focusing. It's all there. The lens is brilliantly sharp, has great contrast and makes the camera unobtrusive. On the X-T10, the kit looks like a point and shoot and won't catch attention. Add in the totally silent electronic shutter and you fly under the radar.
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