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Death The Photographer

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Everything posted by Death The Photographer

  1. I've never used an ILC before but I am wondering if this would be a good first camera to last me 5-10+ years. I first started using a smartphone four years ago while discovering everything I could do in manual. Fast forward and I'm using a different phone that takes the fun out of photography. I shoot in raw now due to my phone taking poor pictures in auto/jpg that end up grainy. When I shoot I don't really check my images until I go in Lightroom plus operating the manual options on the touchscreen is frustrating. I'm not a professional by any means but I do like taking pictures of most everything besides animals and people. Video isn't a concern for me, I can do it with my phone or the camera but I 99% do stills. Are the SOOC jpegs good enough to shoot Jpg+raw? I'd like to do prints every so often Also any recommendations for lenses? I am considering the 27mm f/2, a standard zoom, the 35mm f/1.4, and a Venus laowa 65mm f/2. Could I do macros with this? It isn't the bulk of what I do but I do enjoy them enough to get a lens and I thought the manual focus for portraits would be nice.
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