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XT2, strange problem, black frames.

I got a xt2, after a trip, downloading photos I noticed that over 1200 photos, 320 were completely black. The vendor quickly replaced the car body. New trip with new XT2, result 4o black frames on 780.

So new body, new memory cards, same result, what can be the cause ??? The photos are completely black, but they record the Exif data, they are all over (form a group). I can not be completely sure, but it seems to me that there are still missing pictures of what I remember getting shot.

Does anyone have any idea ??? Thanks for your help !!!

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Signature? I suppose you meant software.


well, you are not the only one in the same boat, another member also reported a white bar on his X-T2 which caused the camera to be replaced and guess what, the second camera has that too!


Now, this is again strange because one has to suppose that both, different, cameras had the same defect (which indeed might be a software problem but then many more people would have reported something similar) or that the only other common factor between camera, the operator, is doing this.


Of course you understand that if this is the case, it would be next to impossible to find out for other people who don’t have this problem, because they obviously don’t do this.

Edited by milandro
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  • 1 month later...

I've also wondered about the occasional black frames I get on my X-T2.  I imagined it was just me turning off the camera too soon after pressing the shutter. 

My black frames almost always occur during street shooting after I take a quick image or a quick series of images. I bring the camera away from my eye and hit the power switch as the camera slides down my strap.  All this happens pretty rapidly.  I realize I needn't and perhaps shouldn't shut off the camera with this style of shooting.  It's a bad habit I got with my Nikon (which continued to process through the buffer even after the it was powered down).  

I recently reset the X-T2 to factory settings,  built up my preferences again, am learning better habits, and haven't seen the black frames return....yet.  Perhaps not cause and effect, but the reset removed a couple of un-fathomable (to me) benign behaviors AND it focused my mind enough to learn more about my camera.

Fingers crossed

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By any chance are you using bracketing and electronic shutter or mechanical plus electronic shutter?  On my X-A3 with V2 firmware I get a black frame when bracketing if the scene is very bright.   The strange thing is it can happen at 1/10,000 even though this is not maxing out the electronic shutter, I will get 2 frames with images and one frame completely black in the group of 3.  So it might be something to do with the readout speed when bracketing.  

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I have noticed the odd black frame when using my XT-2; nowhere near as many as you are reporting though.


I haven't been worried because I'm not aware of missing any shots. My best guess is that they are occurring when I turn the power off but I will try and keep a closer eye.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi Everyone,

I know its an old post but I have had a similar problem on my XT20. I have reset the camera to factory settings and also upgraded the firmware to the latest available 2.0. But I  occasionally get black frames when clicking a photograph. Below is an example of two shots taken without any changes. First shows black frame and the other shows the actual picture.

- Video recording works fine.

- I removed the lens and enabled shooting without lens to see that the shutter does open up. But since this problem is occasional, not sure if that concludes anything.


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Any help is appreciated.



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  • 1 year later...

Hey guys-

having the same issue.

mechanical shutter clicks, but records a black image/exposure. Tried it across all the photo modes.

I was able to take a photo without a lens to confirm the mechanical shutter works, and the shutter moved, but still a black photo.

electronic shutter and video work fine. Exposures come out fine.

Anyone have experience on how to fix?




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  • 3 months later...

This is most likely 'the card write' issue that is quite common to Fujifilm cameras. For some strange reason Fuji is quite susceptible to card write issues. Try different configurations (back-up - sequential - raw/jpeg) for the card slot settings in case your camera has two slots. Also only use Fuji recommended SD cards and always format them in camera before use and never pull out the cards (and back in) with the camera powered on.

However, above recommendations are no guarantee. On top of several other issues, this for me was the reason to no longer use Fuji cameras for my professional work. In 36 years I haven't lost a roll of film or a single image on card, but in my 6 years with the Fuji X-system it happened to me about a dozen times. Esp. the X-H1 (otherwise their best X so far) was notorious, according the specialist at my camera (repair) store.

If you have a Fujifilm camera that behaves like this and still have warranty on it, have it checked and possibly repaired. I've heard of cases that were solved after a service. Not in my experience, but perhaps you're luckier...

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44 minutes ago, Herco said:

This is most likely 'the card write' issue that is quite common to Fujifilm cameras. For some strange reason Fuji is quite susceptible to card write issues. Try different configurations (back-up - sequential - raw/jpeg) for the card slot settings in case your camera has two slots. Also only use Fuji recommended SD cards and always format them in camera before use and never pull out the cards (and back in) with the camera powered on.

However, above recommendations are no guarantee. On top of several other issues, this for me was the reason to no longer use Fuji cameras for my professional work. In 36 years I haven't lost a roll of film or a single image on card, but in my 6 years with the Fuji X-system it happened to me about a dozen times. Esp. the X-H1 (otherwise their best X so far) was notorious, according the specialist at my camera (repair) store.

If you have a Fujifilm camera that behaves like this and still have warranty on it, have it checked and possibly repaired. I've heard of cases that were solved after a service. Not in my experience, but perhaps you're luckier...

thank you for your reply.

i think problem is not about sdcard. becasue i can take photo with ES mode and i can rake video f-log with 200mbs. 

Just in MS mode there is a file but no color data in the frame. Just Black. 

i could find anything about this issue about this problem except here. 

i think i need to go to repair..   


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I encountered the same problem with my XT30. 
ES and Video (even on F-Log) works.
Can't remember if the camera is heating up more or faster than it usually does
but it does really heat up at the bottom right side of the body, where the battery should be.

Please help, I haven't tried using it again out of fear it might get worse.

Thank you so much!

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  • 2 months later...

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