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... if X Raw Studio would be able to use custom profiles across Fuji cameras?

  • Thereby rewarding the most loyal customers who have more than one camera of the Fujifilm universe.
  • Making their lives much easier with having consistent profiles across Fuji cameras, without the need to set-up and manage individually for each camera.
  • Where it would be totally OK if this feature would be limited to shared settings only.

Wouldn't this be wonderful, and such an obvious improvement.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm ...

The custom profile files created and stored by XRawStudio look pretty similar. The whole structure of the files is exactly the same at least for X-H1, X-T4 and a X-H2 related (so, 3 generations).

Just the values for camera and serial# are (certainly) different. And features/values that do not exist for an older camera generation are left empty there. That's all.

E.g. if I take a custom profile file created with XRawStudio for the X-H2, and I copy it to the X-T4 folder and just edit the camera and serial# information with a simple text editor ... this manually adjusted X-H2 custom profile perfectly works with the X-T4 inside XRawStudio.

As the underlying data structure seems to be very much the same and data are considering camera differences already, it cannot be rocket science to allow XRawStudio to manage custom profiles across cameras, even across camera generations.

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