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Hi Fuji fellows,

I started working as a part-time freelance photographer earlier in September 2024 after perfecting my craft as hobby for 8 years, and time has come for me to upgrade my gear. I currently work with an X-S10 as my main body, and my good old X-T20 as a back-up if I need to cameras, e.g., on events. Although these are mid-range cameras, I am fairly happy with them, but my X-S10's sensor has been giving me signals that it's time for it to retire. Blue lines sometimes appear across pictures, I imagine as the sensor reaches to high a temperature and it exhausts some cells, or something similar.

As some of my events are involve sports photography and fast movement, I am currently leaning towards the X-H2s, but if there's one thing I liked less with my X-S10... it was the ergonomy, that wasn't that of an X-T line camera. While the X-H2s is what I need in terms of buffer speed, autofocus performances, possibility to add a battery grip, etc., I can't get myself to turn away from that X-T5 - and I also think they're quite complementary.

Problem is: the X-T5 came out two years ago already. I imagine an X-T6 is on the horizon, though we might still wait for some months, if not a year, for it to come out, as Fujifilm keeps updating the other camera models. Still... would it be worth waiting, and using the X-S10 as a back-up to the X-H2s in the meantime? Or shall I just go for the X-T5, and if the X-T6 comes out next year, upgrade to the new model?

Anyhow - many, many thanks for your time and input.

Happy photographing,


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  • 2 months later...

Jesse. I just joined. If you are still interested, I shoot sport and other stuff with two xhs2 bodies. They’re a good job. I have an xt5 which I use for non sport and I think it is good too. Too be honest, most cameras these days are great. If it is fast moving photography you’re into, it is more unforgiving. The xh2s’s are a good bet. I have wasted way too much money over the years selling good gear to buy newer gear so take it all with a pinch of salt!! If you can, try them out. If you can avoid the need for the stacked sensor, Fuji have some other marvellous options. Cheers, Sam.  

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Given the number of professional photographers that I come across that use 10-12 year old equipment, waiting for the XT-6 that quite likely won't be any more functional than the XT-5. Pre-owned XT-5's are available for pretty good prices.

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