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I want to share some thoughts with you in order to help me choose the right camera. 

I sold almost my photographic equipment and I kept only 2 cameras. 

Ricoh GRII and Fujifilm XT5 and some lenses ( 10-24/4 & 35/2 & 56/1,2 & 16-80/4) 

My project for the next years is to visit cities and countries around the world and taking street photography and some landscape photography and publish some books with these photos. 

Street photography is 80% of my photos now. The rest is landscape photography.

Here some key points

  1. I want to take only one camera and one lens. No big cameras, no lenses, no bags anymore. I like to be more minimalist in my philosophy to take photos and in my life generally. 
  2. I shot 95% Jpeg not RAW. I know the benefits of RAW in editing, dynamic range etc but all cameras has anymore very good jpeg. And it’s ok for me. If a camera has RAW and JPEG I choose this option and keep RAW for the future when I print the books. Then I will edit my final photos for the printing. I
  3. I like 28mm not 35mm
  4. I sold my Canon and Fujis and I have 8.000$ in stock. For my new camera and for my first trips. 

I read many reviews and I decided to buy one of these 2 cameras for my basic camera. 

Leica Q3 


Fuji X100 VI with 28mm lens 

Would you like please to send me your opinion about this dilemma? Which you would prefer Leica Q3 or Fuji X100VI and why? 

Thank you 

Greg Plat. 

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I have owned several X100 models most recently the x100v and also the Leica Q2 and Q3.  In my opinion as a 20+ year enthusiast the comparison is apples and oranges.  Both systems have their strengths.  If you love the Fujifilm system or are mainly a jpeg shooter, the x100vi is the one to buy.  When I initially purchased the Q2, I quickly realized that this was intended for post processing.  The jpegs were acceptable but not as robust as Fuji.  The Q3 is solidly built with simple controls, tilt screen, an intuitive menu system, Summilux 28mm lens, 61 megapixels, weatherproof, IBIS, improved low light performance and dynamic range.  If the Q3 is within your budget, my suggestion would be to try (or purchase)  both and decide what fits your needs and style.  

Edited by miketrank
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I had an X100F for years. Interesting and good. But in the end I missed the possibility to switch lenses. I bought a used X-E1. Then I got into the analog Leica M-System with a one lens setup (M4 + collapsible 50 mm Sumicron). Yet I have the possibility to change the lens when needed. A small special purpose lens always fits somwhere in a bag.

So I sold the X100F and I still use the M4 as my primary camera and an X-T5 when digital, most of the time with a small Leica lens. I will eventually get a digital M-Camera. The M-Elmarit 28/2.8 is on of the smallest M-lenses ... .

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