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One of my reasons for buying the X100v was for the inbuilt intervalometer in a compact sized body. I want to capture self portraits of good fish I've caught at night time - probably in complete darkness i.e. no ambient light. I have the Godox TT350 and XPro trigger for off camera flash. The idea is to set up shots using the intervalometer whilst I faff around trying to hold a wet slippery fish ! ... simplicity of set up is key. My uncertainty is around some of the settings - I'm thinking:

Flash Function Setting:  TTL

Aperture, shutter and sensitivity all set to Auto

Red Eye Removal: Removal

TTL-Lock Mode: Metering Flash

Built in Flash: Off

AF Mode: Zone

Pre AF: On

AF Illuminator: On

Face Detection Setting: On ....Eye Auto

Auto Focus Switch set to: Continuous 


Question: Anything wrong with this or any better suggestions please



Edited by Jonty
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