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Hi There, I'm a new GFX 100s user. I'm a pro and have shot Phase One, Hasselblad, and Pentax Medium Format systems for years. I use LRC to catalog and import files (except for with PhaseOne, only Capture One for that). I REALLY dig the GFX 100s camera, very modern, very easy to set up and use, just suits my style of shooting, and reminds me of the best of the Sony A7r series cameras in terms of functionality. 

But I'm not wrapping my head around the image processing and film sim profile thing. In LR when you import it shows up looking like you set it in camera (in RAW only). But then does that thing where LR processes the thumbnail using their preset profiles. I set it to use the Camera Settings profile, but it's still pretty far off from the JPG if you shoot Raw +Jpg. I ran it through Capture One, and it definitely retains the profiling better than LR does, but absolutely does not match the JPG in terms of tonality and optics correction. I am fine with the QUALITY of the raw processing in LR, I just want to retain the 'look' of the from camera to post vis a vis the film sim settings. 

Generally in the past I always turned off all profiling and camera processing settings, preferring a flat, neutral image to start post with. But this Fuji has REALLY nice in camera options that you purportedly can change afterwards. Any advice for how to maintain the camera settings profile preferably within the Adobe Ecosystem? I really use the LR catalog and only use CaptureOne when I have to because I shot on PhaseOne. 


Thanks in advance,



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Strictly staying only in the Adobe system may be tricky.

There is a way to stay “close” though by only adding one step in the conversion process. Grab a copy of Fujifilm’s X Raw Studio and use it to convert the raw .RAF image to a TIFF image and import that back into the Adobe software. X Raw Studio connects to the camera and uses the camera’s hardware to convert the image instead of using your computer to do so, so the result should be as close as possible to an exact match for the raw + jpg images you are currently getting.

User guide: https://fujifilm-x.com/en-us/stories/fujifilm-x-raw-studio-features-users-guide/

X Raw Studio is free, that link also lets you download it as well as giving you the installation instructions.

Here is an article (a bit long-winded) about Fujifilm’s simulations:


If you ever decide to venture outside of the Adobe / C1 worlds, apps such as DarkTable and RawTherapee do give you pretty good conversions.

p.s. Welcome to the forum.

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Thank you for your response and the welcome. I appreciate the link. My workflow right now keeps everything in Raw, then roundtrips it out to PS for final retouch and processing. I guess if I convert in another program like X Raw, it just adds a step before sending out to PS. 

Thanks again, I'll post back with how I find this process. 



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I should mention it is possible to use CLUTs (color lookup tables) or just LUTs directly in Photoshop, so you may have some good fortune trying that. But I should also mention I have not used Adobe's software in some time, so I cannot really give you much in the way of help for doing that beyond saying that it is possible.


LUTs are similar to simulations, so if you find sources that give you the look you want, you should be able to directly use them in PS and LR. (LUTs are camera specific, so you need to find a source for GFX-100s LUTs).

If you want to use your computer instead of your camera to do the conversions, Fujifilm also has the free Raw Converter software that will let you apply the simulations as you wish and export files either as TIFF or jpgs. [Some folks are going to claim this is heresy and you will be better off using LR and C1, so be it.] You can grab a copy at:



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There is a setting in LR where upon import you can select "Camera" settings.  This way the raw file keeps the sim mode.  This is what I use.  However, I'm on the road traveling and can't get to my LR catalog right now.  When I import my 100s and 50r files the raw files do retain the actual sim used and does not "convert" it to the Adobe profile.  If I can figure it out remotely I'll post again.


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