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Hi All!

I am an owner of a X-H2 and some xf lenses an in passion with photography since many years.

I tried out to go beyond 1/8000s in all configuration but it does not work. It ends at 1/8000s and the ES doesn‘t activate and jumps beyond.

If I‘m using the ES online, it works like described.

Using the X-T3 for example with same settings it works only with setting „T“ on the Shutter Speed Dail.

OK, most problems occoure behind the camera body 🤣, so what am I doing wrong?





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So to be clear - if you set the camera on shutter priority and shutter type = "M" the highest speed achievable by rotating the command dial will be 1/8000.

If you change shutter type to "E" (without changing anything else) the highest speed goes over 1/8000

if you change shutter type to "M+E" the shutter speed limit goes back to 1/8000? (Again without changing anything else?)


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2 hours ago, Sascha said:

Yes you summed up correctly.

Hmm - I have the X-H2S rather than X-H2 but I ran that exact same test and shutter type M+E doesn't work like that - it allows the same extended shutter speeds as the electronic shutter.

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