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Which 3 primes combo is your ideal setup?


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23 F1.4 / 35 F2 WR / 56 F1.2


I already have the 23 and 56, just waiting for the new 35 to come out this fall. The 35mm focal length to me is less preferred most of the time to the 23mm, but would give me a weather resistant compact "normal" prime which I am very much in need of. If a 23mm f2 WR were to come out I may move to 16 F1.4, 23mm F2 WR, 56mm 1.2.

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18, 27, 35 would be my pick.


If I traded the 18-55 for 18 and 27 which I'm still debating with myself.


27 to pack it in a simple pouch everyday in my bag, for hiking and for street candids.


35 if I'm going out for more serious "work" but still want it very light.


All three for travel.

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16, 23 and 56. It's the perfect to-go choice for me.


Agreed. 16mm is wide enough to be different but still tight enough to work as an environmental portrait lens. 23mm is my favourite overall, and it's what I'd choose if I had to pick one lens. And 56mm is tight enough for headshots but still wide enough to be versatile.


Right now I have the 18, 23, and 35. Sort of the poor man's version of that setup. I got the 18 over the 14 for the size and speed, but the 16 would negate either of those for me.

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I have the 14 and 56 now. I'd like to add the 23 next (I think).


If cost were no object I'd trade the 14 for the 16 for the extra couple of stops and toss a 10-24 in the bag for those times I'm digging the super wide vibe.


Speaking of the 23, the guy I bought my 56 from has (or perhaps had) one that he'd sell me for $600USD - am I likely to see one cheaper somewhere (I haven't yet but I don't check too often either)? I ask because I paid $550 for an 18-135 then a week later Fuji put it on sale for $599.



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Right now I use the 14, 35 and 56 and that does me fine, other than the 14 being 1-1.5 stops too slow indoors sometimes.

The 14 will be sold once my 16 arrives, though. The 35 could easily be switched for the 23, or ditched completely, as I hardly ever go for a middle length. The 56 could be switched for the 60 if only the 60 was just a hair faster; the 56 doesn't offer enough compresson and I'll sell it straight away if a 70mm f/2 is ever released.

Assuming the 16mm does work out well, I'm confident I could use just the 16mm and 56mm and be fine. No need for a third lens, other than a desire to replace the 56 with something a tiny bit longer.

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Perfect for portrait shoots: 35 56 90

Perfect for my traveling: 16 35 90

Perfect for events: 16 23 56


Those are of course my perfect combos. It all depends on what you're doing. There's probably no 3 prime combo to fit them all. If there was one, it would probably be 16 23 56/90 for me.

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Right now I use the 14, 35 and 56 and that does me fine, other than the 14 being 1-1.5 stops too slow indoors sometimes.


The 14 will be sold once my 16 arrives, though. The 35 could easily be switched for the 23, or ditched completely, as I hardly ever go for a middle length. The 56 could be switched for the 60 if only the 60 was just a hair faster; the 56 doesn't offer enough compresson and I'll sell it straight away if a 70mm f/2 is ever released.


Assuming the 16mm does work out well, I'm confident I could use just the 16mm and 56mm and be fine. No need for a third lens, other than a desire to replace the 56 with something a tiny bit longer.

So in short, you're never happy with what you have.
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I'm torn. I have 16, 23, 35 and 56.

Taking more than 2-3 lenses out with me is overkill, I find.

It means I have to carry a bigger bag and I start looking like 'the photographer' rather than just enjoying what I'm doing and having a camera with me.

I take what I can fit in my Billingham Hadley Digital - a camera with a lens on and 1-2 extra lenses

The 16 and 23 are definitely part of my kit

But I can't decide between 35 and 56

I like natural photography, close to what the human eye sees, but I'm torn between which of those 2 lenses are most useful



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So in short, you're never happy with what you have.

Ha, true. I'm hoping the 16mm will solve that, though. On 35mm and 6x7 I typically either go wide or go narrow, rarely in the middle. So the 16mm and 56mm should have me sorted, finally. 


but yeah, then if Fuji put out a 70mm... well then I'd have to trade up again!  :D

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On  the wide end I am in a quandry between the 14 and 16. I already have the 27 and 56.  I love the 27 for its small size yet good quality, and there is nothing not to like about the 56. If going for smallest lightest kit, 18,27 and 35f2 would make sense. For high quality and fastest 16,23,56 would be my choice.

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On  the wide end I am in a quandry between the 14 and 16. I already have the 27 and 56.  I love the 27 for its small size yet good quality, and there is nothing not to like about the 56. If going for smallest lightest kit, 18,27 and 35f2 would make sense. For high quality and fastest 16,23,56 would be my choice.

I am actually in the same boat with regards to wide end.

Currently on 14 / 35 / 56, but may replace the 14 with 16mm.

Samples online look really good!

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