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I am trying to decide on 18-135mm or breaking that up into 18-55mm + 55-200mm. I have a xT4 and a 35mm f1.8. 

I enjoy shooting travel photography, cities, animals and nature, and landscape. Mostly for my pleasure but occasionally I sell my prints. I carry my camera a lot so I am leaning towards the 18-135 but I don't want my photos to suffer. 

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Either way you go, your photos will not suffer, both combinations can easily deliver print-worthy images. If your budget is not entirely constrained, maybe toss the 50-140mm lens into the consideration.

Is it possible for you to rent the groups for a few days or a week or so and test them to see which combination suits your shooting style, low light handling, focus speed, etc.?

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I have the 18-135 and like it just fine. Wow, this thing does a lot. If I could only have one lens, this would be it (but I have about 8 and am very fond of primes).

The thing is, if you would appreciate only carrying one object, not changing lenses, not needing something to keep the other lens safe in, and always being ready to cover this wide range when the moment calls for it, the single zoom wins.

The nicest camera in the world is the one that you have available and prepared the moment you need it.

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