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Two X-Pro2 questions regarding both noise reduction and movie capture

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Hi all, hope you don't mind me asking a few X-Pro2 settings questions. 

1) Now that waxy skin tones are a thing of the past is it still necessary to set noise reduction to a minus value?

2) I've been trying my hand at shooting video with the camera, however I have noticed that shooting anything under 60fps (for example: 1080/25P SS50) is recording ever so slightly jumpy movement when panning (even when secured on a tripod using a dedicated panning head). Is this just a limitation of the camera or am I doing something wrong? 

Be grateful for any feedback on either (or both) of the above.

Many thanks.


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I can't help you with the video but I have just done an experiment with a photo of my cat (no human volunteers were willing). The RAW image (taken on X-Pro2 with 56mm f/1.2 at 1/250 f/2.8 ISO 500) was converted to JPEG at NR settings of -4, -2, 0, +2 and +4. The whole image is at the NR -4 setting, the 600x400px crops are at NR settings of -4, -2, 0, +2 and +4. To be honest, there really isn't much of a difference until you get to +2 and only the +4 looks bad. Hope it helps, I will try to repeat this experiment with a human face at a higher ISO.








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