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I am able to follow all the settings that we feed in to setup a custom film simulation setting except for the last one which is 'Exposure Compensation'. I am assuming that we will add this on the spot. And since this is sometimes a range (like +3/4 to +1 or -1/2 to -1), I want to be assured by experts here to confirm the process that I follow below:

1. Create a custom recipe

2. Dial a basic exposure of the scene in the way we want the outcome (sometimes underexposed exposure or high note style with some overexposure)

3. Now we dial in the 'exposure compensation' as required by the recipe - so if i am already overexposed as in item 2, and the recipe requires an 1/4 additional overexposure, I add it in?

Is this correct - I am fully not sure on this. Please advice.


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  • 2 years later...

Yes, when using recipe that lists exposure compensation you would dial it in when composing the shot. You’d adjust it based on each individual photo and how you want the overall exposure to be for that particular image. 

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