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Basic Setup


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I'm finally switching to the new century after years of film shooting with my collection of Nikons.  I am still learning my new X-E3 and have one question.  Is it possible to set the camera up so that I see the ASA, Aperature , and shutter speed in my viewfinder.  I can find the F stop reading but not the shutter speed.  I'm used to a meter reading in y viewfinder the I can adjust easily.  Am I just to far behind the times to expect this.. I plan on shooting manual mode 90% of the time.  Thanks for any help and I apologize if this is seen as a stupid question.

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Scroll down the page to the part about Disp. Custom Setting. You can decide what you want displayed in the evf or the back lcd. The DISP BACK button gives you the option of having that information on or off as you choose.

I listed the X-E3 manual based on you using that in your message, but if you really meant X-T3 (since the message ended up in the X-T3 forum), it still works the same way.

Edited by jerryy
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Some additional things to note:

ISO takes the place of ASA -- you can find some spirited discussions regarding how close the ISO number matches the ASA number you are used to.

The histogram replaces the light meter. That one will take some getting used to, this may help or hurt:


You also set up the type of metering your camera uses, spot, average, etc.

Ask questions as you come to them, there are lots of folks that can help.


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