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Fuji X-Pro1 + FD-FX + Panagor Auto Macro Converter + Canon 50mm - Should the aperture change or it's just wide open?

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I have X-Pro1 and some collection of lenses from my analogs, in this case it's about the 50mm joined with Panagor Auto Converter. I am connecting them with cheap FD-FX adapter which seems to work well - if I put just 50mm with it I get whole range but if I put Panagor between it stays fully open... Furthermore, the lens has "A" option for priority, if converter is on I can't move to the "A" like something is blocking. And other way - if I select "A" on the lens I am not able to put it to converter.

I've found kind of similar issue here and they even have the very same behavior when using Series 1 Vivitar 70-210 - it works, (but I believe only after I moved one of the levers in it [vivitar, not converter] to the point I can't now go back* - It doesn't come back in springy way but works - checked with analog and again with X-Pro) changes aperture on the go and I even see my screen going darker/lighter. So... why doesn't it work with the 50? (I can't move any lever there) I wonder... Could it be possibly too "new/modern" or in this case adapter makes a difference? (even tho it worked fine with 70-210...). 


* actually I can get it back and then it doesn't work again :) so probably this "thingy" is responsible for the problem, so... How do I know If lens from eBay or so will work well with this converter? Its hard to say until you put it all together.


Edited by Aerogirl
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GOT TO IT!!! It't actually the lens, I don't know why actually but it doesn't seem to work when attached properly... (with analog everything works well)

First, I just mounted it with adapter, no converter and (duh) the same thing happened so I again started messing with screw and aperture ring (it is possible to set it to "A" without converter) and such. 

Apparently to make it work, you have to click the removing button and twist it a bit. So... its probably not the safest solution and clearly that's not the way lens should be mounted if its not "clicked" in place but for macro at home... well, it will work for me :) 

edit: the f stop needs to be chacked if doing it - depending on level of unscrewing I can't go below f3.5 if went too far or f22 is not closed enough if loosened too little.

With just the adapter that shouldn't be much of a problem - it has lock, so you can unscrew the lens a bit (it's still in place) and have this second way lock on the adapter, so fairly/enough safe for me - I would (/will) give it a shot outside.


Edited by Aerogirl
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