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My problem:

My X-t30 no longer lets me record video. Nothing happens when I push the shutter button in video mode.


- My main use for this camera is for recording video projects at my workplace.

- I noticed the issue after using the camera as a webcam with a elgato camlink 4k. I had optimised the in-camera settings for use as a webcam during the past months of Zooming everyday.

My attempted fixes so far:

- I reverted all my in-camera settings back to my usual, non-webcam settings.

- I updated the firmware to the latest version.

-  Many google searches to see if anyone else has had and posted a fix to this issue. 



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My xt30 will shoot video but not any longer than 7 seconds. After 7sec it will just store and after it’s done storing it will say write error. The clips gets saved but I don’t know why I can’t shoot any longer than that. It’s still say that shooting time for 4K is 9 something minutes. Anybody know what could possibly fix this or what the problem might be?

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1 hour ago, Wilma said:

My xt30 will shoot video but not any longer than 7 seconds. After 7sec it will just store and after it’s done storing it will say write error. The clips gets saved but I don’t know why I can’t shoot any longer than that. It’s still say that shooting time for 4K is 9 something minutes. Anybody know what could possibly fix this or what the problem might be?

Does your SD card have the ratings listed?

It should be UHS class 3 or better, or it may have a video speed rating, this should be V30 or better.

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