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Well, a slick new X-T4 arrived from Adorama today.  I sit down tonight to configure the menus & buttons & such exactly as my X-T3 is setup so that I'm not confused & such.

After a few minutes, I am getting a blinking screen with the above message, "Turn off camera and turn on again".  I did so, numerous times, to no avail.  

The 10-24 was mounted on the X-T4.

So--I replaced it with the 16mm and, voila, no message.  All is well.  Now, I mounted the 10-24 on my T3, and same TURN OFF message is blinking.  Hmmmmm...   something with the lens?   I've never experienced this before.  Swapped the lens several times between the two cameras, same thing.


So, I cleaned the contacts on the lens & lens mount with some Zeiss wipes and same issue.  ( I don't have any Isopropyl).  

I let the T3 sit for a while as I tried to digest what to do next.  Just turned it back on, no problems.  It's working.  Moved the lens back over to the T4--no problems.

Well, I'm very thankful that it seems (!) to be resolved, but this does NOT instill confidence.  I have a gig tomorrow.  This would NOT be a cool thing to happen.  


Anyway, anyone have any similar experience with this.  

Thank you for your help!

Kevin RIley

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OK-- next day.  Getting the same message again.  Also getting the same message with multiple bodies when this lens is mounted on that body.  Fuji repair center in NJ said that it's likely an issue with the mount, and will likely run ca. $250-$300.


Anyone had any experience with this?


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I know of someone that has now gone through two copies of the 10-24 lens.  Due to moisture from working in wet/humid weather caused this long-term issue.

I believe he got Rid of the lens after the second copy, and one of the primary reasons I don't own this particular lens.


Edited by jlmphotos
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

I know it's kinda late to reply now but I have this same issue with my XT-4 on more than one of lens. I was very hopeless and ready to send my camera to NJ for repair but then I found the solution which simply is to go shooting setting and turn off the IS mode and everything works fine. 

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The X-mount on most Fuji camera models is not particularly robust in my experience. Only the ones on the X-H1 and the GFX are better. Part of the issue is the quite shallow electronic contacts. Esp. with heavier lenses. The 50-140 on an X-Pro2 gave me constant issues until I got the X-H1 (according to Fuji 25% enforced mount) and never experienced problems with the same 50-140 again.

Just a little bump may throw-off the contact between lens and camera, resulting in the "turn off-on" message or the infamous "f0" message. You also may want to check whether there is some lateral or rotational tolerance between the 10-24 and the X-T4. I had to swap two times a Fuji lens: one 16-55 with a misaligned mount and one 16/1.4 with too much tolerance when mounted. Something you wouldn't expect with a premium brand...

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  • 9 months later...

Hi, just found this thread. I have the same problem with a brand new 35mm f2 wr on my x-t3, seems to only happen if you turn the camera on or return from playback mode with the lens pointing below horizontal line. Weird but if you remember to activate with the lens pointing horizontal or above it operates perfectly.

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  • 2 months later...

Found this thread after my camera started showing this message today. I've had the camera sitting on a tripod for a couple of weeks with the 16-55mm f2.8 WR lens on it. I would have never thought the weight of the lens would cause an issue with the mount. However, after reading this I am wondering if that is the problem. This camera and lens has been barely used since purchasing 7/2020. 

I updated the firmware, no change. I only have the one lens, so I removed the lens and put the body cap on, turned the camera on and off and the error message went away. The error returns when mounting the lens again. The lens does have a very slight amount of rotational "play" when mounted. Moving it with the camera turned on does not remove the error message. 

Any input is greatly appreciated.

Edited by Find Jerry
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  • 6 months later...

So disappointed with my X-T4. Have been getting the "turn camera off and back on again" message intermittently for more than a year now. It's becoming more frequent - to the point the camera is not reliable. I finally sent it to the Fuji repair depot in Canada - twice! I included a detailed description of when the camera fails, what lenses I used, different cards, different battery etc. The service depot cleaned the camera and sent it back saying it didn't fail & they didn’t find anything wrong. I use it for 5 shots and it fails. Send it back and they send it to a depot in the USA, no issues found. It only seems to fail when I'm on a photo walk. Got it back today and on the 6th shot it fails.I have scoured the www and haven’t come away with a solution other than replacing the X-T4.

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2 hours ago, cpX said:

In your place I would make a video of it together with a witness and send it to Fujifilm if the repair station is too stupid to find the error. I have the same problem with one of my two X-A1s. Only with the difference that there is no message on the screen but the screen simply turns black and the X-A1 no longer reacts until I turn it off and on again. There seems to be a design problem with the buttons.

Good suggestion. From my communication with them it's almost as though they never read any of my comments regarding the failure. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is interesting this topic has picked up again. I've owned my Fuji Xt4 since May 2020, no problems.

The last few days I've started receiving the same message. I'll have to record what the screen looks like, there's a clear wobble as if the IBIS doesn't know what's going on. 

I'm currently on holiday so can't give the lens contacts a proper clean, is that what we think this is? Or is it a software issue?

I've owned the 55-140 for under a month, probably shot with it 4 times, surely that can't have an effect on the contact plates?

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On 9/13/2022 at 5:22 AM, Joseph Charles said:

In your place I would make a video of it together with a witness and send it to Fujifilm if the repair station is too stupid to find the error. 

Sent a video of the issue to Fuji Repair Canada. 

Fuji repair Canada has sent me a replacement X-T4. I'm pleased with the customer service since my camera wasn't in warranty any longer. The replacement looks like it has never been used, no scuffs or scratches. I'm assuming it has been refurbished. They also have provided 6 months of warranty on the replacement. 

Edited by Joseph Charles
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  • 2 weeks later...

hey I am an absolute beginner with cameras I just picked up the camera 3 days ago please help me with the problem that I am facing I am very worried about it. Soo a little backstory, my uncle just gifted me his xm-1. he rarely used the xm-1. Soo now that I am using it I am facing a problem when ever I use the 18-55 mm fujion lense and try to focus on an object the camera lense starts to makes a continuous focusing noise and it doesn't stop even when it's focused on that particular object and then after 5 seconds of that continuous focus noise the camera gives the "turn camera off and onn"  error. and if I open the gallery of the camera that error disappears itself once I close the gallery and go back. please help me out guys

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

My $.02

Setup:  x-t3, 35mm f2, 50mm f2, 80mm f2.8  Fuji grip, but 3rd party batteries.  

Issue:  No problems until I got the 80mm.  Purchased used, but is in excellent shape.  When moving from preview screen or doing long focus adjustments, power off/on message appears.  Reboot did not seem to help. 

Work around:  if error appears, point lens above horizontal, reboot, try again. 

Conclusion:  got a great deal on the 80mm and hearing so many people having issues, I am not going to try more copies.  In my case, pulling the electronically suspended elements of the lens against gravity must be pulling too much power. 

Hope this helps someone or prompts more investigation. 

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  • 6 months later...

I have had recurring and now persistent problems with the "turn off camera and turn on again" error.  It appears to be solely with my Fuji 55-200 lens.  No amount of contact cleaning, lens tipping up, mounting and remounting, battery removal, or other "fixes" I've seen in the past have worked.  Sent it in to Fuji, who said the lens assembly needed to be replaced at a cost approximately the same as buying a replacement used lens.  After coming back from the Fuji estimate - but without having had any repair work done (didn't want to pay $300-$400) - the lens worked again, but only for a few shots, then the error again.

If the only real "solution" is for Fuji or retailers to replace the lens or replace major components at significant expense, then there is a serious problem with their quality control, lens durability, or lens design.

My lens is no longer under warranty, so my 55-200 is now an expensive paperweight.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/12/2022 at 10:10 PM, Joseph Charles said:

So disappointed with my X-T4. Have been getting the "turn camera off and back on again" message intermittently for more than a year now. It's becoming more frequent - to the point the camera is not reliable. I finally sent it to the Fuji repair depot in Canada - twice! I included a detailed description of when the camera fails, what lenses I used, different cards, different battery etc. The service depot cleaned the camera and sent it back saying it didn't fail & they didn’t find anything wrong. I use it for 5 shots and it fails. Send it back and they send it to a depot in the USA, no issues found. It only seems to fail when I'm on a photo walk. Got it back today and on the 6th shot it fails.I have scoured the www and haven’t come away with a solution other than replacing the X-T4.

I have had the same issue Fuji was great I sent in the camera and lens tested and cleaned. 300 test shots, no issues. Sent back and I had the same issue . I tested all my lenses as well . Fuji thought it may be the battery grip. I also have an XT3 never any issues. I kept searching and I found a post out there that said if you set up Bluetooth with the Fuji app this may cause an issue. Well  I did this and so far no issues . BTW I let my Fuji rep know this and they had no idea. In the end that app has never been good 

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  • 3 months later...

Same problem for me with Fujifilm X-T30.


whenever I turn on the camera I can hear a shutter sound and the following message “turn off the camera and turn on again”.

The camera becomes useless.

Thank you for any help.


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  • 3 months later...

Same issue here. I own a X-T2 and the turn off-turn on message appeared out of the blue this afternoon when zomming in past 27 mm. I can still take pictures when zoomed completely out (18 mm), but when I zoom in, the message appears. Have been using this lens for over two months. Cleaned the contacts with isopropyl alcohol, but no luck. I immediately bought an identical second hand lens for € 280, but still am very curious on the issue and a possible remedy ...

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/13/2022 at 10:10 AM, Joseph Charles said:

So disappointed with my X-T4. Have been getting the "turn camera off and back on again" message intermittently for more than a year now. It's becoming more frequent - to the point the camera is not reliable. I finally sent it to the Fuji repair depot in Canada - twice! I included a detailed description of when the camera fails, what lenses I used, different cards, different battery etc. The service depot cleaned the camera and sent it back saying it didn't fail & they didn’t find anything wrong. I use it for 5 shots and it fails. Send it back and they send it to a depot in the USA, no issues found. It only seems to fail when I'm on a photo walk. Got it back today and on the 6th shot it fails.I have scoured the www and haven’t come away with a solution other than replacing the X-T4.

Sometimes, issues like these can be complex and difficult to diagnose, especially if they're intermittent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’ve had my Fuji xs10 for a little over a year now and in the past month I keep getting this horrid “turn off and on” message. This happens when it’s trying to focus or when it’s trying to stabilise I guess because you can hear and feel the camera wobbling in a way that it never used to. 

Can someone please help me because I don’t know what else to try/do? I’ve changed lens, battery, memory card etc 

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23 hours ago, elletig said:

I’ve had my Fuji xs10 for a little over a year now and in the past month I keep getting this horrid “turn off and on” message. This happens when it’s trying to focus or when it’s trying to stabilise I guess because you can hear and feel the camera wobbling in a way that it never used to. 

Can someone please help me because I don’t know what else to try/do? I’ve changed lens, battery, memory card etc 

You may need to take it to your local camera store and have them take a look at it to see if it needs some repairs. Depending on where you live, it may still be under warranty. Best wishes.

p.s. Welcome to the forum.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/25/2021 at 9:49 AM, Herco said:

The X-mount on most Fuji camera models is not particularly robust in my experience. Only the ones on the X-H1 and the GFX are better. Part of the issue is the quite shallow electronic contacts. Esp. with heavier lenses. The 50-140 on an X-Pro2 gave me constant issues until I got the X-H1 (according to Fuji 25% enforced mount) and never experienced problems with the same 50-140 again.

Just a little bump may throw-off the contact between lens and camera, resulting in the "turn off-on" message or the infamous "f0" message. You also may want to check whether there is some lateral or rotational tolerance between the 10-24 and the X-T4. I had to swap two times a Fuji lens: one 16-55 with a misaligned mount and one 16/1.4 with too much tolerance when mounted. Something you wouldn't expect with a premium brand...

This is an issue with one lens on more than one body, other lenses work fine. So it is clearly a lens issue, probably the contacts but on the lens not the camera. I’ve never had an issue with any of my Fujifilm cameras but don’t doubt it happens 🤷

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  • 1 month later...

Same issue with my daughter's brand new XT4 and with my XT30.

Fujifilm engineers should solve this issue and give a definitive official answer to the many affected customers. 

This “turn off camera, turn on again!!!” is clearly a bug or a design defect of Fujifilm cameras.

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