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It would be nice to know a little bit more about other members so perhaps those who are willing could post here.


I'll start. I'm olli, orginally from Northern Ireland, now a serial expat, currently located in Pasay City, part of Metro Manila in the Philippines. I've been shooting seriously since around 2008 with a variety of cameras but switched to Fuji just over six months ago. I have the X-E2 with 18-55, 55-200, 23 and 35 lenses. I describe my kind of photography as 'urban documentary', which means I wander around the streets taking pictures of things. I have a website at photography by olli and I photoblog at Manila Days.


Looking forward to hearing from more members.

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Here's my short bio. I use mostly X cameras, only 2 photos in my current portfolio are shot with another system.


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Hi everyone,


Just finished my MFA in Electronic and Time Based Art at Purdue University. I first picked up a "real" camera a little over a year ago when I bought my Fuji X-T1, so I've still got a lot to learn. I shoot exclusively with that. My favorite lenses are the XF 23mm, 35mm, and 10-24mm, but I do use the XF 27mm and 18-135mm WR sometimes and have three vintage Helios 44-2 f/2 58mm lenses, one of which is modified with a reversed front element. 


Black and white is most intriguing to me in terms of my own work, but I enjoy good photography in all forms. I really like shooting landscape/nature and architecture, but I'm an equal opportunity photographer, I'll shoot anything that is interesting at any given moment. 


I have a photo blog that I usually update twice per day, but will eventually move to once a day when I get through my work from last year. 


Oren Darling Photography

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Trenton, that's quite a story you've got there. Oren, I've no idea what Electronic and Time Based Art is but congratulations on finishing it.


Thanks for contributing. Whose next?

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Hi, My name is Al and i'm a Fujiholic.  I shoot with an X-Pro1 and an X-10.  I check out FR everyday and it was nice to see that a forum was linked to it.  I am not a pro, but i have sold a few photos and have been given credit for others.  I run a blog where i put all of my photos and it can be found here:  d7100shooter.wordpress.com .  Looking forward to contribute what i can to this forum.

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Mike here. Just started with Fuji a month or so ago from (long time) Canon shooter. Looking to learn how to use the camera more better - in many ways it is so different from shooting the Canons (some good, some bad, some just different). So far, my biggest frustrations seem to revolve around the AF system so I am looking forward to the 4.0 update next month.




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Hello everyone!!

After many years my Nikon gear was sitting in a closet, I recently got back to photography, an old favorite hobby of mine, as I "discovered" mirrorless cameras and Fujifilm system.

I sold all my Nikon system and I started enjoying taking pictures again with a shiny Fujifilm X-E2 and two Fujifilm zoom lenses.



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I'm a working pro based in Philadelphia, PA USA.  I still mostly use Nikon's for most of my commercial photo/video work, but love the X system for it's size, handling, and image quality (COLOR!).  


I'm looking forward to the next firmware update and the next generation of bodies!  24mp w/ decent video would be fan-effing-tastic!

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CRAusmus here.  Currently in Texas, but going to get to Georgia this summer.


I've been involved in photography in one form or another since I was a teenager. After taking a class in Junior High I built my own black and white lab and began to develop my own images with my Olympus OM 10.  After spending some time muddling around after high school I got a job doing lab work for a professional photographer and working with various camera systems from Horizontal Cameras, Vertical Cameras, Contact Tables, Even Cruze Cameras that took up two rooms.


With thoughts of working in high fashion and making millions in the photography industry I went to Art School and wound up going the Graphic Design route instead, only picking up cameras in the studio when needed.  First digital camera I ever shot with was a Nikon based Kodak DCS that took a 3.5 in floppy disk, and I was bitten again by the photography bug.


With the cost of digital being so expensive I spent more time renting gear and never got around to purchasing a DSLR.  You could shoot all weekend for 90 bucks with Nikon D1, where as to buy one would cost you over 5 grand not including the lens, keep in mind this was 99-03.  However it wasn't until just a few months ago I actually decided it was time to build a serious digital kit for myself.  After spending an entire year doing research and saving, I took a leap and bought into the Fuji System.  I'm fully invested now and couldn't be happier.  I have two lenses on my purchase list, the 10-24 and the 55-200 (unless I score a major deal for the 50-140).


I've been loving having the freedom of shooting whenever I want now I've begun to get back into film as well, and pulled my Patterson out of the attic a few weeks ago and bought a battery for my AE.


Just one of the wonderful things about photography.  The principles never change, the terminology never changes (well not all the terminology), and the technology only gets better.  I'm excited to be a part of the Fuji X Community.  I'm excited to be so near the ground floor of what Fuji is doing.  They have a truly exciting future in front of them and I am very happy to be on this journey with them and you all.

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Hi everyone. My name's Phil. I'm a recent university graduate who's been shooting as an enthusiast for about a year and a half now. I got my first camera when my fiancée (now wife) took me to Ireland. I spent the next summer second shooting weddings and doing the odd job here and there, and last fall I sold all my Canon stuff and got an X-T1 with the 35 1.4. I was having AF problems with my 70D and was looking into upgrading to the 6D, but since I can only afford one camera right now, I wasn't thrilled about the idea of pulling a full frame DSLR out at a restaurant or pub just for fun snapshots. I took the plunge with Fuji and no regrets. I'm not trying to pursue a career in photography, but I'd love to find a career that will let me get involved with photography now and then.


I currently use a gripped X-T1 with the 18, 23, and 35. I'm hoping to add the 14 and either the 56 or 90, and eventually maybe a GS X-T1, so I can leave my black one gripped for "serious" work and use the GS as my everyday camera.


17425251158_fb1a058544_c.jpgIMG_0336 by philbabbey, on Flickr

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Hi there, Didiergm here, from France, a non-gifted amateur who insists on taking images in the hope that sometimes a couple of them will be pleasant enough to be printed, framed and put up on the wall. 


I started this journey in the mid 70's when my grandfather passed away and I discovered his old camera and home made (!) enlarger (he was an engineer) so I basically could setup my own dark/wet room for next to nothing. So I learned by myself (and some books!)  the art of turning a black ribbon of acetate  into an image on paper, using some obscure chemical process (not to mention a good dose of black magic); That was both fun and fascinating. Then I grew up had other interest in life and no space for a darkroom anymore so by the mid 80's my camera was not used anymore. So I forgot all about photography (even though I, quite ironically was head of computer software development for a large stock photography agency, based in the UK!)  , until about 2006 where I bought A Nikon D70 - then moved to second hand pro bodies (D2hs, D2x, D3) just for the passion of holding and using well engineered things. But the passion for photography was not there, all the magic I found in my early days had no returned: Digital had (almost) killed it ....


... Until I met the X-E1, Fuji colors, lenses and overall simplicity and rediscovered the simple pleasure of making images and memories again. For this I feel in debt with Fuji.


6 months later, december 2014 I sold all my Nikon gear and bought  a X-T1, some nice lenses and the story continues... 

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It would be nice to know a little bit more about other members so perhaps those who are willing could post here. Perhaps Patrick could make it a sticky?


Thanks Olli for starting this! Just made it sticky...


My name is Andreas and I live in Bonn, Germany with my small family.


I have a degree as Photo Engineer (in Gerrrrman: Diplom-Fotoingenieur), my main job now is to run discussion boards about photo gear.

The International Leica Forum was the start in 2000 (OMG I'm feeling so old...), over the time I added the German Systemkamera Forum (Mirrorless Cameras), German Fuji X Forum and the International Sony Alpha Forum.


If you have any questions about the forum, please ask  - per PN or in another thread.

As my job here is to keep everything on topic ;)


Who's next?



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Hi all   - my name is philip, and have been into photography seriously for the about the last fifteen years. Switched to Fuji gear from Leica M about twelve months ago, and have not regretted it for one minute  -  Bank Manager also very pleased with the decision.


Shoot with the X-T1, 23mm 35mm 56mm 10-24mm and 55-200mm and over the last few months have tended to drift more and more towards B&W. Will probably take a long look at the 90mm when it hits the street.


Just in awe of the way Fuji look after us shooters with the constant upgrades via firmware. 


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Shalom Aleichem Fuji-X-Forum people!  :)

my name is Danny, I live in South Florida I'm a stay at home and homeschooling dad. I'm into snapping photos because of my 4 beautiful kids (8,7,5 and almost 2). I had a Canon 6D which I sold for my Fuji gear. I currently have a XT1 and use the 23 and 56 for indoor low light and for everything else I use the 16-55 and 50-140. Very happy with the Fuji and having a ton of fun with it. 



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Hello! I'm Andrew from New Zealand. I am a web designer and was given a DSLR as a sort of gift for helping a friend with his website. I've been hooked on photography since! I picked up an x100 a year ago and it got me hooked on Fuji. Just so much fun. Later picked up and xt1 + 35 and love this combo to bits. I also now have the 18f2, 18-55, samyang 12 and an adapted sigma 18-35 from my Nikon.


Check out my blog if you like :)



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I'm Adam!


I'm incredibly fortunate in that I get to live my life (and shoot my fujis!!!) in 2 different countries.


The UK where I was born and where I work, and Portugal where I spend my down time!


I've had many, MANY fujis over the years, my first digi cam was a fuji finepix 2200 2.1mp, bought in 2000!


I've tried most of the X series bodies, but currently have a X-T1 and X-Pro1 & 6 Fuji lenses.


The XT is my do everything camera, the Pro is my travel/reportage camera!


Feel free to look at my shots which can be found on flickr,






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i switched from the canon 5d mk ii to the fuji x-pro 1 was released.  never looked back because loved the fact that my camera bag weighed less than i did without very much sacrifice.  i work in a 24/7 dispatch facility so with my crazy hours and days i can go a month or more without picking up a camera or occasionally manage to shoot every day of the month.  mostly interested in landscapes, travel and toy photography.

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I've been a keen photographer since 1986 - with a few pauses, the second of which I am about to exit.


My last camera was an X Pro 1 and loved it and thinking of getting another again - unless an X-Pro 2 gets announced very shortly or the XT1 or XT10 prove to be too much of an upgrade.


Previously a long time Canon user, but not after the X-Pro 1.


I like to carry a camera around with me all the time 'just in case' - and the X-Pro 1 fits that brief very well - certainly much better than the 5D2!


Time to go away and be patient until the 18th May...


As for my preferred subject? Well I suppose it would have to include street, journaling work and travel and an occasional dable into portrait/ fashion

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Hi All,


My name is Ian Clarke from Warwickshire in the UK. I'm a long time photographer and, up to a few months ago, a dedicated Canon user (5DMkiii and L glass). I'm working on improving my portraiture photography at the moment and attended a session at this year's Photography show where the guy was using an X-T1 for portraits and I was hooked! You can see some of my non-Fuji work here and some shots taken with my X-T1 here

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Hi there, my name is Kiril and I'm a bulgarian who live in Malta for 13 years now.

Photography is a hoby of mine, had aPanasonic, Olimpus, Nikon and now for about 1 year i have a Juji X-T1 with 35mm and 56mm and Samiang 8mm.

The best camera i owned so far, great system, awesome glass and cool updates.

Wish you all happy snaping and many awesome momments with Fuji X cameras.

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Hi all, i live with my wife and 2 kids in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands.

In the past i did news photography and photography assignments for construction contractors and railroadwork.

The last 2 years i am taking photo's for hobby just because i like to do it, and sometimes a small assignment or selling photo's so i have some money for the hobby.

I used Nikon for 30 years but 2 years ago i sold all my Nikon gear and switched to Fuji, that was a difficult decision but now i am happy i did it.

No more heavy cams around my neck and shoulders  :)


If you ever come to Amsterdam and you want some info about this beautiful city you can contact me.


Sorry for my terrible English  :wacko:

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Hi! My name's Federico and I live in Torino, Italy. Currently I'm enrolled in last year in Embedded Computer Engineering. My journey in the photography
world started a year and a half ago when my girlfriend had handed me her old Nikon D3100. I started to shoot photos and this new passion hit me like a train. :D


Since then I saved for almost a year and finaly, at the end of 2014, a was able to purchase an X-T1 with the kit lens. Now I'm realy looking forward to buy

the 16mm/f1.4 and when it will come out the 35/f2, but for now all my photos are taken with the good 18-55.
So far I am a self taught photografer that has read some good books and some internet courses, and I am very happy to join this community. :)

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