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Found 16 results

  1. What is this blinking red icon on the EVF/LCD? I cannot find it in the manual.
  2. Hello, I am an experienced amateur with Canon and Sony experience who has decided to give Fujifilm a try. I've just unboxed the x-e3 with the 18-55mm lens. I shoot mostly landscapes, travel and street scenes and enjoy digital editing with Photoshop, Affinity and other things. I would like to experiment a bit with Macro, in the future. Mostly I am looking to record memories and express art ideas. My fundamental belief is that all photographs are an incomplete reflection of reality and therefore always open to any type of adjustment and manipulation in search for richer expression of an idea. I have to say that my first experience with x-e3 (unboxed late at night, when it's dark) has not been overly positive. Since I really shot outdoors 99% of the time, I only shot a few indoor pics to acclimate to the controls. I spent more time connecting the camera to wifi and bluetooth and trying to use the PC AutoSave and Remote Camera App on my Galaxy S7. What a piece of crap the Fuji software is! That is not a good start. All I want from the Remote Camera App, is a remote trigger and geotagging but it seems that I also have to have wifi connectivity and I seen to have a complete misunderstanding how to get any value out of the app; so far all I've gotten from the app is frustration. The PC autosave works a little better but after setting it up I could not change my upload directory so I had to delete my connection and re-set it up for a different disk/filesystem, UGH - While there is a 'Change Directory' option it only would let me chose folders under my desktop, which I did not want. If these two software products are a reflection of Fuji's commitment to a quality photography experience then I may have to return the camera ... but I am getting ahead of myself - Naturally I bought the camera after much reviewing, with high expectations. Now that the sun is rising I am heading out to get some photos. If I have a good experience with that, then I can overlook the software crap because I really didn't buy the camera for the app or PC AutoSave. I bought it as a photo tool and as I ramble here, I see that there is now enough light to head out and do the real test! Hopefully that can smooth out the rough parts of my first experience. One final note, I find the manual and controls a bit overwhelming. My preferred shooting is manual aperture, but I will shoot some full auto, manual aperture and AE bracketing initially as that is how I usually shoot. But it seems like some of the options have multiple ways of getting there, that could be good or just clutter - for example do I really need or want an exposure dial AND the ability to set exposure bracketing? Perhaps, time will tell, but if I think I have to adjust for exposure, why not just shoot a bracket instead to increase the chance of really getting it right? Long term I think I will like the flexibility to quickly chose one over the other but my first impression is 'complexity' I would be interested in hearing success stories from others, specifically around things like, 'best custom settings', 'useful quick function assignments' and of course, getting value out of the software. Thanks, JW Follow up after first day of shooting: First let me say that I got the camera wifi upload working just fine. I had to uninstall and start over, but no big deal. But more importantly, the x-e3 is an awesome camera and I could not be happier with it. It's simple to use and manage, I can quickly find and use all of the different shot modes that I prefer. The unit itself is light weight, fast and responds like a point and shoot with all the manual control that I prefer. I am very happy with this camera!
  3. Hi! Fuji X-E3 for me is like my guitar processor - rule in few presets and then use them when needed. This is great concept. There are a lot of great preset recommendations around. I like very much photos from Tony Levin, famous bass player (David Bowie, King Crimson, etc). Like this one: More here. Can you help me with camera quick settings that can bring similar result? Something like "Tony Levin Settings" I am shooting jpeg only and do not use post processing or any other adjustments.
  4. Dear fellow X-E lovers, with our hopes high that Fuji is actually working on an X-E3 now, I've been thinking a lot about what I would want the X-E3 to be like and for which features I am actually willing (and able) to pay. Since I've read all sorts of things about what people want ranging from "as cheap as possible" to "make it an X-T2 in rangefinder format" I decided to make a poll to collect all those opinions in a meaningful way. I am hoping that many people here (and from FR) participate so that I can generate some interesting statistics from the data. Patrick has done some polls but without a bit of background information I believe the value of those polls is quite low (sorry, Patrick ;-) So, here's the link if you want to participate (it shouldn't take long): https://goo.gl/forms/LixLzXFAzOH6SwYx1 » Poll is now closed! I am planning to leave it open for about a week and then do an analysis which I will of course publish here in the forum or maybe as a guest post on FR. If you have any comments feel free to drop them here. Thank you!
  5. 1. IS Shortcut 2. Focal Length in Information Display 3. Y Axis Level Indicator 4. Multiple Exposures >2 For my purposes, the FujiFilm X-E3 is the most near perfect system on the market. Note that I said "near perfect". I very carefully made my body selection based on feature set and minimalism. The optimal ergonomics was icing on the cake. No other Fujifilm camera body could make me as happy as the X-E3. That doesn't mean I don't think it could be just a little better, and rather than feeling the need of a different camera, I am hopeful for a modestly improved firmware as noted below. 1. IS Shortcut - There is no option to create a shortcut to turn off Image Stabilization via Fn, T-Fn, Q Menu, or MyMenu. XC lenses have no external switch to turn off IS (such as the XF lenses do), so the user must dive into the menu for this. Users who frequently go on and off the tripod currently must make that menu dive each time. As such a user, I would be very grateful for the ability to make such a shortcut. 2. Focal Length in Information Display - This would be helpful to zoom lens users. This information is available in exif, so I assume it can be polled for display. 3. Y Axis Level Indicator - Could be useful for scientific, engineering, or documentary purposes. I've grown so fond of the X Axis indicator, I can't imagine ever being without it again. 4. Multiple Exposures >2 - Fujifilm have done such an amazing job of maintaining the classic features we enjoyed back in the day. As I recall, however, every camera on which I could perform multiple exposures could perform multiple-multiple-exposures. I'd have no problem holding the photographer responsible for the exposure, but a photo with five or six exposures (without software sorcery) is still something I'd like to do on the X-E3. And that's it. These four features gets the X-E3 as close to perfection as I can imagine on it's current hardware base. And I can make a better case for keeping the X-E3 an X-E3 than evolving to an X-E4 (hint: any further hardware feature or feature that appears on other bodies are not "minimalist", which is something that holds high value for me.) Thanks for any consideration, and I'm pulling for you, Fujifilm.
  6. Hi, I am thinking to grab a X-E3 by this year Christmas but is it worth to buy new E3 or wait for the successor? Some rumours saying that E3 will not receive an update but I like its weight and size as it matching to they style I shoot (I am mainly on street photography). new X-Pro 2 & 3 is way out of my budget, so it is tough for me to consider the two. Please feel free to share your ideas. Thank you.
  7. mango

    "Into exit"

    From the album: X-E3

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  8. mango

    "Blue 04"

    From the album: X-E3

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  9. From the album: X-E3

    For use on promoting "Brings and Joys" band.

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  10. mango

    "Hi Bob"

    From the album: X-E3

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  11. From the album: X-E3

    For use on promoting "Brings and Joys" band.

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  12. From the album: X-E3

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  13. mango


    From the album: X-E3

    For use on promoting "Brings and Joys" band.

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  14. mango

    "Live light"

    From the album: X-E3

    A cat live in a beautiful cafe on 2nd floor of a flower shop, Bangkok, Thailand.

    © (C)apaisuwan,samatcha

  15. Hi. My lovely X-E3 has a problem. Sometimes when I press the shutter (fully press it, to take a photo!) there is a significant delay before the shutter fires. A delay of around 1.5 seconds. Enough to miss the shot, should my subject happen to be on the move. I am using mostly the 18mm f/2. I have tested the lens on a borrowed X-Pro1 and it works 100% - so it's not the lens. I think the problem happens around 25% of the time, enough to be very annoying. Has anyone else experienced something like this before? If so, what did you do about it? Thanks.
  16. Dear Fuji, I love my X-E2! Especially since FW 4.0 it has become a spectacular camera (save the waxy skin) and I'm so thankful for that FW update. I couldn't be happier when compared with the DSLR I was shooting before. Now give us that 23 f2 and then a 56 f2 and I'll be jumping for joy. But as much as I love the X-E2 I really hope you'll one day give us an X-E3. And I'm pretty sure I (and many others) wouldn't be able to resist upgrading from our X-E2. Here's what I think it should look like: Now let's get the basic specs out of the way and then I'll write some details about each one: - WR - No integrated space-wasting midget-flash - 24 MP X-Trans III sensor - Tilting touch screen - Large EVF from the X-T1 but with higher resolution and that nice refresh rate from the X-Pro2 - Front and rear dial as well as a combined SS / ISO dial - Focus-recompose and touch screen to select focus points (omitting the need for joystick or 4-way controller) WR I'd really like that but I can live without it. My lenses aren't WR anyway. No Integrated Flash Leave that thing out. It's so useless. Literally the only thing I do with it is popping it up and pressing it back in when I'm bored. I'm serious. Integrated flashes are weak, very limited, add potential weaknesses, cast ugly shadows and make WR more difficult. For triggering remote flashes (the only real use this thing has) rather find a way to brightly flash the focus assist lamp if that is possible. The money you save with this can go into adding a tilt and touch screen (see below). 24 MP X-Trans III Sensor Pretty obvious, right? It would be even better if you added PDAF points on the whole sensor but I guess that won't happen. Screen Tilt screens are so useful. I want one. I know some self-proclaimed purists don't want one but that's nonsense. They can simply not use it. And no, it doesn't break easily. Especially not if you don't use it. To accommodate the larger EVF (see below) you will need to make it more compact. I think you could keep it at 3" but all those huge borders around the actual screen area (like on the X-T1 / X-T10) need to go. Not a problem, others manage that as well. Touch screens are so useful. I want one. I know some self-proclaimed purists don't want one but that's nonsense. They can simply turn it off. And no, it doesn't cost much and it also doesn't drain the battery when it's turned off. It's embarrassing that so many cameras still lack one when we're in the age of the smartphone. The potential is huge but (like with the tilt screen) many fail to see that until they use a well implemented one. The main functions will be focus point selection (when shooting on a tripod) and menu navigation. EVF Yes, I want that huge X-T1 EVF. It's lovely and I want you to somehow squeeze it into the X-E3. To do that we'll need to move the screen and give up that 4-way controller which isn't needed (if you implement my suggestions for focus point selection). Add a higher resolution panel and give us that 85 fps refresh rate and we'll be extremely pleased. Please give us a diopter correction that doesn't constantly move by accident. And mark the freaking neutral position! This is UI-101! Dials Give us a combined SS & ISO dial. Not quite like in the X-Pro2 but similar. Lift-and-turn is too difficult to perform since it needs a significant change in the right hand position. Instead make it so that the button on top toggles between ISO and SS. Almost always I'll keep either SS or ISO fixed and adjust exposure with the other. So toggling the two would be perfect. The outer design (SS outside, ISO in the little window) is great. It would be even better if a deep press of the top button locked both settings so they can't accidentally be changed. I'd love front and rear control dials. Make them like the rear dial on the X-E2. Not that mushy thing you put in the X-T10. And then give us the option to change ISO and SS with them by adding a "D" (for dial) setting on the SS/ISO dial. Simple concept: - You like those labeled dials and only need full stops for ISO and SS: use the top dial. - You prefer DSLR-style dials or need 1/2 or 1/3 stops: use the front and rear dial. That way you can make all of us happy: everyone gets to use the dial they want and that ridiculous two-dials-are-needed-for-one-setting-thing has an end. When I use the front and rear dials for ISO and SS I want a press of the dial to switch between manual and auto mode. When the auto mode is selected, turning the SS dial changes the minimum shutter speed and turning the ISO dial changes the maximum ISO. Simple as that. Not a dial, but an important button: I want an AF button that works like the AF-ON buttons we are used to from DSLRs: press once for AF-S, hold for AF-C, half-pressing the shutter doesn't activate AF. Focus-point Selection We have two ways to select the focus point. Both are faster than joysticks or 4-way controllers and therefore (and since we have no space for it) we don't need either of those. Handheld shooting: focus on your subject, half-press the shutter button (extra step when using AF-button to focus) and recompose. The camera automatically selects the new AF point closest to the subject that was initially focussed on. Tripod shooting: use the touch screen to simply tap the desired focus point. In handheld shooting using the LCD you can use either method. ----- So, Fuji, these are my suggestions. I'm sure there might be some problems with this concept I haven't thought about but the general idea seems like a lovely camera to me. Here are a few additional (random) points: - Yes, it would be a step up and probably cause this camera to be priced the same or closer to the X-T2. I wouldn't care. - If the camera needs to become a few mm taller or wider to fit the large EVF that would be okay. - The exact button placement would of course need to be tested on actual prototypes, this is just guesswork. - Centered tripod mount please! - Dual card slot would be awesome. And please let us insert the cards from the side. - Adding Bluetooth for a stable remote connection with low power consumption would be great. - I'd like to have the ability to use the EC dial as a WB compensation dial when shooting in manual mode with AWB. - I forgot a Drive button in my mockup. ----- What do you think of this camera? Would you buy it? Would you rather buy this or the X-T2 with the same specs? What would you do differently? Feel free to drop a comment. If someone with more PS knowledge than me (not difficult) wants to do a proper rendering feel free to do that. Just want to tell Fuji that they should release an X-E3? Here's your chance!
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