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Found 4 results

  1. I just recently bought the xs 10 and havent used it much it's still new. I noticed that when shooting 4k and DCI 4k there's a lite flicking sound that sound like a fan or something that comes from the front near the lense mount or even in the lens. I also heard this during playback when testing the internal mic. This sound does not happen when shooting FHD and I'm wondering is it because shooting 4k is more taxing on the Camera or the Lense. When I take the lense of and record with the sensor cap on the camera the sound is gone. is this normal or is this a fault and If its a fault can it be fixed or should I send the camera back. Thanks
  2. I just got a new X-S10 and after about 4 days of use it started making an audible whirring sound when on. It's loud enough to hear at an arms length and makes too much sound for use with a hotshoe mounted mic. I've tried turning off the IBIS and autofocus and nothing seems to stop it. I am using the 16-80 predominantly but it also makes the sound with an old manual lens. The sound stops when in playback mode. I tried updating the firmware to the most recent which has not solved the issue. Does anyone have any ideas or should I just exchange it? Thanks,
  3. Hi guys, I have a cheap lav mic with a 1/8" cable that isn't producing any audio when plugged in to the XT200. I played with the mic gain settings in the camera's menu, but still no help. The built-in mic works fine but obviously would like improved audio quality. Does this camera require a powered microphone to be used instead? Anything I'm missing something as far as settings go? Does something need to be turned 'on'? I'm new to the camera game and upgraded from my iPhone, which obviously was working with this mic w/o any problem. Thanks in advance!
  4. I recently reacquired the Fuji 56f1.2. It's a fantastic lens and I should never have sold it. However, my new copy of the 56 occasionally makes a humming sound that persists after acquiring focus in AF-S mode. I don't recall my old 56 ever doing this on my X-T2 so now I'm slightly concerned. For the rest there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it. At about one in a 20 shots, especially at minimum range (though I've also had it happen at infinity), the auto-focus motor keeps humming after acquiring focus. Sometimes it stops after a few seconds, but I've also had occasions where it wouldn't stop until I'd press the focus button again or switch off the camera. It happens in AF-S mode. My question is: do other people with the 56 experience this occasional after-focus hum as well, or could it be that I got a bad copy? And my second question is; could it possibly damage or shorten the lifespan of the lens when the autofocus motor keeps running after acquiring focus? I would hate to have the lens work for two years and then break just after the warranty has expired. And my last question: would you keep it and try your luck, or would you return it to the shop and exchange it for another copy? Edit: Problem solved, see my post below.
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