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Found 11 results

  1. Hi all, I'm new both to the Fuji X cameras (but not Fuji film/chrome!) and after 2 days of reading, setting up, and doing field tests, am at the point of managing & viewing image files. I have hit 3 roadblocks which I don't see directly addressed via online search or forum search (so far, anyway). Any advice/suggestions appreciated, and I know full well everyone's work flow, software/hardware, and personal context vary widely. Apologies for greedily asking 3 questions, hoping one or more yields something useful for my situation. Thank you in advance. #1 - Exif/file info with reference to film simulation. (Note I've not yet downloaded the raw converter, and not sure which/how will give me the best and easiest tools and experience). So... I went out to take my "first roll" of images, shooting in both .jpeg and raw, mostly stills plus a few 4K vid clips, and emulating my beloved Velvia in some (fall foliage time here) while trying out some of the other film types. The thing is, when I downloaded - to a Mac, w/ iPhotos/Photos and Photoshop - I had no way to tell which film type was on each image, among shots I took several of to compare the results side by side. Problem #1: Neither the Mac file info nor Photoshop .exif info provides "Provia" or "Velvia" or whatever label, leaving me the arduous task of going to the camera and copying that info by hand into the image notes or filename. I see many reviews and how-to's with many photos, each listing the film emulation used. Is there anything I've missed in looking for the (.jpeg) setting? Any tips? Thanks. #2 - Raw - I've read a bunch and upgraded Photoshop to be able to read and work with the .raf files. HOWEVER, again maybe specific to my chosen tools (usually iPhoto for viewing and Photoshop/Elements for editing/post), but my issue here is lack of thumbnail display when looking through or importing .raf files. I see only the generic thumbnail, not an image, rendering the previews useless in knowing what's there, without referring back to the camera or finding the same file in .jpeg if I have it. Is there some fix for this either within Photoshop or via some Fuji software? #3 - GPS/Geotagging - Probably my biggest disappointment compared with what else is "out there", and compared against both my iPhone (which geotags and maps) or my Pentax camera which does it too. Automatically. Again, I read many posts, reviews, and manuals (like a good scientist), but while I get the idea of what's possible, still I'm not pleased with the "workaround". Obviously it wasn't a deal-breaker in choosing this wonderful camera (X-T2) but it would be real nice to automatically tag with location and/or GPS coordinates. I understand you need a GPS receiver to get this, so no firmware update is going to help, but.... I find the option to use a phone device and tether, constantly remembering to manually change the camera setting with each new location, let's say, cumbersome. (A pain!) Sometime the phone is useless, with no wifi or satellite nearby, but that's pretty rare for GPS. Anyway, I've read some suggestions (along the line of being sure to change the location manually with each new place, tethered to a phone with GPS/geotagging) and am wondering - though I've mostly resigned to forgetting about native, or easy, geotagging with this camera .... Any secret techniques for rather easily geotagging at least key places on a journey? Right now, though I'm not sure I'll have phone or wi-fi near me where I'm headed, one consideration is taking a phone photo at every camera session, just to get the coordinates and/or geographic tag. If that's all I can do really, I'd be interested in knowing whether I'd be able to add the GPS info from phone photo, manually or in bulk, AFTER the fact, when I return home or to base, or whatever. Any hints/advice appreciated. Those are my big-3 remaining questions before I venture out with this camera as my new main camera (replacing much bigger/heavier gear). My first forum query, and again, apologies for the length and breadth of my inquiry. Thinking this "the place" to ask among actual users of all stripes. Thanks!
  2. Hi! Fuji X-E3 for me is like my guitar processor - rule in few presets and then use them when needed. This is great concept. There are a lot of great preset recommendations around. I like very much photos from Tony Levin, famous bass player (David Bowie, King Crimson, etc). Like this one: More here. Can you help me with camera quick settings that can bring similar result? Something like "Tony Levin Settings" I am shooting jpeg only and do not use post processing or any other adjustments.
  3. Hello y'all, I've been really interested in getting to know y'all's settings for the C1 through C4. I've been really having a hard time deciding on how to set those up. No I did see some recipes something of a cookbook for film simulation and color clarity and things like that, which got me really really interested in them, but don't know what the best way to implement them are. I've just been a little bit overwhelmed with how much customization there is on the camera and just wanted to get a little bit of community insight on how you all have been setting up these features on your cameras. I getting really excited to bounce ideas from everybody. I love getting ideas on how to better my photography and would love feedback on y'all's unique photo style and how you get your best shots using those custom settings.
  4. I created this slideshow of images that I took of a maiko walking around Miyagawacho, in Kyoto, this September. I edited all of the images in Capture One using Fujifilm's new film simulation, classic negative. When Fujifilm provides the X-T3 with classic negative via a future firmware update, I am sure it will be even better. However, I am liking the new film simulation already for street photos. What do you think of classic negative for your own photos? Fujifilm X-T3 , Canon EF 300mm f4L IS, Fringer EF-FX Pro ii
  5. I created this slideshow of images that I took of a maiko walking around Miyagawacho, in Kyoto, this September. I edited all of the images in Capture One using Fujifilm's new film simulation, classic negative. When Fujifilm provides the X-T3 with classic negative via a future firmware update, I am sure it will be even better. However, I am liking the new film simulation already for street photos. What do you think of classic negative for your own photos? Fujifilm X-T3 , Canon EF 300mm f4L IS, Fringer EF-FX Pro ii
  6. Hello Everyone, I just picked up an XT2 and this is my first Fuji camera, really excited about using it. I've been watching a lot of youtube videos and reading forum post to familiarize myself with the camera and its settings. I am very impressed by the film simulations but really confused on how to use them in conjunction with RAW files. I was under the impression that if I shoot RAW+JPEG(Fine/Norma) with a film simulation selected (e.g. Chrome). Simulation is applied to JPEG only and RAW file is pure raw without any processing that I can edit however I want in post processing. But I took the camera out for the first time and realized the film simulation is applied to both JPEG and RAW. Is there a way to shoot with film simulation applied to JPEG but get unprocessed RAW files from XT2? Thanks for everyone's help in advance!
  7. Hi, I am sorry if I am posting this question in the wrong place. I'm new here. And, thank you for reading this. Like many, I have film simulation recipes under the Custom Settings. I would like to know what Custom Settings Name (i.e. film simulation recipe name) I selected for a photo I already took. Is there a way to save a tag under EXIF metadata or any other similar method that one can check later with each photo? If relevant, I am using a XE-3.
  8. hi jus got my new x30. on setting up i may have accidentally pressed somethin by mistake. i am now stuck in "sepia" mode. cant get out of it & back to normal colour. the basic guide is no help. so badly need help. thanks harold
  9. Hi, I have created my own 7 Custom Settings for Film Simulation with different values for Grain Effect, Color Chrome effect, WB, DR, Sharpness etc...etc. When I choose one of the 7 Film Simulations from the Q-menu all the added settings working correct. But if I choose another Film Simulation from the main menu, the values from the last used Custom Setting are following. This is irritating and didn't happen on my X100F. Anyone with experience in this matter?
  10. If you shoot F-Log with the X-T3, you might find this interesting: DR100 film simulation LUTs: DR400 film simulation LUTs: More details here: http://colorizer.net/index.php?op=xt3
  11. Hey, Didn't find the right topic selection, so I wrote under X-T4, but works for X-T3 and lower probably also.Ok then, I found new recipes : Øyvind Nordhagen – MediumAn Oslo based photographer.Also an interesting article about "Medium format look on small sensors"I always publish them on my site + on my page "The Largest Collection of Recipes brought together"But will try to remember to mention them here as well - my site is all open source and free, i'am not selling anything - nor get paid.Hope it helps someone.Regards,Marc
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