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Found 5 results

  1. Hi All, New here, apologies if this has been raised in a thread already. It appears face detection does not work when using the remote app on my mobile. I set everything up on my XT-20 and ran a few manual test shots on my Girlfriend. All works fine. Activate wireless comms and connect to the camera remote app and no face detection at all. Checked the images on the rear screen and it shows the "Face detected" tag on the normal shots, but not those taken remotely. These are out of focus if not quite central. Tried with various settings: point, zone, wide and in single shot vs continuous. No joy. Seems like a big oversight on Fuji's part. Is there a good reason for this? Am I missing something? Is there a way to put in a feature request to Fuji to have this added in an upgrade? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I'm new to the Fuji system and I would like to know if it's possible to set a focus zone and tell the camera to "only search for faces in that specific area", instead of hunting everywhere in the image and end up focusing on some passer-by in the background? Also, when face/eye detection isn't hitting the right target, what's the quickest way to manually toggle out of it? I tried moving my focus point with the joystick but the camera would fight me and keep picking up faces in the areas I don't want. Does anyone have a solution with this? I'm using an X-T30.
  3. Has anyone had odd behavior with the Face/Eye-Detection setting seeming to change itself to off with an X-Pro3. I realize it's likely me but I can't duplicate the cause and that's throwing me off. I set the focus area to all and turn on Face/Eye-Detect to Eye Auto. It will function for a length of time then, looking through the OVF, it won't recognize a face. Curious, I check the setting and it's turned Face/Eye-Detection off. I turn it back on without changing any other settings and poof, face recognition works fine. Rinse and repeat. The detect setting is not assigned to a function button. I tried changing batteries, memory cards, metering modes, zone/point focus modes, focus point displays, film simulations, movie/stills mode, exposure comp, flipping screens and all the dials, changing the OVF/EVF, and changing lenses with the camera on and off and nothing seems to duplicate the occasional surprise change in the setting. It's one of those things that happens when I'm not paying attention to it -- Haha... okay, I know it sounds crazy but I'm wondering if there is anyone with some suggestions on what I may be overlooking as a possible cause.
  4. Hi guys ! I'm kinda new to fuji x systems. I have a video shooting tomorrow and I don't understant why when I have face detection ON this setting isn't working. I am on AF-C mode, Movie mode AREA, AF-C CUstom settings tracking sens 0 af speed 0 , face/eye detection EYE AUTO.. What am I missing? Thanks !
  5. I understand that face detection disables photometry. But I notice some undocumented inconsistencies when face-detection is selected, depending on OVF/EVF selection: With EVF, the metering icon in the viewfinder displays the appropriate face-detection/eye-detection icon. Photometry choice is disabled. So far so good. With OVF on / dual EVF off, the metering icon in the viewfinder keeps displaying the underlying selected photometry icon (although photometry selection is disabled). This is wrong and confusing. With OVF on / dual EVF on, the metering icon also keeps displaying the photometry choice, but it is yellow-colored (undocumented). In addition, a function key assigned to photometry appears to be active, you can choose a photometry mode and the choice is regularly reflected in the viewfinder. Again utterly misleading. Can somebody explain?
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