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Found 5 results

  1. Hello everyone, A few weeks ago I bought the Fuji 90mm but didn't get to use it due to a tight schedule this past month (actually, I only tried it out just once when at home). It has been sitting inside a camera bag all this time. Yesterday when I took it out, I inspected it and saw this quite conspicuous speck WITHIN the lens itself (you can see it in the photo attached, slightly down left to the middle of the lens). I am quite sure it's dust. Now I know that every lens accumulates dust no matter how well you take care of it, and it shouldn't really affect the images you take, but I guess I thought it would be different with this weather & dust resistant lens? especially when it is brand new, haven't been used and stored properly? What do you guys think I should do? Continue as if nothing happened, or try and have it replaced? Thanks
  2. Moving air and dust when zooming I read about two potential problems, which I cannot fully understand – both related to moving air and dust when zooming. Fuji vs. Fuji says when comparing Fuji´s standard zooms: “Eye-blow: Another area the 18-55mm f/2.8-4 wins in is eye-blow. If there is any, I can’t feel it. With the other two lenses, you might dry your eye out if you zoom out too quickly. The 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 is the worst here.“ And Philip Sutton writes in his blog „However, it is the dust and filth that creates the amazing light that one can only find in Myanmar. The thought of sucking all of this into my camera each time I zoomed, was not comforting. … I started reading a lot about the 18-135 mm lens. I loved the fact that it is sealed.“ I cannot understand the eye-blow problem at all, because there is no direct connection between lens and ocular in mirrorless cameras. The dust problem I can understand, but I have a hard time to believe that this is a relevant problem. Does anybody have a thought, experience or deeper insight into this moving air and dust “problem”?
  3. I am taking pictures since almost 40 years a lot, often when raining. Although i have never owned a weather resistant lens/camera until recently i never ever had a problem. When reading in this forum and blogs some people say WR is a big plus, others say it is overrated. Thus, my question: Who ever had problems with a non-WR or a WR-lens when raining?
  4. I have managed to get dust underneath the glass which sits just above the sensor in my X-Pro2 and wondered if anyone else has had this problem and managed to solve it? I took it to Jessops for a sensor clean but when this didn’t solve hue problem, I took a closer look myself (yes, I know, I did that the wrong way round for £30!) and you can make out a tiny fibre and another speck which are clearly beneath the uppermost glass (the ‘low pass filter’?) sitting just above the filter. Rather annoying and, like any dirt on this part of the camera, comes out very clearly at f22 against a light background. I think this was caused - ironically - with my first ever camera cleaning kit which came with a puffer. I think I must have been over enthusiastic with it and blown the dust in there. Silly me for thinking it was more tightly sealed. I’ve asked both Fuji UK and the Camera Repair Workshop in M Keynes for advice but if anyone on here has thoughts and advice I would really welcome that too. Yours, New to the Fuji-X website. Luke
  5. Hello hello, I returned the first Fuji XF 90mm lens I ordered because it had dust inside right out of the box. The replacement was clean but after 3 months: specks of dust all over – I counted around 20. I am aware this does not affect image quality but for a weather resistant (WR) lens, I find it hard to accept. Never had such problems with my Canon L lenses (that I have used extensively in all conditions for 10 years) or my other WR XF lenses (35mm and 16mm). I’ll pay the Fuji Service center a visit tomorrow and ask for a replacement, let’s see what they say… My guess is that dust settles in during the manufacturing process and starts spreading after use Photo there: http://www.benoa.net/2017/06/xf-90mm-and-dust.html
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