XF80 on X-T2 (RAW), tripod, electronic shutter, self timer Developing steps applied: - sharpening in Adobe Camera Raw 10 (sharpening settings 40 / 1,0 / 100 / 40 in the ACR details tab) - demosaicing with Iridient X-Transformer (RAW Process: „more detailed“; sharpening: "none") - in ACR saturation +10-15
- any digital auto-correction has been unchecked/omitted in Iridient/ACR - via Photoshop CC saved to TIF/JPG - no further sharpening applied to the pics with original size (see links below) - output sharpening in PS CC via unsharp mask applied to the smaller pics embedded here for direct view (Amount 50% / Radius 1 Pixel / Threshold 1 Level) - slight cropping of the pics with the bismuth crystal and the bulbs Original size, 5-9 MByte-JPGs (click): Bismuth crystal, @ f5.6 Coffee beans, @ f8 Vintage bulbs (er, including dust...), @ f5.6 downsized: Bismuth crystal, @ f5.6
Coffee beans, @ f8
Vintage bulbs (er, including dust...), @ f5.6
Veeery nice lens (...quite big though :eek:) .