Hi I'm an amateur enthusiast and have been using an X-E2 with 18-55mm R LM OIS lens for just over 2 years now and love it, I'm new to the forum and unfortunately begin with a problem.
I'm always wary of software/firmware upgrades and have been happily using the camera on vers, 1.0 for the last 2 years. A couple of weeks ago I took the plunge & updated the firmware to 4.01 (also updated lens firmware to 3.21). As I was upgrading from 1.0 I also took the advice to do a shooting menu reset and set-up reset straight after the upgrade as recommended. Everything seemed OK until today when I connected the camera to my laptop using USB cable to download some images. The camera froze - LCD display, on/off switch everything! The only way to get the camera working again is to disconnect from USB cable, switch off and remove/reinsert the battery. I've tried doing the resets again but the problem remains - Can anyone please help?