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Found 7 results

  1. When I apply some presets..(produced for X-T5) I get a warning as follow: "Some conversion settings are adjusted for Raw files below" What precisely is this meant to convey? Thanks Bernard
  2. Please correct me if I am missing something, but as far as I can tell the image stabilisation (IBIS and OIS) has been affected by the recent FW update to V4.00 on X-T5 (and so it seems, to V4.40 on X-T2). I expect the same problem on X-H cameras after the recent update, maybe someone would like to test. Previously, you could choose to have IS on full time (“Continuous”) or only when you press the shutter button to focus (“Shooting Only”). Now this works only in AF-C. In AF-S when you switch to Shooting Only, IS does not work. Continuous works. In AF-M I have to try yet. I tried with the XF90, XF18 F1.4, XC50-230, XF18-55. Seems to me like a bug in the new FW that could be corrected in future updates. Has anyone else encountered this or has anyone perhaps found some relationship to other settings that could influence this behaviour ?
  3. I use a Godox DP600III studio flash with the Godox XProF trigger. Everything goes smoothly on the X-T5, but when I want to shoot in Pixel Shift mode there is no way, the flash never fires. I have tried all the low sync speeds, the maximum is 1/25, and all the available intervals between shots. Nothing. However it does work if I put a Nissin i60 flash directly on the hot shoe. I have also tried to connect camera and flash directly with a traditional cable and it doesn't work either. It could be that the cable is in bad condition, to hold on to any hope... However it works perfectly with the High Resolution mode of the Olympus E-M5 mk3. I don't know if anyone has any ideas on how to get out of this predicament, I spent a lot of money on the camera mainly for this...
  4. Hello all. I'm hoping for some advise. Recently I have got into photography. I currently have the X-T5, 16-80 fuji and 13mm Viltrox. I enjoy landscape photography, astro and nightscapes. I can't speak about street or wildlife but I have always wanted to try wildlife. Honestly, I'm just trying to figure out what I like. I've like the idea of having a decent reach telephoto so I'm looking for options. I doubt that I'll get heavy into bird photography but we are looking at an Alaskan Cruise that I'd love to have some reach with. I'm in Canada where we have a 13% sales tax so whenever possibly I like to buy used and private to save the tax. On a lens like this we could be talking $200-$500. Yes I know new comes with a warranty. I also like used because the depreciation won't be as much and if I decide to sell, I won't be losing as much. Below are some options I'm considering. 1. Fuji 100-400 possibly with the 1.4 TC - I like this option as it'll reasonably fit in my pack and people love the lens. I just hear concerns about sharpness past 300mm. Given the age I can find one for a good price used. 2. Fuji 150-600 - Seems like it has better sharpness than the 100-400 but I think its just way to big to comfortably fit in my camera bag for a trip or a flight. It's also a little slow but I'm not as worried about that. 3. Sigma or Tamron 150-600. I'm leaning this way. I understand that I'll need an adapter but given the age and availability of these there are plenty of nice used options for a great price. I also understand that using an adapter will eliminate any WR but that's ok. I like that these are externally zooming as having a short lens when packed is important. If these lenses were to be released in x-mount I think they'd be perfect. I am a little concerned about the full frame lens resolution on a dense XT5 sensor. 4. Tamron 150-500. I'm really liking this option. Native X Mount, externally zooming, faster than the fuji 150-600. Only issue here the inability to use a TC (likely not and issue) and used market is non existent right now. Also to bad it's a converted FF lens. 5. Fuji 70-300. I like the idea for travel but have the feeling I'd always be wanting a little more reach. I know the TC will work with this but I think i'd just go with the 100-400 used. Any advise would be much appreciated. Renting isn't really an option for me. I should note that I'm in no rush. I know sigma and tamron are starting to make more lenses for fuji. I'd just love to see an APSC specific externally zooming 150-600. the Sigma 60-600 also looks great but with the adapter it's just too much for my budget.
  5. Does anyone know what setting in the menu to make my Q-Menu appear on my X-T5? When I push the Q button once I get the focus square, when I push it a second time I get the leveling view.
  6. Hi everyone, I'm trying to do some astrophotography, and I need to capture between 200-500 photos with a 60-second exposure. However, in bulb mode, it only allows me to take pictures with a 1-second exposure when ES is selected, so I cannot use my own external intervalometer. Also, when using the built-in software intervalometer, I can use ES with no issue in other modes. While I can work with this, it's not my ideal approach to astrophotography. Is there a way to change the shutter speed from 1 second to BULB? The wheels doesn't work either. I'm using firmware version 2.03.
  7. Hello, Just recently got my X-T5 (which is lovely albeit blimmin' complicated!). I have got some basic settings on it and I'm now reading through the manual to make sure I at least know about everything. One thing which is totally throwing me. In the manual it references the selector dial underneath the shutter speed control as being the "Metering Dial". This suggests that this dial would allow selection between things like spot metering, centre-weighted meeting, matrix, etc... right? This is confirmed in multiple places in the manual, see the attached screenshots. However on mine, this control -- unless I truly am going mad -- is only to switch between stills mode and video mode. What is going on here?! Thanks Alastair
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