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    jerryy reacted to Olegon in focus breketing   
    thank you jerryy. I got it ))
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    jerryy got a reaction from Olegon in focus breketing   
    Welcome to the forum.
    Hopefully, these may help:
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    jerryy reacted to Iam2alan in Shutter setting of T on mt T-50   
    Jerry, got it. You were correct, I had everything correct except for one little setting!  Thank you again for your help. 
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    jerryy reacted to Sleeping Dog in Fuji on Safari - Questions?   
    You may want to consider renting the lens in the country that you'll be traveling in.
    Another suggestion, there are a number of photographers that lead photo tours in Africa, it would be fruitful to visit their websites and see what they recommend. From one I looked at, the recommendation was 2 camera bodies (a spare if one is damaged), and a 300 and 600mm lenses, with a quick aperture, say F2.8. The fast lens is recommended given that you'll be shooting in the early morning and at dusk when the animals are active.
    If you are taking a tour or working through a lodge, see what they recommend and also whether they might rent or otherwise provide the equipment. A friend spent 2 weeks in SA and Botswana and only needed to bring a bunch of memory cards. 
    Also, don't forget a computer and two spare SSDs to backup your photos. 
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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Seascapes   
    sunset to the left, same day I shot the lighthouse above

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    jerryy got a reaction from MARRIEDGUY9 in landscapes with fuji x   

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    Trees Tunnel.
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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Seascapes   
    still playing with filters, lighthouse in Cape Henlopen State Park, Delaware.

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  8. Haha
    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Winter Landscapes   
    snapping turtle or great white?  my wife saw this driving down the road and I shot it for fun.

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    jerryy got a reaction from SimonF in Fuji Flowers   

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    jerryy got a reaction from SimonF in Fuji on Safari - Questions?   
    I appreciate your excitement and enthusiasm and hope you have you have a wonderful and safe journey there and while there and then back home again.
    But slow down a bit and think about it some more. A XF200 mm f2 lens (which includes a 1.4 tc)  is going for around US$ 5000. That one would be good for many settings there but … for considerably less money you can get fantastic zoom lenses giving far more photography options and put the leftover money into a big stack of memory cards, batteries and chargers, etc. and have cash leftover to tip your travel guides and enjoy the local cuisines.
    Landscapes with animals include things like elephant herds among the Baobab trees, cheetahs watching antelopes on the savanna, etc.
    I often use a 150-600mm for various projects. I can easily handhold it and get sharp steady shots, but after a while it goes back on the tripod to finish up. IBIS, etc. does not work well at longer focal lengths, so plan on being able to work when you are tired. That type of outdoor activity wears your lens holding arm.
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    jerryy got a reaction from SimonF in Fuji on Safari - Questions?   
    You are probably going to need to add in some more information before anyone can begin to help you. Information such as 'how much budget are you using to purchase lens equipment and does that include all of the other camera related gear you will also need', 'what kind of tours are you intending to take part in -- strictly herd animals or more isolated opportunistic critter viewing', 'are you going for landscapes with animals or animal portraits', etc.
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    jerryy reacted to Charlie.l in X-T1: Cable channel cover for DC coupler (dummy battery)   
    SOLVED ! 
    The camera is working perfectly with my original coupler snugly sitting in the power grip and running through the regular USB plug. Just like you suggested.
    The fact that my X-T1 was powering down the whole time, when directly connected to the dummy battery, must have been because the connection was insecure as I couldn't't close ******  door.
    All good- thanks again !
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    jerryy got a reaction from Charlie.l in X-T1: Cable channel cover for DC coupler (dummy battery)   
    I do not think there is a regular fix of the kind you probably are hoping to read about.
    There are/were battery grips folks could install that held an extra battery (Fujifilm’s part number is VG-XT1). Third party versions of the grip are still bring sold.  If you look around you may be able to find one with a battery door cover that works as you are hoping.
    p.s. Welcome to the forum.
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    jerryy got a reaction from Charlie.l in Removing the "Cable channel cover for DC coupler"   
    New and Improved Answer! As intimated earlier, now with images!

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    X-T30 ready for the change.

    Remove the L-Bracket and the battery.

    Grab the tab and slide it out.

    And up.

    Insert the CP-W126 DC coupler.

    Close the battery cover and it is ready to go. When you are finished using it, reverse the process.
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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Fuji Birds   
    Not sure what this little fellow is........he was close and looking right at me, good opportunity.

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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Fuji Birds   
    I believe this is a horned grebe in its winter phase.......never saw one of these before in Maryland or Delaware.  Couldn't get a great photo, severely backlit.

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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Fuji Birds   
    loved the shot.....very dark, not sharp, oh well.

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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Fuji Birds   

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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Fuji Birds   
    more from DE seashore

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    jerryy reacted to SimonF in Winter Landscapes   
    Very nice, i am from the UK but does DE mean Delaware ?  Thanks.
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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Winter Landscapes   
    second one

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    jerryy reacted to MARRIEDGUY9 in Winter Landscapes   
    a couple of pics from around Indian RIver and Cape Henlopen DE........wanted some opinions on editing.  I tried to stay true to what I saw that day.

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    jerryy got a reaction from mypointofview in X-E4 Issue   
    Welcome to the forum.
    This issue shows up now and then, some folks are able to find a solution and some are not
    Try a different lens (your local camera store may be willing to help you if you do not have a spare).
    Get some quick drying electrical contact cleaner, spray some on a cloth and wipe the contacts on the lens and body a few times and let both dry for an hour or so before before reattaching the lens to the body. Do not get any of the cleaner any where other than the contacts though or you might bring on an entirely different issue, A long time ago, folks would use the eraser on pencils to clean contacts, but it is easy to slip and push the pencil in where it should not go.
    If these approaches do not work, you may need to see how much the estimate will be for the cost to repair it and go from there.
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    jerryy got a reaction from SimonF in Astro-photography (open thread)   
    The Bridal Veil...

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    A long time ago, a big 'ol star near the Cygnus Constellation got very down-sized by collapsing in on itself. But things went too far, so much too far that it turned into a super-nova and the remains of that were discovered by William Herschel in 1784. This one goes by several names, the Cygnus Loop, the Filamentary Nebula, the Bridal Veil Nebula or just the Veil Nebula among other names. Then astronomers started giving names to the parts they could see and we have, today, three main named parts. The Western Veil Nebula, also known as the Witches Broom Nebula -- NGC 6960, the Eastern Veil Nebula -- NGC 6992 and some of the middle part called Pickering's Triangle also known as Fleming's Triangle. (Williamina Fleming discovered it and named it after the director of the observatory she used to find it. It does not have a NGC number because she discovered it after that catalog was published.)
    This one is not too hard to find and see in telescopes in moderately dark skies. Just look for the Swan up in the sky and start from there.

    This is the equivalent of a few moments more than 32 minutes of exposure.
  25. Sad
    jerryy reacted to Astigmatism in Adapting telescope (2" focuser) to Fuji X?   
    The two items I ordered aren't compatible. The threads on the camera side are coarser than the threads on the telescope side. I still haven't found (on my own) a camera part and a telescope part that both specify thread size (including pitch) and match.
    So I think I'd like to try the first thing you mention in your last post, jerryy, the "Fuji X Mount 2" UltraWide Prime Focus Telescope Adapter" at Telescopeadapters.com. But I have a question about it. The photos seem to show that the barrel has two slightly different diameters. The barrel is narrower close to the camera and wider further from it. There's definitely a small shoulder visible in the photo. If the wider part fits into the tube, the narrower part will be under the clamping mechanism (three screws bearing on a split brass ring). That seems wrong. If the narrower part fits, the wider part won't go in in the first place.
    Can you tell me what's up with that?
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