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Giampaolo Masserano

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Everything posted by Giampaolo Masserano

  1. From the album: Photos

    In 1889, Tsar Alexander III built a fishing lodge in Langinkoski (now in Finland but at that time on Russian soil), where the imperial family would visit every year. As you can see, the house is far from luxurious, but decidedly rustic. Today, the rapids in this area are a favorite destination for fishermen, while tourists can immerse themselves in imperial history with a visit to the fishing lodge.
  2. From the album: Photos

    The historic center of Tallinn (the capital of Estonia) has remained stuck in the Middle Ages. Miraculously intact even during the bombings of the Second World War, it has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
  3. I think I have the gift of foresight... 📸 The GF500 f5.6 is a reality! And at an affordable price, too...
  4. From the album: Photos

    Dingle Harbour - Ireland (Photo cropped to 16:9 to use as a screen saver)
  5. From the album: Photos

    Glendalough is one of the most beautiful historical places in Ireland, whose Irish name means "valley of the two lakes". The monastic city is located at the bottom of a deep and fascinating valley, framed by two dark bodies of water and surrounded by green slopes covered with larches and firs. The beauty of the landscape blends with the mysticism of the ancient monastery founded by St Kevin in the 6th century: here the saint retreated to live as a hermit. The monastery soon became a famous pilgrimage destination, which attracted believers from all over Europe until the 9th century.
  6. From the album: Photos

    Ireland's most spectacular Dolmen dominates the lunar landscape of the Burren.
  7. From the album: Photos

    High basalt columns that have solidified in geometric forms in remote periods.
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