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    jlmphotos got a reaction from SPB in 50R vs X100V   
    I have never owned a X100 series camera. I do hear they are very compact and portable, and amazing.  I have owned the "rangefinder" styl X-E1 which got my started with Fuji then I stupidly sold it and bought the XT1, XT2, and XH1.  I've always loved the X-E1 so when Fuji came out with the 50R for me it was the BEST of both worlds.  Medium Format (harking back to my Mamiya 645 AFD Film cameras) AND a rangefinder style.  Now, I've owned the 50r since November and I must say I try and use it for everything as much as possible.  I've even used the 50R to shoot a children's soccer match -- which I do not recommend LOL. Anyway, I ramble.  Except for one thing:  I love the small form factor of my X-E1 as it fit in my work briefcase so I now have the 27mm 2.8 pancake mounted on my X-T1 which is comparably tiny and carry that to the office and back.  However, there is no comparison to using the 50r.  If you can afford it, and maybe justify it's use and expense, I'd go for that.  But if you are only shooting for online purposes then it's overkill. I shoot for various agencies, plus stock doing travel and landscape and the camera will pay for itself in a matter of a year or so; plus, as a small business I can depreciate it and save some tax.  Hope that helps somewhat, but I would sit and consider what it is you want to accomplish and how to go about it.  and as you may have read in my profile I have never ever shot street, and never will as I can't stand people. LOL so I can't help. you there.  Good Luck and please let the community know what you've decided.
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    jlmphotos reacted to Photonics in Who's opinion do you most trust on Youtube about Fuji?   
    I think this is a much better way to interact with people with a certain topic or subject. So you can answer any questions much more targeted and also show practical solutions. Some things can also be discussed more easily and openly.
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    jlmphotos got a reaction from Photonics in What don't you like about the new GFX 50R?   
    The LCD only works horizontally (?). If you place the camera in a portrait/vertical orientation the rear LCD does not title upward like the XT2, X-H1 and other cameras.
    Hope that help.
  4. Thanks
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Jazz1 in XH-1 in 2020   
    I returned my XT3 for the XH1.  I couldn't be happier.  I also own the GFX50R medium format which is honestly my favorite, but the XH1 always goes with me.  
  5. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to Joe500 in Only 26mp on the TX4 ...   
    Good advice Jorge; thanks for your thoughts - and best wishes for the big print plans!
  6. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from aboudd in Remove LCD back screen on GFX50R   
    I think that's insane.  Why not get a protective glass cover over it, then use Gafer tape to seal it up instead of destroying the aesthetics and maybe, just maybe the functionality of the camera.  Just sayin'
  7. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Photonics in Remove LCD back screen on GFX50R   
    I think that's insane.  Why not get a protective glass cover over it, then use Gafer tape to seal it up instead of destroying the aesthetics and maybe, just maybe the functionality of the camera.  Just sayin'
  8. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from le boecere in Fujifilm X-T camera type only for stills   
    I'd love that thought.  Between my XT1, XT2, and XH1 I have used the video function no more than five times in seven years of ownership.  Now I own the GFX 50r and why the hell does that beast have video!?  It makes absolutely no sense other than to satisfy a few users who must have video. I have never liked video, and don't even shoot video with my iPhone.
  9. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Wolla in Any owners of 18-55 f/2.8-4 AND 23mm f/2?   
    I'm going to be the contrarian here I suppose.  The 18-55 is my "don't leave home without it lens"  period.  I also own a bunch of primes (as you may note in my signature)  including the 23 1.4 which is amazing!
    As a matter of fact I'm headed out for a four day long, out of state job this weekend and I'm packing the 16 1.4, the 35 1.4, and the 60mm 2.4.  And, just in case, the 18-55 will be in my bag.
    I truly will try not to pull the 18-55 out of the bag as I'm trying to use my primes more.  We shall see.
  10. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Anton C. in Acros film simulation   
    Well, the raw is always in color no matter what.  However, if you use the FREE version of Capture one 12,   I own the full Pro version of C1 v12 and I can change the raw file into whatever I want from a drop down menu. It has all the Fuji profiles.
  11. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from fireman1961 in Fuji X-T2 vs. Nikon D750 for Image quality   
    I sold off my Nikon D800 & D800e when I switched to Fuji together with a boatload of Nikon glass.  Have never looked back.  Largest I've printed (and this from ONLY 16mp X-T1 was a 30" x 20" and it was SPECTACULAR!
    With my X-T2 I've printed up to 13 x 19 and 16 x 20 with amazing results.  The savings in weight alone were worth it for me. I shoot travel/stock/landscape images and no one, ever has complained about the lack of resolution to me yet.
  12. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to milandro in Black blobs on my photos   
    Looking at the scene I think that another reason why you may have had sensor problems is the climate that you are operating your camera in.
    Tropical or subtropical climate is very bad for sensors when you go in an out of air conditioned areas.
    It is impossible to avoid that a layer of condensation forms on all glass surfaces, which includes the sensor.
    Of course, this is the moment in which you may be prone to cause particles to stick to the sensor if you don’t wait for the condensation to disappear.
    I have had these conditions in Cuba and the Dominican Republic so I am assuming that you might have encountered similar situations.
    This are probably so big particles to be visible with the naked eye . I have bought a magnifier lens with a ring of leds to inspect the sensor after having had several bad experiences.
    Of course you can first start by blowing clean air (don’t use a spray canister by all means they often contain droplets which will soil the sensor) although most of the times this is useless.
    After that you go to a wet clear or a gel clean.
    When cleaning the sensor remember than NOT all products are equally recommended for Fuji sensors.
    Rather than do it yourself, have the shop do this for you. The potential for causing havoc is very high if you don’t know what you are doing.
    Fortunately my shop does this for free as a complimentary service 
  13. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Golden Oxen in landscapes with fuji x   
  14. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from claude in XF16mm vs. XF23mm   
    As I've mentioned before here there are two lenses that are my "never leave home without".  They are the 18-55, and my 16 1.4  The 16 is truly amazing.  Fantastic bokeh and shallow DOF, can work wonders as a make shift macro, lovely wide, balances nicely on myX-T1,  And just FEELS GOOD.
    I have many other lenses, but those two are my staple lenses.  Happy Travels
  15. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from pete1959 in Concerned about moving from DSLR to Fuji again!   
    I owned the 56 1.2 for about a week.  Was shooting an event in a very well lit area.  POS refused to lock focus on the first, second and sometimes third or fourth attempt.  I switched over to my 35 1.4, and the 18-55 and it was bliss after that.  That happened on a Sunday.  The 56 went back on Monday.  Never again.  The amount of $ Fuji wants for that lens is not worth it (to me). Screw the "bokeh"  I can get just as nice with my 35 1.4, and with a manual 50 1.8 M42 screw mount pentacon
  16. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to Mike G in X-T2 Freezes   
    Good news, today my repaired X-T2 returned to my sweaty little hands. 
      According to the document enclosed the Main PWB was replaced as was the top plate. Also the camera firmware was updated to 2.11, so just maybe part of the problem was firmware related?   All this cost me not a penny due to the camera being just in the warranty period which runs out in September, well done Fuji. It now looks like a new camera as the top plate replacement also meant that the dials which had a dodgy numeral paint have obviously replaced when the top plate was changed. It's nice to have it back, and as a bonus it came with a 126 battery installed which I had no sent back with it. I can stop biting my fingernails now.
  17. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to Mike G in X-T2 Freezes   
    NWPhoto, it was not to have a go at you, but those irritating so called "you tube" experts who spout a lot but know very little! In the short time I've had my X-T2 and used both types of battery, which are essentially the same thing, without any trouble. My understanding is that the original 126 batteries created heat when under heavy drain caused by using the video function, so the internal battery circuits have been rearranged/rewired to lessen the heat build up, as far as I can ascertain.
    Would Fuji really not warn their customers of potential problems with their batteries, I don't think so!
    As to SD cards I only use Sandisk or Lexar as I don't trust other makes! I also only buy the fastest that I can afford!
    Regards Mike
  18. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to woodlander in So Excited!!!   
    I never leave home without mine either. I have used it a lot and been very happy with the results.
  19. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to photobob in Things I dont like about my X- T2   
    Thanks for the responses especially jlmphotos .
    ​Right about one thing as you use a system it gets easier.... it took a while to format the cards without searching the menus, but now I 've got it.
    Although I complained about the shutter button height , it was more defined than other cameras I have owned. Just nit picking.
    I retired from the business years ago and reclaimed my amateur status . When digital came around I couldn't resist taking a few jobs as long as my knees held out.
    Now I 'm shooting mostly for pleasure and some volunteer event coverage .
    Sold all of the big heavy stuff and now have a X-T2 and 3 zooms covering 10 - 200 mm also a cheap fisheye.  I dropped over half the weight and am having twice the fun.
    The X-T2 is, hands down, the best camera I've ever owned.
    High ISO's make available light the preferred method of most casual photographers. Unfortunately many talented photographers are ignoring the use of flash, which when mastered can make huge difference , especially in portraiture.   
  20. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to mph in X-T2 Rear Command Dial   
    I'm glad it's not just me!
  21. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Spike666 in Lightroom for x-trans... seriously?   
    I process and submit quite a number of images to stock agencies.  I have yet had one be rejected for the "watercolor" effect.  Now I've had rejections due to my stupidity and/or negligence in not checking certain things in the frame, but never, ever due to that effect. So, even though I own Silkypix and Iridient, I use LR for 99.00% of my image processing.  
    Honestly, it's not that big of a deal "when" it occurs (to me) and my way of shooting.
  22. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from CiCi in I did it! I went and got me another 18-55!   
    Well my friends I went and done it!
    Some of you guys who have been here a while may recall my daughter "borrowed" my X-T1 and my "don't leave home without it lens" the Fuji 18-55.  For the last several months I've been photographing using my primes only -- the fabulous 16 f1.4, the 23 1.4, 35 1.4, and 60 2.4 plus the 55-200 zoom.  And I loved doing that.  I've truly enjoyed making images as I have to be slower, and more thoughtful in the process plus, let's face reality, the primes will always beat a zoom with regards to sharpness, and micro-contrast among other things.
    However, the 18-55 is a lens I cannot live without!  I love it.  There I said it.  If I loved it any more I'd have to name it and provide it it's own ss number for tax purposes.  
    I do plan on continuing to use primes for most of my images as I really enjoyed using them and have weened myself off the zoom, but I will feel much better knowing my 18-55 is back in my bag just in case I need it!
    To be completely honest:  I looked at the 16-55 2.8.  Many of you who "know me" know that I've said I would never purchase this lens, and it's brother the 50-140 2.8 due to 1) the weight  and 2) price.  I looked at the 16-55 2.8, i thought about it, but I just couldn't bring myself to purchase this heavy, and expensive lens when for a quarter of the price my 18-55 works wonders, is super tack sharp, and has provided me with YEARS of use -- my original 18-55 was the kit lens that came on my Fuji X-E1 I purchased back in February 2013!
    This image below is one of over 16,000 images I have taken in various locations ranging from Key West, to Prince Edward Island in Northern Canada between mid-July, and early November.  I believe I "lost" the 18-55 to my daughter when I returned from the Keys and was prepping to head north -- this image was in fact taken with the 18-55 lens.
    So, I'm now whole again and I couldn't be happier knowing it's there in case I need it.
    PS:  Here in the Classifieds I'm offering for sale my Zeiss/Touit 12mm F2.8 lens.  Check it out if you are in the market for a wide-angle for your Fuji!

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  23. Like
    jlmphotos reacted to JanV in I did it! I went and got me another 18-55!   
    ...and so did I for exactly the same reason.
    My daughter borrowed my X-T10 with the 18-55.
    The X-T10 I have replaced already.
    Now I found a 18-55 for AUD 415 (Black Friday offer).
    / Jan
  24. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from asathor in I did it! I went and got me another 18-55!   
    Well my friends I went and done it!
    Some of you guys who have been here a while may recall my daughter "borrowed" my X-T1 and my "don't leave home without it lens" the Fuji 18-55.  For the last several months I've been photographing using my primes only -- the fabulous 16 f1.4, the 23 1.4, 35 1.4, and 60 2.4 plus the 55-200 zoom.  And I loved doing that.  I've truly enjoyed making images as I have to be slower, and more thoughtful in the process plus, let's face reality, the primes will always beat a zoom with regards to sharpness, and micro-contrast among other things.
    However, the 18-55 is a lens I cannot live without!  I love it.  There I said it.  If I loved it any more I'd have to name it and provide it it's own ss number for tax purposes.  
    I do plan on continuing to use primes for most of my images as I really enjoyed using them and have weened myself off the zoom, but I will feel much better knowing my 18-55 is back in my bag just in case I need it!
    To be completely honest:  I looked at the 16-55 2.8.  Many of you who "know me" know that I've said I would never purchase this lens, and it's brother the 50-140 2.8 due to 1) the weight  and 2) price.  I looked at the 16-55 2.8, i thought about it, but I just couldn't bring myself to purchase this heavy, and expensive lens when for a quarter of the price my 18-55 works wonders, is super tack sharp, and has provided me with YEARS of use -- my original 18-55 was the kit lens that came on my Fuji X-E1 I purchased back in February 2013!
    This image below is one of over 16,000 images I have taken in various locations ranging from Key West, to Prince Edward Island in Northern Canada between mid-July, and early November.  I believe I "lost" the 18-55 to my daughter when I returned from the Keys and was prepping to head north -- this image was in fact taken with the 18-55 lens.
    So, I'm now whole again and I couldn't be happier knowing it's there in case I need it.
    PS:  Here in the Classifieds I'm offering for sale my Zeiss/Touit 12mm F2.8 lens.  Check it out if you are in the market for a wide-angle for your Fuji!

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  25. Like
    jlmphotos got a reaction from Arthur in I did it! I went and got me another 18-55!   
    Well my friends I went and done it!
    Some of you guys who have been here a while may recall my daughter "borrowed" my X-T1 and my "don't leave home without it lens" the Fuji 18-55.  For the last several months I've been photographing using my primes only -- the fabulous 16 f1.4, the 23 1.4, 35 1.4, and 60 2.4 plus the 55-200 zoom.  And I loved doing that.  I've truly enjoyed making images as I have to be slower, and more thoughtful in the process plus, let's face reality, the primes will always beat a zoom with regards to sharpness, and micro-contrast among other things.
    However, the 18-55 is a lens I cannot live without!  I love it.  There I said it.  If I loved it any more I'd have to name it and provide it it's own ss number for tax purposes.  
    I do plan on continuing to use primes for most of my images as I really enjoyed using them and have weened myself off the zoom, but I will feel much better knowing my 18-55 is back in my bag just in case I need it!
    To be completely honest:  I looked at the 16-55 2.8.  Many of you who "know me" know that I've said I would never purchase this lens, and it's brother the 50-140 2.8 due to 1) the weight  and 2) price.  I looked at the 16-55 2.8, i thought about it, but I just couldn't bring myself to purchase this heavy, and expensive lens when for a quarter of the price my 18-55 works wonders, is super tack sharp, and has provided me with YEARS of use -- my original 18-55 was the kit lens that came on my Fuji X-E1 I purchased back in February 2013!
    This image below is one of over 16,000 images I have taken in various locations ranging from Key West, to Prince Edward Island in Northern Canada between mid-July, and early November.  I believe I "lost" the 18-55 to my daughter when I returned from the Keys and was prepping to head north -- this image was in fact taken with the 18-55 lens.
    So, I'm now whole again and I couldn't be happier knowing it's there in case I need it.
    PS:  Here in the Classifieds I'm offering for sale my Zeiss/Touit 12mm F2.8 lens.  Check it out if you are in the market for a wide-angle for your Fuji!

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