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  1. Steve, Are you shooting in RAW and processing your files or trying to achieve a jpeg white balance? I am curious since it is so easy to adjust WB in post with RAW files. FWIW, . In the case of a jpeg, it is burnt in. WB has no effect on a RAW file, it is an applied setting in the exif data after the image is taken and read by exif aware photo editors after the fact. Regards, David
  2. MK, This looks like what I do in Astrophotography with software like Pixinsight. The link you sent is where you create your own darks for your particular camera. If it is like AP photography, the darks are used to calibrate your normal light frames and are specific to each camera as every sensor is a bit difference in noise. I can't see much point in using the profile of my X-T30 on somebody else X-T30, it would improperly remove noise. You need to make your own files and move them into Darktable per the instructions. Frankly, looks like a pain for normal photography.
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