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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Golden Oxen

    CHEYENNE - Frederick Remington

    Fujifilm X-T30 105mm Fujifilm 70-300mm ISO 2500 1-200 sec f 4/5 NoFlash
    1 point
  2. ExifTool can do what you are asking for. https://exiftool.org It is very powerful, so be careful. You might also look for EXIF editors in your favorite app store, many of these let you batch modify information, but prices vary as the saying goes.
    1 point
  3. I've only had one issue with ONE camera (Fujifilm S2 Pro) and that includes owning between 1973 and today: Minolta SR-T101 (my sister still owns it) Minolta X-E7 ( I still own it and it still works) Digital: Fuji 4900z 4.3 megapixel - outstanding camera Nikon 8700 8mp - never had an issue through sale Nikon 300 6mp - never had an issue through sale Nikon D700 12mp - Still use it and still works perfectly with over 200,000 images RB67 Pro Medium Format 2 ea Mamiya 645 AFD Medium Format 2 ea Yashicamat Twin Lens reflex Fujifilm S1 Pro - ONE of the BEST early digital cameras with gorgeous colors and a Base ISO of 320, 3.2mp Fujifilm S2 Pro. The S2 Pro developed a bad sensor and Fuji in Edison replaced the sensor, and shutter free of charge with a. two day turnaround after I dropped it off. X-E1 - never had an issue X-T1 still own it. Rubber grip started to come loose and I used gorilla glue to fix it X-T2 Camera took a salt water bath and self-destructed. Not worth repairing per Fuji's repair estimate, sold for parts X-H1 - Still shoot with it never had an issue G50R and 100S. -- Haven't had an issue. Fingers crossed I don't
    1 point
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