@VictorM I see you already got the X-E3 and I have this camera and love it. I also have the GFX50R which I think is a great landscape camera. It's big, it's heavy and therefore it is what I call my intentional camera, I pick it up when I'm going out specifically for a shoot. My X-E3 on the other hand is light and when over my shoulder easy to forget about, it my everyday carry everywhere camera.
I really like your train photos. I've seen the RJ Corman diesels in New Philadelphia, OH.
Perhaps you can label future photos with the area they were taken in?
Many thanks for sharing.
I had this same problem, and after trying a lot of things, I tried a different cable, and it did the trick. It may be that the cable that comes with the camera is not Apple-certified, so the computer doesn't recognize it. I've had this happen with other devices.